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Thread: Thanks Obama

  1. #121
    Gold Kuntmissioner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    None because I never went to prison you fuck wad.


    you're an idiot.
    Come on ass hole. That's what you have bragged about since you got here. That and delivering a $100 gallon of paint.

    Pretty sure Larry only bragged about... probation.

  2. #122
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuntmissioner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post

    Come on ass hole. That's what you have bragged about since you got here. That and delivering a $100 gallon of paint.

    Pretty sure Larry only bragged about... probation.
    Still a fucking criminal. A drain on society. He'll be a convict soon enough if he isn't already.
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers? News flash, your 4yr degree in liberal arts isn't going to lead to a magical 6 figure job.

    Education wise a 4yr degree in liberal arts most of the time is the same as a 2yr degree, which FYI you can usually get for free (just ask Ken). To get a real job, you would need to get a master at least for it to matter.

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.
    Handicapme is now Hannity

    Way to frame the debate with a conservative spin, I can do that too.

    Can someone explain to me why Israel believes it's their right to get $10 million every day for the next ten years at the expense of the US tax payers?

    Nice try, next.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers? News flash, your 4yr degree in liberal arts isn't going to lead to a magical 6 figure job.

    Education wise a 4yr degree in liberal arts most of the time is the same as a 2yr degree, which FYI you can usually get for free (just ask Ken). To get a real job, you would need to get a master at least for it to matter.

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.
    Handicapme is now Hannity

    Way to frame the debate with a conservative spin, I can do that too.

    Can someone explain to me why Israel believes it's their right to get $10 million every day for the next ten years at the expense of the US tax payers?

    Nice try, next.
    For one, we send our military equipment to Israel for it to be improved.

    Israel, per capita, has the highest amount of engineers and startups I believe outside of US. Can you see why it would be smart to attract such talent? Top 7 of 10 high paying jobs are engineer related.

    The only thing the Palestinians are exporting for 221 million is Linda Sarsour and suicide bombings.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSA View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post

    Handicapme is now Hannity

    Way to frame the debate with a conservative spin, I can do that too.

    Can someone explain to me why Israel believes it's their right to get $10 million every day for the next ten years at the expense of the US tax payers?

    Nice try, next.
    For one, we send our military equipment to Israel for it to be improved.

    Israel, per capita, has the highest amount of engineers and startups I believe outside of US. Can you see why it would be smart to attract such talent? Top 7 of 10 high paying jobs are engineer related.

    The only thing the Palestinians are exporting for 221 million is Linda Sarsour and suicide bombings.
    Hmm yea you're probably right, I was thinking it had something to do with AIPAC and the military industrial complex's lobbyists giving our lawmakers obscene amounts of cash, fake news obv.
    Nader breaks it down in 17 seconds.

      OSA: nader is a noted antisemite
      MumblesBadly: Offset the knee-jerk anti-Semite accusation

  6. #126
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers? News flash, your 4yr degree in liberal arts isn't going to lead to a magical 6 figure job.

    Education wise a 4yr degree in liberal arts most of the time is the same as a 2yr degree, which FYI you can usually get for free (just ask Ken). To get a real job, you would need to get a master at least for it to matter.

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.

    Funny thing. I was listening to the old shows playing on the radio, when I come across a show where you donated to the free roll, but excluded Hockey Guy. I think it's a june episode with the follow up to the whole Moskow thing. Anyhoo, Hockey guy gets on there and says that you charged back on your credit card because you lost on a poker site. And that got me thinking about this thread, and your little diatribe up there. You're a thief, and by the looks of the post up there, a fucking hypocrite, because you accuse people who want free college of not working hard enough, when you yourself are a fucking thief. regardless of the fact it was a credit card company, and we could give fuck all about what they do, but more to the point that you thought that was on ok thing to do. A real man admits his losses and pays his debts. You didn't do either if you pulled that.

    you can fuckin' call me what you want, but i've never had to scumbag a credit card to wipe out a night of degen gambling or whatever you were doing.

    thief AND hypocrite. add those up my niggah.

      jsearles22: Got heem
      MumblesBadly: He's the worst kind of thief: a banker!
    "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."

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  7. #127
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers? News flash, your 4yr degree in liberal arts isn't going to lead to a magical 6 figure job.

    Education wise a 4yr degree in liberal arts most of the time is the same as a 2yr degree, which FYI you can usually get for free (just ask Ken). To get a real job, you would need to get a master at least for it to matter.

