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Thread: PROJEKT:SEP **SCAM** (Rolled: A Jasep Saga)

  1. #381
    *** SCAMMER *** Jasep's Avatar
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    Hello all,

    I am going to do my best to answer all the questions that were asked here. I realize that regardless of my answers there will be a certain number of people who don’t believe me or want to troll me, that’s fine. My only focus from this post forward is the future…

    Before I get started, let me say that yesterday I was pretty heated and snapped at a few people, didn’t mean to offend cmoney, didn't mean to call cokehead and the like trolls and certainly was never implying there was anything wrong with China’s BAP, that was just a response to it being mentioned…

    Also, I have contacted every one of my investors.

    Anyway, the questions/comments will be numbered and bold with my answer below; the questions will be paraphrased obviously..

    1.)Jasep was evicted….
    I was evicted from my very first apartment when I was 19-20 years old, my heat didn’t work and the place that managed the property was unresponsive to my requests, I was young and on my own and didn’t know the proper way to handle these things so I just moved out. Any other eviction is news to me.

    2.)Jasep was arrested….
    Yes, I was arrested. My daughter’s mother and I went through a messy custody battle and during that time she filed a report where she exaggerated the details of an actual event. In the end I reviewed all of my options with my lawyer and choose the option that we felt would create the least amount of friction in my daughter’s life and would expedite all 3 of us moving on and focusing on raising our kid. I am not going to go into greater detail here because I am not going to publish anything on the internet that speaks negatively of my daughter’s mother. At the time we disliked each other, now we get along very good. I see her twice a week and we communicate on the phone a lot. After the arrest me and her spoke and began working things out in a much more civilized way, my arrest still existed but I am pretty certain that if we had begun the steps to working out our problems much sooner it would have never happened.

    3.)Jasep claims to be a 10 year poker pro but has no online stats or a Hendon Mob page?
    I have no idea where this even comes from. I do have a Hendon Mob page, as well as a cardplayer page, etc, and I do have online stats, I have said in the past that I only played online minimally and I never really liked it, but I never said I didn’t play online. I was part of a stable of players that was being coached and staked by isport/daaaang. I didn’t get started playing much online until January of 2011, but I played and learned a lot in the time leading up to black Friday, my stars name was TrupQQ, you can go ahead and find me on OPR. Also, I have a page on the WPT site from a 10k I played and didn’t cash in 2005. The fact is 90% of the poker I have played over the last 12 years isn’t tracked by websites, I have traveled to play but most of my poker has been played at Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun and Private rooms in CT and RI. I never claimed to be anything that I am not, walk in to any poker room and you can point to a dozen or more guys who have no online presence but have been earning a living playing poker for decades. Anyone who has frequented either of the two major poker rooms that I play in will 100% recognize me.

    4.)There is no way to track his results so obviously he is lying to his backers or shaving.
    The entire project was outlined in advance and everyone knew there was going to be a huge amount of trust involved in participating, no one was ever under the impression that this would happen any other way and everyone who invested must have been comfortable with this. I filmed every day that I played, I am not an award winning actor, I am an honest person. Everything I reported is the truth and not one nickel was shaved, my backers had the option to decide if taking my word was good enough for them and everyone decided that it was, yesterday they were all given the option to again take my word and I will have no hard feelings if anyone chooses not to.

    5.)Jasep didn’t play the schedule lined out and makes excuse after excuse.
    This is kind of hyperbolic, but yeah I substituted days and times that were not originally part of the plan but were done in the best interest of all of us. I have always been very vulnerable to feeling shitty after spending some time away from a poker room and then going back with regularity. I am on the exact pace that my schedule originally called for and on days when I was sick or not feeling great the decision to not play and make the day up was made in the best interest of all of us. I am not going to go chunk off money simply because it is written on a schedule. I make decisions to protect my financial interests as well as my investors, everyone has to trust that if I miss a day there is a good reason for it and we are all better off if I don’t play that day. I became a poker player for the freedom it allows me, that freedom includes not playing if I feel like I will be at a disadvantage that day. With that said, I now have a regular schedule in mind taking in all the information I gathered in the last month and that schedule should be stuck to completely unless there are events going on that will create more value for us.

    6.)Your last name isn’t even Sep…
    I have never hidden my name from anyone, Sep is a shortened version of my name that I have been called pretty much since birth, my full last name is long and almost everyone says or spells it incorrectly, the 100 or so people that I have done paypal transactions with are all privy to my last name. My screen name was never even intended to be pronounced “JaySep” it was always intended to be J.A.Sep with my first and middle initial… Also my birth name wasn’t John, I am Hispanic, my birth name was Juan, I changed this in 2007 because literally no one ever called me Juan and I hate the name and changing it made me happy.

