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Thread: Event #4 May 28 $3000 NL Holdem Shootout

  1. #1
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Event #4 May 28 $3000 NL Holdem Shootout

    Quick update. On the right of John Racener and I'm table chip lead right now with about 20k from 15k. No one out yet but one guy down to 20bb.

    Got lucky in one pot where I turn bluffed a flush and hit a set in river. Otherwise I'm not really all that impressed by my table outside of Racener. Been avoiding him like the plague and I'm like 1 for 3 against him

      IamGreek: go gittum

  2. #2
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Super tough level 5
    Utg+1 raises 700
    Racener from the button makes it 1800
    I look down at ak in the bb with like 15k and raise to 3300.
    Utg+1 folds Racener insta makes it 5500.

    Tank folded.

    Before that I got caught bluffing in a 6k pot with 4 hearts. Played it like I was chasing the last heart and got called.

    Lost another 5k before that when I raised 88 button and sb jammed. Flipped up kk.

    Doubled up when I got to like 6k with kk v 77.

    Then had another shove with a good bb price with 79 turned trips. Guy tank folded to a 7k shove on a 4k pot when he bet out 1.5k.

    Last hand before this beak got me to a little above starting. Racener raised the button I 3 bet akss he asked for a stack count and tank folded.

    Also worth noting, only one player has busted and we're heading into 250/500 so we're all starting to feel some pressure. Racener is chip leader with about 26k.
    Last edited by anonamoose; 05-28-2015 at 07:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Gold abrown83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Super tough level 5
    Utg+1 raises 700
    Racener from the button makes it 1800
    I look down at ak in the bb with like 15k and raise to 3300.
    Utg+1 folds Racener insta makes it 5500.

    Tank folded.

    Before that I got caught bluffing in a 6k pot with 4 hearts. Played it like I was chasing the last heart and got called.

    Lost another 5k before that when I raised 88 button and sb jammed. Flipped up kk.

    Doubled up when I got to like 6k with kk v 77.

    Then had another shove with a good bb price with 79 turned trips. Guy tank folded to a 7k shove on a 4k pot when he bet out 1.5k.

    Last hand before this beak got me to a little above starting. Racener raised the button I 3 bet akss he asked for a stack count and tank folded.

    Also worth noting, only one player has busted and we're heading into 250/500 so we're all starting to feel some pressure. Racener is chip leader with about 26k.
    I keep thinking of a way I am not shoving it in his face with that AK. I really can't see a scenario where I fold that hand. 6 bet shove looks crazy strong and may even have some fold equity but I am probably 4 bet shoving when it gets to me instead of raising to 3300.

  4. #4
    Gold Shizzmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abrown83 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Super tough level 5
    Utg+1 raises 700
    Racener from the button makes it 1800
    I look down at ak in the bb with like 15k and raise to 3300.
    Utg+1 folds Racener insta makes it 5500.

    Tank folded.
    I keep thinking of a way I am not shoving it in his face with that AK. I really can't see a scenario where I fold that hand. 6 bet shove looks crazy strong and may even have some fold equity but I am probably 4 bet shoving when it gets to me instead of raising to 3300.
    Yeah, I either fold PF or I am raising to call shove/shoving PF.

    Tough spot tho.

  5. #5
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abrown83 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Super tough level 5
    Utg+1 raises 700
    Racener from the button makes it 1800
    I look down at ak in the bb with like 15k and raise to 3300.
    Utg+1 folds Racener insta makes it 5500.

    Tank folded.

    Before that I got caught bluffing in a 6k pot with 4 hearts. Played it like I was chasing the last heart and got called.

    Lost another 5k before that when I raised 88 button and sb jammed. Flipped up kk.

    Doubled up when I got to like 6k with kk v 77.

    Then had another shove with a good bb price with 79 turned trips. Guy tank folded to a 7k shove on a 4k pot when he bet out 1.5k.

    Last hand before this beak got me to a little above starting. Racener raised the button I 3 bet akss he asked for a stack count and tank folded.

    Also worth noting, only one player has busted and we're heading into 250/500 so we're all starting to feel some pressure. Racener is chip leader with about 26k.
    I keep thinking of a way I am not shoving it in his face with that AK. I really can't see a scenario where I fold that hand. 6 bet shove looks crazy strong and may even have some fold equity but I am probably 4 bet shoving when it gets to me instead of raising to 3300.
    Because he's almost never flipping up a hand I'm not racing or worse against. There is some fold equity but not enough for me to justify a shove.

  6. #6
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Out. John Racener got the best of me.

    12kish stack.
    Folds to Racener in cut off makes it 1200. I look down at pocket queens and pop it to 2600. He calls. Flop comes 745 clubs. I check he bets like 2500, I double check my cards no qc. Think for about a minute and almost folded actually. Then I thought it's not often he actually has this because he's in the co anyway and jammed to protect against a 4 flush draw. He insta calls flips over qjcc. GG me.