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.

    Funny thing. I was listening to the old shows playing on the radio, when I come across a show where you donated to the free roll, but excluded Hockey Guy. I think it's a june episode with the follow up to the whole Moskow thing. Anyhoo, Hockey guy gets on there and says that you charged back on your credit card because you lost on a poker site. And that got me thinking about this thread, and your little diatribe up there. You're a thief, and by the looks of the post up there, a fucking hypocrite, because you accuse people who want free college of not working hard enough, when you yourself are a fucking thief. regardless of the fact it was a credit card company, and we could give fuck all about what they do, but more to the point that you thought that was on ok thing to do. A real man admits his losses and pays his debts. You didn't do either if you pulled that.

    you can fuckin' call me what you want, but i've never had to scumbag a credit card to wipe out a night of degen gambling or whatever you were doing.

    thief AND hypocrite. add those up my niggah.

    DaaaaaMn! Handicap just got knocked the fuck out
    It's hilarious that we as a society think everyone can be a dr, a lawyer, an engineer. Some people are just fucking stupid. Why can't we just accept that?

  8. #128
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    it's been explained. it's because we're not supposed to be a 3rd world shit hole that doesn't educate it's citizens, yet here we are. For profit schools, and student loans that have interest rates so large, the Mafia is taking notes. I can go get a shitty fucking car loan from the payday loan place with less vig.

    you're another fucking jerkoff who got lucky and someone obviously paid for your college, or you're not telling us how much debt you incurred just going to whatever school you went to, to get whatever degree you have. Its one or the other. One's the normal thing, the other is pure fucking luck. which is it for you?

    You're right, you already do pay for shit you see 0 benefit from. Like War. Corporate Tax breaks. Can you explain to me why companies like Walmart game the system for billions every year but we don't call the Walton family free loaders? Can you explain to me why we spend so much money on war?

    you can't.

    sorry handijob, but you got lucky. face it.

    oh and here's a list of a few countries that have free college. none of them are in the 3rd world. and all are places you'd love to fucking live.

    I paid for my own college fully by scholarships and my own money but finished with 25k of debt (which FYI I didn't need but took to have a cushion). My debt was paid off 3 months after I got my diploma (from my own funds). Yes I got lucky to get an interview which ultimately propelled me into my current role, BUT I didn't get lucky getting the internship/fulltime offer, I worked my fucking brown ass off and was a top performer, so fuck you.

    Shit in the real world has never been handed to me, I've had to work my ass off to get everything I currently have. You on the other hand cry about free education and all the "greed"... motherfucker you were a shitty drug dealer who got snitched on by the guy fucking your pedo milf while you "DJ". Talk about taking the easy route... keep crying your liberal fucking tears begging for me to pay more than my fucking fair share.

    A 4 yr degree shouldn't be for everyone and if it is than I shouldn't have to pay for it out of my own pocket. Now if they gave scholarships to a selective population of high preforming students, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for that over say funding Cuckmouse's subsidized healthcare being used for therapy because you have meltdowns during "DJ" sessions.

    "Lucky"... fuck you. Go stab some Nazi's ankle.
    In Laffer's book, anyone who works hard and becomes successful got "lucky". It's pretty lol but the typical mindset of a born loser. Laffer needs to move away from his hell hole to a place that offers some opportunity and a different way of thinking.

    It's also lol that Laffer thinks I'll ever actually need SS or Medicare. He will. He's poor. Laffer, I have that house and still save over 50% of what I make a year. When you hit a certain income threshold it's pretty easy to save a boatload because it all doesn't have to go towards rent and an Audi. Imagine making over $400k a year. How would you spend it? This is an honest question and not intended as a put down. Remember there is no state income tax down here and a large percentage of that income is either not taxed (MLP distibutions) or taxed at a lower rate (dividends). I make close to $150k a year this way.

    When I was Laffer's age I was in a similar situation as him except I lived in the hell hole of CT instead of Shitcago. Basically the same place in my book. Instead of an A4 I drove a 328ci, both faggot wannabe cars. It's never too late Laffer but you need to change your mindset for sure. Most rational people grow out of liberalism by your age. We all basically start out with your mindset because who doesn't want something for free because it's, well free. Once you get a little older and realize what "free" means you kinda change that mindset.

    I don't really want to get too deep into my thoughts on college however the pure hate liberalism they are teaching is lol and is fast tracking the next generation to lead us into zero growth and bankruptcy. Luckily Trump is reversing a lot of the bs executive orders which is a start.

