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Thread: World Series of Poker Braclet Prediction Thread

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    World Series of Poker Braclet Prediction Thread

    PFA needs another bracelet winner and I want to be the person to get it. So I'm making this thread here, anonymously for a few reasons. The biggest being if I don't make it a reality, I don't have to see a thread of my failure live on infamously in the servers and search functions of PFA.

    Since the WSOP is so far away, I've decided also to make this thread a story about myself and my travels. Due to job obligations the last few years I haven't been able to travel as much as I used to, but now I can again.

    To also keep it fun, I won't reveal too much about myself so people can guess who I am and at the end and see if they were right.

    I will however in the next few posts give you a bit of my poker background and then until I finally make it to Vegas I'll update this thread with cash game session reports or tournament reports.

      The Shrink: Gogogogogo
      Hockey Guy: Gl to you sir.

  2. #2
    Silver The Shrink's Avatar
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    This has potential. Carry on.

  3. #3
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    Ok so now we have this thread here. So now it's time for a bit of background about me.

    keep in mind, i'm keeping it as vague as possible, so I won't be mentioning where i'm from or how old i am. you'll have to guess

    First lets get to how I even found poker.

    I first found the game just like most people in the early 2000's did. I am a product of the Moneymaker poker boom. That's right, the first hand of hold 'em i played was in a $5 9 person tournament in my friends basement around 2004, using chips we bought at walmart. Needless to say, I lost, and continued to lose until I bought Play Poker Like The Pros. Yes the book is terrible, but back then, I thought it was informative and it definitely taught me a little bit of skill. Also around that time, I bought Super System 2 and read that as well. For some reason, I knew that what i wanted to do for a living was play poker.

    Where i was living at the time wasn't far from where I grew up, and there weren't any casinos. The closest thing we had were charity rooms. So one time I went with a bunch of my friends to play, and I got hooked big. It was in those games that I learned how to play NLHE, as the biggest game spread back then was the new (to the casino that is) $2-$5 limit game. I lost so much money in that game. But i kept at it. I also became friends with the poker dealers and after doing that, was being invited to their private games. I have lots of stories from those days, as these games were insane. There were other contributing factors to why I lost in that game (I maintain that i probably was being cheated, as in this charity casino there were no shufflers and the dealer would give the unused deck to one of the players to shuffle. But back then I wasn't wise to deck stacking or over raking)

    For about 2 years, I played poker almost every day. Mainly with the group of kids that got me into playing, with the usual .50c-$1 game running in my house every night. But I also played in a circuit of private games, some of which I will tell stories about later in this thread. Some were epic, some weren't, but all have stories attached to them.

    These days, I rarely play in any game that isn't in a casino. Since this is my job, and my bottom line, I need to do whatever i can to protect it….and that means sometimes passing up lucrative spots in private games due to safety concerns.

    The first leg of this bracelet journey will be in Minnesota in a few weeks. I like to play limit, and they have some good games there (I have family there as well so it makes it all the more better!)

    In between now and then, I'll be posting a story or 2 from the home game days. Mostly about the Judy Game, which was a game that ran for 30 years, before Judy, who inherited the game from her mother (as well as the house it ran in) took over and completely sunk it into the ground. Poor Judy, I think you guys will get a kick out of how degenerate she was.

  4. #4
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    More about me? Sure.

    gambling is in my blood. At least I think it is. You see, my parents gamble, (my mom played slots and my dad played BJ and craps). When I was little, most of my friends parents on Saturday Night's would go out to movies. Not my parents, they went to the casino. My dad plays poker, but mostly did with his friends in a monthly game. And my grandpa even ran a weekly poker game with his friends. I'd like to say I grew up rich, but we were upper middle class.

    In my last post I said that I would be starting this bracelet journey in Minnesota in a few weeks. So until then I think I should explain a bit about where I usually play poker and the games I play, etc. For the sake of keeping it vague but still being able to give details about poker sessions, I'll start off by saying that my poker bank roll (which I will express as how many buy-in's to my regular game I have in it.) is also my life roll. I need to pay rent out of it, which equals about 3 buy in's. In total, as of writing this, I have 43 buy-in's (from now on will be expressed as BI) for my regular game.

