Quote Originally Posted by Seth View Post
Quote Originally Posted by DirtyB View Post

Please cite two instances of voter fraud in the US in the past 10 years.
Voter fraud was clear in 1960. Today, its impossible to prove. Dirty B and his crew have a huge advantage in this day of age. Anyone looking for a free ride can vote Democrat and have a chance for free cable tv.

I really have no idea why anyone making over $75,000 a year, outside the elitist, would ever vote Democrat. I get the poor and disenfranchised. But not anyone remotely successful.

The hilarious thing is under Obama the poor have got much poorer. LOL. Hope and Change.
Anybody over 50, assuming they like Medicare and Social Security as it stands, would be retarded if they voted Republican. The Republican house has passed bills to dissolve Medicare. Do you have any idea how much that would cost a 65 year old?