      Tellafriend: born loser = LL

  9. #129
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post

    I paid for my own college fully by scholarships and my own money but finished with 25k of debt (which FYI I didn't need but took to have a cushion). My debt was paid off 3 months after I got my diploma (from my own funds). Yes I got lucky to get an interview which ultimately propelled me into my current role, BUT I didn't get lucky getting the internship/fulltime offer, I worked my fucking brown ass off and was a top performer, so fuck you.

    Shit in the real world has never been handed to me, I've had to work my ass off to get everything I currently have. You on the other hand cry about free education and all the "greed"... motherfucker you were a shitty drug dealer who got snitched on by the guy fucking your pedo milf while you "DJ". Talk about taking the easy route... keep crying your liberal fucking tears begging for me to pay more than my fucking fair share.

    A 4 yr degree shouldn't be for everyone and if it is than I shouldn't have to pay for it out of my own pocket. Now if they gave scholarships to a selective population of high preforming students, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for that over say funding Cuckmouse's subsidized healthcare being used for therapy because you have meltdowns during "DJ" sessions.

    "Lucky"... fuck you. Go stab some Nazi's ankle.
    In Laffer's book, anyone who works hard and becomes successful got "lucky". It's pretty lol but the typical mindset of a born loser. Laffer needs to move away from his hell hole to a place that offers some opportunity and a different way of thinking.

    It's also lol that Laffer thinks I'll ever actually need SS or Medicare. He will. He's poor. Laffer, I have that house and still save over 50% of what I make a year. When you hit a certain income threshold it's pretty easy to save a boatload because it all doesn't have to go towards rent and an Audi. Imagine making over $400k a year. How would you spend it? This is an honest question and not intended as a put down. Remember there is no state income tax down here and a large percentage of that income is either not taxed (MLP distibutions) or taxed at a lower rate (dividends). I make close to $150k a year this way.

    When I was Laffer's age I was in a similar situation as him except I lived in the hell hole of CT instead of Shitcago. Basically the same place in my book. Instead of an A4 I drove a 328ci, both faggot wannabe cars. It's never too late Laffer but you need to change your mindset for sure. Most rational people grow out of liberalism by your age. We all basically start out with your mindset because who doesn't want something for free because it's, well free. Once you get a little older and realize what "free" means you kinda change that mindset.

    I don't really want to get too deep into my thoughts on college however the pure hate liberalism they are teaching is lol and is fast tracking the next generation to lead us into zero growth and bankruptcy. Luckily Trump is reversing a lot of the bs executive orders which is a start.
    tldr, you're a racist. so i don't give a fuck what you say, or think.

    "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."

    George Steinbrenner

  10. #130
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers? News flash, your 4yr degree in liberal arts isn't going to lead to a magical 6 figure job.

    Education wise a 4yr degree in liberal arts most of the time is the same as a 2yr degree, which FYI you can usually get for free (just ask Ken). To get a real job, you would need to get a master at least for it to matter.

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.

    Funny thing. I was listening to the old shows playing on the radio, when I come across a show where you donated to the free roll, but excluded Hockey Guy. I think it's a june episode with the follow up to the whole Moskow thing. Anyhoo, Hockey guy gets on there and says that you charged back on your credit card because you lost on a poker site. And that got me thinking about this thread, and your little diatribe up there. You're a thief, and by the looks of the post up there, a fucking hypocrite, because you accuse people who want free college of not working hard enough, when you yourself are a fucking thief. regardless of the fact it was a credit card company, and we could give fuck all about what they do, but more to the point that you thought that was on ok thing to do. A real man admits his losses and pays his debts. You didn't do either if you pulled that.

    you can fuckin' call me what you want, but i've never had to scumbag a credit card to wipe out a night of degen gambling or whatever you were doing.

    thief AND hypocrite. add those up my niggah.
    It was daily fantasy sports not poker.

    For your reading pleasure:

    You'll notice that is was almost unanimous that it was unethical but he did it anyways. It was also a fairly large consensus that if he was going to do that then he should just back charge from both sites & get out of daily fantasy sports totally but of course he couldn't do that because he was winning on the 1 site which just happened to employ the "cheaters" that were winning on the other site.

