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Now even the Dodgers are penny-pinching. They had a 9.5m option to bring back the Joe Kelly Experience, with a 1m buyout. They buy him out. Now, they re-signed him for 1 year 8m. A whopping 500k savings.
Friedmans got Dave Roberts searching for change in the clubhouse sofas. Anything to tack on to that Ohtani offer.
Kelly is the same age as Kershaw.
Strange but true.
They seemed to want to bring some personality back to the team, as the three main names associated with the club (Friedman, Betts. Kershaw) are all quiet guys.
They got Kike' back from the Sawks, and then they grabbed Kelly.
Kike' isn't back yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if they sign him, as well. He's popular with the fans, as is Kelly ever since he threw at Carlos Correa and mouthed off at him.
He can still be very effective if going well, but not sure if that's going to decline during his age 36 season.
It is funny how they declined his option just to re-sign him for $500k less than had they picked it up. I'm guessing they took an "if he leaves, he leaves" attitude and tried to save a few million, and then ended up only saving $500k/
There's talk about bringing back Justin Tuner, but I don't see where there's room for him if they sign Ohtani or bring back JD Martinez.