    7.)I was not able to find property in your name!!!
    So? I own 25% of a business that at one time owned 3 restaurants, 2 bars and a bunch of rental properties. Today that business owns one rental property and we sold everything else for profit over the course of the last 7 years. I don’t really see how its relevant but the restaurants names have been published and if any of my investors would like more details I would be happy to provide them privately.

    8.)Jasep is such a degenerate; his daughter doesn’t even have health insurance…
    This isn’t true, my daughter has tremendous health insurance through her mother’s job and every member of my current household has health insurance except me. There is a reasonable chance that I get married in the next 12-24 months and at that point I will have health insurance as well. Also, I don’t pit or slot gamble and if I am not in a game you can generally find me on my laptop or reading one of the free magazines, not firing away at the roulette table with bad intentions.

    9.)Jasep is going underground now that everyone knows he is a scammer…
    I am just as above ground as I have always been and I am not and never have been a scammer. Everyone who has invested in project Sep has 4 or 5 ways to get in touch with me including 2 phone numbers etc. if any of them ask they can also have my home address, I am not running or hiding from anything. I may take a break from radio for a week or 2 to find a new co-host and make some changes to VPR or I may do a shortened show this week but I will be back doing it as I always have.

    10.)Mark and Brandon left VPR because of this…
    You have to ask those guys their reasons for leaving and it is up to them if they want to share them with you. Like I said in the other thread, I consider both of them friends and have no hard feelings with them leaving and I wish them nothing but the best.

    I think that covers everything, I may have missed some questions, there is a lot of garbage in this thread. The main point that I want to get across is that I have been in communication with all of my backers and no one has been victimized or ripped off and I am more than willing to talk with any of them about it for as long as they need and give them whatever resolution they are comfortable with.

    Now, my job is to go play poker, and do the things I said I was going to do, I am going to play tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. And then I will be back on my updated regular schedule. So far my investors are solidly behind me and that is good enough for me. The results of this project will speak for themselves. Anyone is welcome to PM me on VPR if they have any questions.

  2. #382
    Bronze Cokehead's Avatar
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    Jasep thanks for answering the above. If you dont mind can you please answer a few more questions-

    1. You said you would pay out every Thursday night. The first week you did not do that and made some excuse, then said you played Friday and lost most of that weeks profits. That was huge red flag #1 to me. Can you explain why you didnt just pay out Thursday like you said?

    2. I dont think your private life is any of our business but Im sorry, I just dont believe you accepted a convction for something you didnt do, just so you could have less friction with your daughters mom. I think it would be better if you just told us the truth and that you made a mistake.

    3. Can you do anything to prove you still have the $$$ people invested? I think your critics here believe you took the money and spent it on other things and are just playing with a minimal roll and are pretending to have 5k behind.

    4. Can you explain why you waited so long between collecting the $$$ and starting to play? It looks like you purposely put a large gap of time in between. I have been a member of the staking community for many years (even posted on neverbeg in the past lol) and Ive never seen such a thing.

    BTW just to let u know, a few of your investors have sent me private messages and told me to keep pressing with these Qs cuz they are nervous. They said they would rather I do it than them because you are holding their $$$ and dont want to piss u off. So in case you think I am just some asshole or troll starting shit, Im really not.

      shoeshine box: A Chaampion

  3. #383
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    LOL at buying pieces of a guy's live action that you have never met.

    And holy shit, he turns out to be dodgy with trip reports, payouts etc?

    I may have to look more into this whole 'catfishing' phenomenon because for the life of me I cannot figure out how people can be so stupid with money.

  4. #384
    Silver Sandwich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post
    BTW just to let u know, a few of your investors have sent me private messages and told me to keep pressing with these Qs cuz they are nervous. They said they would rather I do it than them because you are holding their $$$ and dont want to piss u off. So in case you think I am just some asshole or troll starting shit, Im really not.
    LOL, "a few of [his] investors"?
    Why don't they ask him themselves, publicly or privately? He's given investors multiple ways to contact him.

  5. #385
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post
    Jasep thanks for answering the above. If you dont mind can you please answer a few more questions-

    1. You said you would pay out every Thursday night. The first week you did not do that and made some excuse, then said you played Friday and lost most of that weeks profits. That was huge red flag #1 to me. Can you explain why you didnt just pay out Thursday like you said?

    2. I dont think your private life is any of our business but Im sorry, I just dont believe you accepted a convction for something you didnt do, just so you could have less friction with your daughters mom. I think it would be better if you just told us the truth and that you made a mistake.