    My regular game is at a casino not too far from my house, but still a bit of a drive. There's casino's that are closer, but the one I go to has the best game for the stakes I play at. What are those stakes? It wouldn't make sense telling you because you don't know what I use as a buy in, but I will say I play small to mid stakes poker.

    The room I play in is filled with some characters. It has a nice mix of blue collar people, and wealthy white collar people as well. Most of them are pretty decent at poker, but for the most part, there isn't much poker thought being done by some of these people. Not to say they're all not extremely nice, because everyone is. It's not like the commerce where there's fights and stuff all the time. Usually it's just drunk people being escorted out.

    When I'm home and playing, I typically play 4-5 nights a week, or if i'm running bad or just need a break, I'll play less. But rarely does a week go by where I haven't played at least twice. I try to play 8 hour sessions and don't usually play extended periods. it's one long game to me, and unlike the guy sitting there for 24 hours, I don't have a job that takes up my time, so I can just come back whenever. I don't have to cram it all in on saturday and sunday like he does.

    When there's a limit game going (it's dead haven't you heard?) it's usually 10-20 or 20-40. I'll always sit in it if it's going. Sometimes, just to get a break from no limit, you'll find some old timers who start a stud game, and i'll sit in that too!

    When I played in the private games before casinos, I played in a 15-30 limit game that ran once a week. That was my introduction to limit poker.

    So, the plan here, is to travel a bit, as well as continue to play in my regular game until the WSOP, which i will try and fulfill the goal of obtaining a bracelet, in any event.

    The first trip will be to Canterbury to play limit, as i'm spending thanksgiving with my family who lives up there. So i'll be arriving a few days early to grind it out. If anyone has ever been there, they know it's a great casino, and since no limit big bet poker is illegal in Minnesota, they're forced to offer limit games. The usual game there for me is an $8-$16 limit game with a half kill.

    Until then, If i feel like updating with a story I will. I will say that last night, I did chunk off 3 buy-ins when my turned straight got rivered by quads. can't re-buy after a hit like that.

  5. #5
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Nice idea.

    I have the ability to look up who you are, but I won't, so I can play along.

    I will also post a link to this from Flying Stupidity.

    Right now I don't know who you are yet.

  6. #6
    Platinum Lord of the Fraud's Avatar
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    TID Beer & Poker

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post

    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

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    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    TID Beer & Poker

    Definitely not me. The thought of firing several thousand dollars off playing over a month worth of live donkaments in a city where it's 115 degrees outside makes me say no thanks. I've only been in Vegas when the WSOP was going on once.

    I also would never waste my time with limit holdem live but for OP if he's closest to Minnesota he has no choice since I NL cash isn't allowed there by law.

    GL OP.

  10. #10
    How Could You? WillieMcFML's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillieMcFML View Post
    I submit WilleMc has the highest PFA finish in the past couple of years in the $10k NL

  12. #12
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    Only larry could be this into himself.

    Who fucking cares.

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    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

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  13. #13
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    From the thread in "Flying Stupidity":

    Quote Originally Posted by Druff
    This is going on at The Bathroom Wall, where users can post anonymously:

    Idea sounds faggot on the surface, but actually seems fun once you read everything.

    If you would like to pahticipate in guessing who he is, go to the thread linked above.

    Note #1: It's not me.

    Note #2: I will not be looking up who it is, so all of my guesses will be legit.

    Note #3: There will be no prize for this.

    I'll throw in $20 toward a Prize to guess his identity.

    edit: Only stipulation is that you can't just throw names out. You have to post your reasoning for it based on his posts.
    Last edited by Hockey Guy; 11-06-2016 at 08:46 PM.
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  14. #14
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    Garret DUH!