    He also started this thread within a few weeks where he was running a contest & giving away $150 worth of squares to other posters:

    You'll notice I did not take part.
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  11. #131
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    Funny thing. I was listening to the old shows playing on the radio, when I come across a show where you donated to the free roll, but excluded Hockey Guy. I think it's a june episode with the follow up to the whole Moskow thing. Anyhoo, Hockey guy gets on there and says that you charged back on your credit card because you lost on a poker site. And that got me thinking about this thread, and your little diatribe up there. You're a thief, and by the looks of the post up there, a fucking hypocrite, because you accuse people who want free college of not working hard enough, when you yourself are a fucking thief. regardless of the fact it was a credit card company, and we could give fuck all about what they do, but more to the point that you thought that was on ok thing to do. A real man admits his losses and pays his debts. You didn't do either if you pulled that.

    you can fuckin' call me what you want, but i've never had to scumbag a credit card to wipe out a night of degen gambling or whatever you were doing.

    thief AND hypocrite. add those up my niggah.
    It was daily fantasy sports not poker.

    For your reading pleasure:

    You'll notice that is was almost unanimous that it was unethical but he did it anyways. It was also a fairly large consensus that if he was going to do that then he should just back charge from both sites & get out of daily fantasy sports totally but of course he couldn't do that because he was winning on the 1 site which just happened to employ the "cheaters" that were winning on the other site.

    He also started this thread within a few weeks where he was running a contest & giving away $150 worth of squares to other posters:

    You'll notice I did not take part.
    LoL usually i'm really good with the search function, however, I didn't try to use it this time. Good thing too, bc I would've been searching the wrong criteria , and i'm not about to root through this retards posts.

    that's a fucking LOL thread. thanks for the linq

      Tellafriend: the worst of the worst
    "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."

    George Steinbrenner

  12. #132
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post

    In Laffer's book, anyone who works hard and becomes successful got "lucky". It's pretty lol but the typical mindset of a born loser. Laffer needs to move away from his hell hole to a place that offers some opportunity and a different way of thinking.

    It's also lol that Laffer thinks I'll ever actually need SS or Medicare. He will. He's poor. Laffer, I have that house and still save over 50% of what I make a year. When you hit a certain income threshold it's pretty easy to save a boatload because it all doesn't have to go towards rent and an Audi. Imagine making over $400k a year. How would you spend it? This is an honest question and not intended as a put down. Remember there is no state income tax down here and a large percentage of that income is either not taxed (MLP distibutions) or taxed at a lower rate (dividends). I make close to $150k a year this way.

    When I was Laffer's age I was in a similar situation as him except I lived in the hell hole of CT instead of Shitcago. Basically the same place in my book. Instead of an A4 I drove a 328ci, both faggot wannabe cars. It's never too late Laffer but you need to change your mindset for sure. Most rational people grow out of liberalism by your age. We all basically start out with your mindset because who doesn't want something for free because it's, well free. Once you get a little older and realize what "free" means you kinda change that mindset.

    I don't really want to get too deep into my thoughts on college however the pure hate liberalism they are teaching is lol and is fast tracking the next generation to lead us into zero growth and bankruptcy. Luckily Trump is reversing a lot of the bs executive orders which is a start.
    tldr, you're a racist. so i don't give a fuck what you say, or think.

    No problem Larry Laffer. Keep making excuses and resenting anyone who has more than you do.....which is most everyone. It's a good look for you. BTW, your balls are showing.

    I'll save my generating a SS beating income during retirement post for another day I guess. Your loss.

  13. #133
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    tldr, you're a racist. so i don't give a fuck what you say, or think.

    No problem Larry Laffer. Keep making excuses and resenting anyone who has more than you do.....which is most everyone. It's a good look for you. BTW, your balls are showing.

    I'll save my generating a SS beating income during retirement post for another day I guess. Your loss.
    how close is your new house to a trailer park or waste treatment plant. because the land had to be cheap for you to afford it.
    "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."

    George Steinbrenner

  14. #134
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post

    It was daily fantasy sports not poker.

    For your reading pleasure:

    You'll notice that is was almost unanimous that it was unethical but he did it anyways. It was also a fairly large consensus that if he was going to do that then he should just back charge from both sites & get out of daily fantasy sports totally but of course he couldn't do that because he was winning on the 1 site which just happened to employ the "cheaters" that were winning on the other site.