    3. Can you do anything to prove you still have the $$$ people invested? I think your critics here believe you took the money and spent it on other things and are just playing with a minimal roll and are pretending to have 5k behind.

    4. Can you explain why you waited so long between collecting the $$$ and starting to play? It looks like you purposely put a large gap of time in between. I have been a member of the staking community for many years (even posted on neverbeg in the past lol) and Ive never seen such a thing.

    BTW just to let u know, a few of your investors have sent me private messages and told me to keep pressing with these Qs cuz they are nervous. They said they would rather I do it than them because you are holding their $$$ and dont want to piss u off. So in case you think I am just some asshole or troll starting shit, Im really not.
    Seriously STFU. If his investors have been sending you private messages asking you to press him, they should just message him privately. I had one question that I took up privately and he answered it fully. I suggest that any other investor do the same, but I highly doubt anyone has contacted you saying this. Fuck off, you're just trying to start up shit again. Stay out of it.

  6. #386
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sandwich View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post
    BTW just to let u know, a few of your investors have sent me private messages and told me to keep pressing with these Qs cuz they are nervous. They said they would rather I do it than them because you are holding their $$$ and dont want to piss u off. So in case you think I am just some asshole or troll starting shit, Im really not.
    LOL, "a few of [his] investors"?
    Why don't they ask him themselves, publicly or privately? He's given investors multiple ways to contact him.
    He's just doing this for attention and drama like the fucking piece of shit he is. I suggest Jasep ignores everyone from here on out who is not an investor. At this point anything that needs to be asked should come from an investor not, a fucktard like this guy.

  7. #387
    Bronze Cokehead's Avatar
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    No I am not ratting out the people who contacted me.

    Why are you guys getting so pissed at me for stating the obv? Do you not think my points are valid here?

  8. #388
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post
    No I am not ratting out the people who contacted me.

    Why are you guys getting so pissed at me for stating the obv? Do you not think my points are valid here?
    If any of his actual investors want to ask him this, they should do so privately. He has already given out enough about his life to people who don't have any stake in this. If his investors want to ask him this, they have 4-5 ways of communicating with him. Stay out of it if it has NOTHING to do with you at this point.

  9. #389
    Bronze Cokehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post
    No I am not ratting out the people who contacted me.

    Why are you guys getting so pissed at me for stating the obv? Do you not think my points are valid here?
    If any of his actual investors want to ask him this, they should do so privately. He has already given out enough about his life to people who don't have any stake in this. If his investors want to ask him this, they have 4-5 ways of communicating with him. Stay out of it if it has NOTHING to do with you at this point.
    Excuse me but this is a public thread on a public forum. If u want this shit to stay private, do all of this thru PM or on a password protected forum on his site.

    If u start a thread here like this looking for stakes from the public then u should be willing to take the tough Qs.

  10. #390
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post
    No I am not ratting out the people who contacted me.

    Why are you guys getting so pissed at me for stating the obv? Do you not think my points are valid here?
    Are we still waiting for your silk road drug purchase trip report?

    Good post jasep

    OBV if jasep is fucking around he will get anhilated on this forum only crazy fuckers would do this.
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

  11. #391
    NoFraud Poker Room Manager Belly Buster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    all this other crap aside, can i get a tl;dr

    Jasep asks for stakes for Projekt Sep
    Stakes sell out quickly
    Genius points out backers have to trust Jasep
    Trolls fag up thread
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    BTW JACKDANIELS is the first one banned from the thread. He is accusing me of being "duped by a middle aged man who dresses like John Cena"

    NoFraud Online Poker Room: For password resets and reload requests PM me.

  12. #392
    Platinum JimmyG_415's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post

    BTW just to let u know, a few of your investors have sent me private messages and told me to keep pressing with these Qs cuz they are nervous. They said they would rather I do it than them because you are holding their $$$ and dont want to piss u off. So in case you think I am just some asshole or troll starting shit, Im really not.
    Are you fucking kidding me?
    So this implies you don't have any vested interest, too?
    If that is true I'm calling BS on the investors emailing you, and and If I was Jasep, "Go f your mother" would be my reply to all your questions.

    And if I read that wrong and you do have some, Fucking A, stop staking people.
    you don't have the risk tolerance.

    No one has money w/Jasep that they didn't know they could lose.
    We all knew the risks before hand and nothing has changed.

    No one has their life savings w/him.
    No one has enough money w/him to care as much as you 2 morons, who have a combined 0 cents at risk.