  15. #15
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    I see there's now interest in this thread. Good, I'm glad. I also see that Druff himself has taken interest and posted this in the Flying Stupidity forum. I guess now the pressure is going to be on to deliver. So here's a bit of an intro the Judy's game, and the cast of characters.


    Judy's Game:

    Judy was this lady I met through a friend of mine who played in the $10-$20NL game on stars in 2005. I went to high school with this kid, and he was from the same town I grew up in, and consequently, still lived in his parents basement, making thousands of dollars a night playing 4 tables at a time. I didn't play much online poker back then because I was first starting out, but my friend, Jason, would stake me sometimes. I'd come over to his house with my laptop, and he'd ship me money on stars, and i'd sit there and try and make a few hundred, while this kid was shooting off thousands. He had so many PP's that he was able to buy almost everything in the Pokerstars Store except the porsche. It was through Jason that I would find other home games to play in, usually $2-$5 games. It was at one of these games, where I first met Judy.

    I beat her in a hand where I moved all in pre-flop with A/K and she called with JJ (she was a straight gambler, didn't give a shit about money it seemed, which fits into the story later) and lost the coin-flip. She got up to have a cigarette and I joined her on the balcony outside the room we were playing in.

    She was this early 40's lady, with blonde hair and hazel eyes, who wore too much make up. She was short and stocky, and not very attractive, despite her obvious attempts.

    She lights up a cigarette, looks over at me and says, "I pretty much knew I was losing that. I had a feeling. I'm Judy. You're Jason's friend?"

    I told her that I was, and her reply was "I run a game 3 nights a week in my house. Jason plays all the time."
    "Really? I'd like to play sometime if that's alright"
    "Sure, make sure I have your number and I'll make sure to put you on the text list."

    It was that easy back then to find a game. Maybe I just looked like a fish. I don't know. But the very next week I showed up with Jason, and I got into the game.

    Judy lived in her mom's house that she inherited when she passed away a few years before. It was in this house that she also inherited her mom's poker game. It ran 3 nights a week, in the basement, and had a huge list of players. There was a father and son combo, the dad was a bookie and the son, who was around my age had an office job but also took bets for his dad. There was a retired cop, who played only on limit nights. There was Alfredo, the limo driver, who would stop in at all hours of the night and play, sometimes leave to drive someone to the airport, and then come back. The game always went on until late in the morning. There was a guy named Gordon, who looked so much like PeeWee herman that it was his nickname. He also only played on the limit nights. There was an indian kid named Sam who also sold weed to most of the players. You could win a pot, and he'd sell you weed with the chips you had in front of you. Quite a racket.

    The game setup was really nice. She had her own set of clay chips, and kem cards. She also hired dealers, and sometimes would deal herself. The dealers of course, were from the charity games I played in as well. It was a small poker world I guess where I was from. There were 2 tables in two rooms, and usually on the friday night no-limit nights there'd be both going. When there wasn't a game going in the side room, there was usually a game of gin in progress, always for money. This was also the room where she wanted people to smoke weed if they were going to. Mainly we played in the center room, which had wood paneling walls, and was straight out of the 1970's. Linoleum floor and everything. She had a big poker table too, and it could easily accommodate 10 players. Monday and Friday's were No-Limit, and Weds. were $15-$30 limit.

    The table always had thousands of dollars on it. No one ever bought in short. On limit night, people would be buying in for 2 or 3 racks of reds at a time, and shipping it all over the place. it was wild. I never bought in for that much, but there were a few nights where I cashed out with that many.

    I have many stories from that game, which I will gladly share over the course of this quest.

    Until then, I've got some poker to play.

      Sanlmar: Good stuff. Rep for more
      YUUP: Keep them coming

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    Judy goes to the cabinet for more chips while on tilt.

    Judy was about as degenerate as it gets. I mean she ran her mom's profitable game into the ground in only the few years between when her mom died and the game shut down. It takes a lot to do that. You know, like going into the chip cabinet to grab a rack of red, because you can. On a 15/30 limit night, she was in the game. She periodically dealt the game as well, but most times played. I beat her for 3 racks of red one time, and this is the story.