    Probably going to run this and the AK hand by Jason Somerville.

    A 4th club came off on the river anyway, so even if I did decide to just call turn would have been check check and he probably would have jammed me on the river leaving me with 15bb's.

    I can see all of your points about the AK hand, but I feel like the hands he has there are either ak, qq, kk, aa, and probably rarely jj. Don't think it was a good situation to shove it in his face. Then again I thought jamming qq was a good idea.

  7. #7
    Platinum Krypt's Avatar
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    keep your head up dawg

  8. #8
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Yeah all things considered I feel like my play was a lot better than I expected in this event though my table was extremely soft in this very pro heavy field. I mean all the tables were absolutely loaded. I only really had John Racener at my table. There was one other guy that Sorel Mizzi and some other big player came up and talked to that was in seat 1 but he was a nit bitch and got short and lost his aq v 99 in a short stack jam.

    I thought I recognized him from something but there was a WSOP live update with a hand between him and Racener and WSOP just listed him as "opponent" so he might have just been a horse that some of the pros picked up. His play wasn't really all that amazing.

    Basically my table make up was
    Seat 1: guy listed above
    Seat 2: some guy that I couldn't really get a read on, but he was the first to bust
    Seat 3: John Racener
    Seat 4: some Russian dude that kept giving me his chips
    Seat 5: Me
    Seat 6: some really nity guy that was just letting me steal his blinds in the sb and button with no aggression back
    Seat 7: some french dude that had like a 20k roll just kind of chilling on his lap, but his play was terrible. He kept making some really weak river bets. One instance I remember I had 89 on the button and raised he called. Flop was like 7 10 q (2 clubs), I bet halfish pot he called. Turn was a 7 he checked I checked. River J clubs. He lead out for like 1/4 the pot. I snap called he flipped over a jack like it was the nuts. There were a couple other instances like this where he made really small blocker bets on the river with rather crazy boards or a thin value bet in the same instance. He always only had one pair. I don't think I lost a single pot to this guy.
    Seat 8: some random asian guy that would pretty much call a raise, fold, repeat times infinity.

    I feel like John Racener really played extremely well. Not just the instances I had against him but overall I didn't really see any mistakes made. A couple things I noticed is any time he had position on the river and it was checked to him it was an automatic pot sized bet by him. This never got called as far as I can recall. He was also really kind of surprising in his late position play when it folded to him. It was like a 50 50 shot that he was going to raise and then when he got 3 bet it was about a 50% call rate as well. The only time he raised was the instance I had AK.

    One thing that did make me raise an eyebrow was when seat 2 went busto. Seat 2 open jammed 4k UTG at the 150/300 level and Racener basically snap cold called. When he only had like 13k behind. Seat 2 flipped over aq and Racener flipped over pocket 3's. 3's held obviously but it really made me raise an eyebrow.

    I was pretty fortunate to be sitting to his left (I know I said in an earlier post I said I was sitting to his right but I meant my right).

    Other than the one guy in seat 2 our table pretty much hovered around starting stack with me taking the lead and then Racener slowly taking that lead from me.

    One other thing is Drexel came and met me during his dinner break. We were BS'ing and I look down at pocket kings utg. The first thing that popped into my head was like "fuck". Then it was "do I just limp here?" then it was "but I've never limped." "Fuck no matter what I do it's going to look strong because I'm utg and cutting a conversation off mid sentence for this."

    I ended up min raising and got snap folds.

  9. #9
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Why did you minraise the KK? Had you minraised anything else and shown it down?

    Whenever a player who never minraises suddenly does so, especially UTG, I give them credit for something huge.

  10. #10
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Why did you minraise the KK? Had you minraised anything else and shown it down?

    Whenever a player who never minraises suddenly does so, especially UTG, I give them credit for something huge.
    I said min raise but I actually made it 500. It was 100/200 blinds, 500 was the table's standard open. We all pretty much fell into standard opens and reraises.

  11. #11
    Gold anonamoose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Why did you minraise the KK? Had you minraised anything else and shown it down?

    Whenever a player who never minraises suddenly does so, especially UTG, I give them credit for something huge.
    Also, showdowns were extremely uncommon at our table. I'd say probably 20% of hands reached the river and only about a third of those reached show down.

    So like 7% of hands played came to showdown.

    Hands I can recall showing down:

    66 - hand I mentioned that I rivered a set
    89 - hand I mentioned against the French dude
    qq - board was like x k 10 10 10 I bet and got called with a King
    AK - flopped a king french dude thin valued pocket jacks on River
    55 - flopped a set on a fairly connected board and called down the bb
    88 - button v sb battle (KK) (this is the one pot I did lose to french dude)
    63ss - didn't show but reached showdown. Mentioned this hand earlier made a bluff on a 4 heart board and got called and insta mucked.
    All in with KK v 77
    All in busto hand

    I mean there was more but the absolute worst I had to show was the 89.

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