  13. #393
    Diamond shortbuspoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belly Buster View Post


    Jasep asks for stakes for Projekt Sep
    Stakes sell out quickly
    Genius points out backers have to trust Jasep
    Trolls fag up thread

  14. #394
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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  15. #395
    Gold Anal_Hershiser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyG_415 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cokehead View Post

    BTW just to let u know, a few of your investors have sent me private messages and told me to keep pressing with these Qs cuz they are nervous. They said they would rather I do it than them because you are holding their $$$ and dont want to piss u off. So in case you think I am just some asshole or troll starting shit, Im really not.
    Are you fucking kidding me?
    So this implies you don't have any vested interest, too?
    If that is true I'm calling BS on the investors emailing you, and and If I was Jasep, "Go f your mother" would be my reply to all your questions.

    And if I read that wrong and you do have some, Fucking A, stop staking people.
    you don't have the risk tolerance.

    No one has money w/Jasep that they didn't know they could lose.
    We all knew the risks before hand and nothing has changed.

    No one has their life savings w/him.
    No one has enough money w/him to care as much as you 2 morons, who have a combined 0 cents at risk.
    Since when is it a prerequisite to have a personal financial interest in someone you think is scamming to bring it up? I can't count the number of times all you faggots have gossiped like little school girls about anyone and everyone in the poker world accused of scamming. Did you have any money with Erick Lindgren? No? That didn't stop you from flapping your cum soaked lips about the guy. You're one of the worst fucking gossip whores on this site. This faggot posted a begging thread in a public forum. He has said and done some dodgy things. If fucktards like you wanna keep giving him money, go ahead. That won't stop others from calling him out on his bullshit. Don't like it? Do the world a favor and go kill yourself.

    What really amazes me is what people tell me in im's but are afraid to post in the forums. Some of the stuff people tell me would change a lot of minds awfully quick.
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    Vegas is there any chance I can buy you some steaks and mail them to you or something?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    I do believe Iraq was a huge mistake
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    Why the fuck is the world (cough US) allowing these backward fuckers have nukes.

  16. #396
    How Could You? WillieMcFML's Avatar
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    juan estola

  17. #397
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anal_Hershiser View Post
    What really amazes me is what people tell me in im's but are afraid to post in the forums. Some of the stuff people tell me would change a lot of minds awfully quick.
    So tell us some of this stuff.

  18. #398
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Jesap, a few thoughts. First, fuck the haters here. The place is filled with life losers who absolutely despise people who succeed and are praying everyday that you fail so they can laugh at you. If you do somehow succeed, they will call bullshit on it and ask for proof. When you post proof of cash (see nbh's thread) they will say its from something else. People here are basically human trash.

    Shut it down. You're in a serious relationship. Now make sure forum, radio and gambling doesn't ruin it. Stop trying to make a living by gambling. You're thirty something. Start acting like it. Find a career and start saving for a house and retirement. Shut VPR down and stay out of this place.

    Nobody believes you, including me, about your arrest but its nobody's business. You don't owe anyone here excuses, not even your investors. If they have a problem then ship their funds back and be done with them. This place isn't meant to be as personal as these dicks are making it.

    Personally, I'd shut down your project, ship everyone their funds and disappear knowing your life will be better than 95% of the members here because you at least found love.

  19. #399
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    So, in 12 days of playing mainly low limit stud you are +84. Sounds about right. You might be a little under expectation, but probably not by as much as you think you are. After the rake there just isn't much money to be made in low ilmit live poker. FWIW, I really think if you want to give yourself (and your investors) a chance at a profit you have to take a shot in a bigger game (assuming you are +EV in the first place).

  20. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillieMcFML View Post
    juan estola

    No matter how terrible a thread ends up, theres always a fleck of gold in it somewhere.

    And Pooh, as long as Sep is making a profit/more money than he would if he wasnt playing, he should continue it.

    It shows committment and the ability to plan, manage time and meet goals. It shows the ability to overcome unexpected challenges.

    Of course if he sets $2000 on fire in a week then he probably should conisder stopping.
    When faced with a difficult decision, ask yourself "What would Micon do?", then do the opposite.

    PFA Rookie of the Year Awards
    2012: The Templar (unknown)
    2013: Jasep $5000+
    2015: Micon's gofundme legal defense $3k begging for 100k:
    2018: 4Dragons
    2019: Dutch Boyd: Mike Postle
    2020: Covid19
    2021: SMIFlorida and some sort of shit coins for $50k
    2023: 22nd Feb 4th Dec Youtube channels removed
    2024: Dustin Morgan wins Chrissy's $1000 contest: May 3rd another channel gone.

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