    8 handed, with the usual cast of characters, and we're throwing chips around like fucking manhole covers. On this particular night, Judy was losing her shit. Everything she did was wrong it seemed. Capping every street was one of her many degenerate tactics she'd use while on tilt. You could beat her one time, with a long shot, and that would be it. She'd try and murder you with chips. Also, in her game, if the pot was heads up, there was no cap. Had she not played, she'd still have the game to this day, I can assure you. It was her playing that killed the game. As much rake as she took, she couldn't get over her habit of just taking racks of chips out of the cabinet when she was losing. And that's fine, when you have the money to back it up, which at the beginning she did.

    The first rack she lost to me happened when I flopped a set of 7's on a 10 high board and she capped the flop with queens making it heads up. You know where this is going. I took her entire rack of chips because she kept raising. she just didn't want to call. She had to raise. raise raise raise raise. it was her favorite fucking word. I guess it was mine too that night.

    So now she's down to the felt, and what does she do? Goes back to the cabinet and grabs another rack of red. GAME ON. A few hours later, she gets some of her loss to me back from Gordon, after she tilt rivers a gut shot against his 2 pair. You guessed it, capped on every street. It was ludicrous. Gordon looked sick, and excused himself from the game. what luck. But it wasn't long, before I'm in another hand with Judy, heads up. I raise with 10's and 3 people call and she makes it 2 bets with 78 off suit. she was just this bad. Folded to me, and why not? make it 3 bets. it's not my money I'm playing with, it's hers so i say fuck it. This time she just calls. Flop is 783 with 2 spades. She bets, I raise, she 3 bets and I 4 bet and she finally just calls, and we go to the turn, a beautiful 10. Can she have j9 for the nuts? 69? aces? who knows. All i know is, i'm going down with the ship here if i have to. 4 bets again (even though it's heads up, her way of "slowing down" is just 4 bets) and we go to the river. a beautiful, merciful, 8. As the river falls, a shock of electricity goes through my body. A giant pile of fucking red out there, and it's all mine if she doesn't have quads. Now she puts the pedal to the metal and and we go back and forth until there's 4 racks in the middle, my 2 and her 2. She turns over her full house and I just laugh. "Time to go back to the cabinet I guess," I say as I turn over 10's full. She turns beet red. If it were a cartoon you'd see smoke coming out of her ears. She's so upset. "I thought for a moment you might have had a set of 3's but after the river I thought for sure I had you."

    Embarrassed that she just played with chips that she didn't have the cash on hand for, I took mercy on her and instead of cashing me out for the 3 racks of profit i let her send me money on PokerStars which i then cashed out. That was the biggest limit win I had in that game. It was only around for about a year after I started playing. As you can tell, her playing in the game was what broke it.

      The Shrink: Fun stories! But you'll have to explain the "throwing chips around like fucking manhole covers" simile. I don't get it.

  17. #17
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    From the thread in "Flying Stupidity":

    Quote Originally Posted by Druff
    This is going on at The Bathroom Wall, where users can post anonymously:

    Idea sounds faggot on the surface, but actually seems fun once you read everything.

    If you would like to pahticipate in guessing who he is, go to the thread linked above.

    Note #1: It's not me.

    Note #2: I will not be looking up who it is, so all of my guesses will be legit.

    Note #3: There will be no prize for this.

    I'll throw in $20 toward a Prize to guess his identity.

    edit: Only stipulation is that you can't just throw names out. You have to post your reasoning for it based on his posts.

    My vote is big dick.

    I will link the post later when I'm not on my phone but he also used the metaphor of tossing money around like manhole covers.
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  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    nice bump. I haven't forgotten.

    you boys ready for vegas? I am. I've left this thread alone for a few months because my stories bore me to death. I can't imagine how PFA feels. Anyways. I will be there this summer, but I haven't really set my dates yet. Shooting for mid june. I'm winging it. That's the way true legendary things happen right? On a whim?

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