    He also started this thread within a few weeks where he was running a contest & giving away $150 worth of squares to other posters:

    You'll notice I did not take part.
    LoL usually i'm really good with the search function, however, I didn't try to use it this time. Good thing too, bc I would've been searching the wrong criteria , and i'm not about to root through this retards posts.

    that's a fucking LOL thread. thanks for the linq
    Many did not agree with what myself and my friends did, but others did. I sleep perfectly well with my decision and still make a nice peanut from daily sports. Some may think I'm a thief, but hey guess what... it's my own moral code I have to live up to not yours. What I did was perfect legal and fair according to my bank.

    I think being a wannabe leftwing midget drug dealer with no education and no drive to accomplish anything unless given to me is pretty fucking horrible, but you dont?

    Also hockeyguy... hi!
    "I GOT NO TOE"

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  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    tldr, you're a racist. so i don't give a fuck what you say, or think.

    No problem Larry Laffer. Keep making excuses and resenting anyone who has more than you do.....which is most everyone. It's a good look for you. BTW, your balls are showing.

    I'll save my generating a SS beating income during retirement post for another day I guess. Your loss.
    A few months back I tried to give the short little cuckmouse similar but more friendly advice, he dismissed me in a typical coddled SJW manner. He won't ever amount to anything and will get caught selling drugs and taking the easy way out again...
    "I GOT NO TOE"

    #FreeFluffler #FreeThisGuyIsCreepy #lockupGarrett

  16. #136
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post

    No problem Larry Laffer. Keep making excuses and resenting anyone who has more than you do.....which is most everyone. It's a good look for you. BTW, your balls are showing.

    I'll save my generating a SS beating income during retirement post for another day I guess. Your loss.
    A few months back I tried to give the short little cuckmouse similar but more friendly advice, he dismissed me in a typical coddled SJW manner. He won't ever amount to anything and will get caught selling drugs and taking the easy way out again...

    it was anything but friendly advice, and had i known i was dealing with a scamming asshole, i'd have responded accordingly back then. fuck you.

    you took the easy way out as well i see. charging back your credit cards. you scamming motherfucker. what moral high ground do you have? obviously none.

    go back to college and read an ethics book. you're probably just like those wells fargo idiots that got caught scamming customers a few months back. i guess your bank or whatever isn't big enough to be on anyones radar. but my guess is at the local branch of the local bank you work at you do the same thing.
    "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."

    George Steinbrenner

  17. #137
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post

    A few months back I tried to give the short little cuckmouse similar but more friendly advice, he dismissed me in a typical coddled SJW manner. He won't ever amount to anything and will get caught selling drugs and taking the easy way out again...

    it was anything but friendly advice, and had i known i was dealing with a scamming asshole, i'd have responded accordingly back then. fuck you.

    you took the easy way out as well i see. charging back your credit cards. you scamming motherfucker. what moral high ground do you have? obviously none.

    go back to college and read an ethics book. you're probably just like those wells fargo idiots that got caught scamming customers a few months back. i guess your bank or whatever isn't big enough to be on anyones radar. but my guess is at the local branch of the local bank you work at you do the same thing.
    When you get a few legal dollars I'll open you a checking account lol. Btw pretty sure this year I made more or on PAR than what a small time district retail bank manager would make. Guess I'm just a lucky scamming piece of shit?

      LarryLaffer: exactly what you are in fact.
      Pooh: laffer offset
    "I GOT NO TOE"

    #FreeFluffler #FreeThisGuyIsCreepy #lockupGarrett

  18. #138
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post

    A few months back I tried to give the short little cuckmouse similar but more friendly advice, he dismissed me in a typical coddled SJW manner. He won't ever amount to anything and will get caught selling drugs and taking the easy way out again...

    it was anything but friendly advice, and had i known i was dealing with a scamming asshole, i'd have responded accordingly back then. fuck you.

    you took the easy way out as well i see. charging back your credit cards. you scamming motherfucker. what moral high ground do you have? obviously none.

    go back to college and read an ethics book. you're probably just like those wells fargo idiots that got caught scamming customers a few months back. i guess your bank or whatever isn't big enough to be on anyones radar. but my guess is at the local branch of the local bank you work at you do the same thing.

    If you actually think handicapme is a bank teller or anything close to a bank teller then . He probably has the most white collar job on PFA.

      handicapme: Pretty much this.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tellafriend View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post

    ...motherfucker you were a shitty drug dealer who got snitched on by the guy fucking your pedo milf while you "DJ". Talk about taking the easy route... keep crying your liberal fucking tears begging for me to pay more than my fucking fair share.

  20. #140
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    fuck krypt
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    I should note that The lol was of the bodyslam gif not the actual post. I don't want rabid Larry turning on me.

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