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Thread: D Lucky: Social media slot player charging people over $1700 to spend 10 minutes with him

  1. #101
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    That's an amazing video.

    Never seen D Lucky be obscene like this, but he just went on and on about sticking his "yellow banana" dick up Mikki Mase's ass.


    He must have been really rattled by Mikki. I love when scammers go after each other.

  2. #102
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Annnnd D Shitty is now doing LIVE Baccy videos for $100 bets and marty progressions after every loss. He also donks off Green chips on long odds Bonus bets like Blazing 7( 7 vs 7 tie pays 50-1 for 2 card 7 and 200-1 for 3 card 7 Tie)

    Either he's really a dumb, a total fish or just hamming it up for the live stream, because he asks the dumbest questions while playing.

    At the 16 minute park, he moves to a "private room", which probably just means they don't want people to see he's allowed to film live table play. He also hits the 50-1 Blazing 7 bonus for $2500 after donking off well over a $1000. He hits it again, after going FULL degen with $100 bets on the Blazing 7 Side bet and $500 on Player with a $5000 payout for 50-1 hit on $100 bet. He's such a putz, he doesn't even realize the OTHER sucker bets like Panda 8 and Cloud 9 are hitting back to back to back times and he could have made 25-1 THREE TIMES IN A ROW, but he goes "hurr hurr it's only 25-1" and made 50-1 on two Pandas, instead of donking off $50-$100 a shot on Blazing 7(which has the worst house edge of all sucker bets).

    But since he's just playing with money he scammed from naive slot junkies, it ain't even a drop in the bucket for this fuck wad!

    D Shitty will also have ANOTHER live stream Baccy play at 12pm Vegas time(2 hours away), so feel free to show up in the Live Chat and Light Him Up... as ONLY PFA CAN!! HAHAHA!

    Last edited by BedWetterBettor; 03-18-2024 at 09:19 AM.

  3. #103
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Dlucky charges for the experience. Prostitutes try the same analogy of charging for time spent with them not the sex act how does Lucky get away with it while prostitutes don't. Still listening and someone else brought up this same exact point. Even dumber analogy is the 150 roses for 1 hour .
    Last edited by FRANKRIZZO; 04-11-2024 at 11:55 AM.

  4. #104
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    The insufferable D Sucky shows his "haters" why HE is the GOAT. He seems very intoxicated and determined to show up his detractors in this video. He's betting like he's on full tilt after cashing out for a few stacks at the cage. This of course doesn't prove he's ahead, but why let the truth get in the way of a good story folks?

    He plops down on a Baccy table and goes full Degen, placing $25 - $100 on every side bet imaginable, not realizing many of them cancel each other out! He also bets red on every side bet for the dealer, having No clue of the payouts or how tipping works. He's just trying to show how "generous" he is. Wonder if those people who paid $1800 for 10 minutes get any of their money back from Mr. Generosity??

    He hits a Cloud 9 Payout for 10-1 on a $100 bet plus the Dragon a few times whilst pressing like a degen on a Player run. He donks off over 1K on the last hand, giving back about 15% of his winnings in one hand... Just like daaaat!

  5. #105
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Here's a good one I missed... too busy makin Goat Life Cash at my J.O.B.

    Basically the video starts with a "Law enforcement officer" (guy in the Grey Adidas hoodie) endorsing D Sucky and saying 'Hurr hurr I'm gonna prove all you doubters wrong that say D Lucky is a fraud!" ~ Yup, definitely won't come back to Bite him in the Ass later!~

    They waste the opening minutes waiting for his Handpay of $2150. Officer Dipshit gets his handpay and tips NOTHING! D Shitty fails to mention this and yaps on about hitting Back to Back to Back the previous night and showing footage on his OTHER phone. (Why would a guy who is DEFINITELY NOT A FRAUD have two phones?)

    They start on some high denom slots with $500 coin-in, he runs through it in less than 1 minute... Just Like That!

    He puts in another $500, chunks that off in less than a minute... Noticing a Pattern here folks?

    D Shitty sensing the Reels have gone Cold, distracts Officer Dumbass by doing a Free Spin Bonus for Players with prizes ranging from $5-$1000... the mark wins $5 JUST LIKE DAAAAAT!!

    Annnnd another re-buy of $400 (boy that $2150 Jackpot is getting smaller by the second!) Annnnd that gets donked off in under 1 minute. But lucky for Officer Dumb Dumb he gets another Bonus Spin for Free play amounting to $10! What a great rebate ya'll!!

    Machine is Ice Cold and D Shitty quickly drags the mark to another machine in hopes of recouping the $1400 he just made him Donk off in under 5 minutes! Cuz ya know, you PAY this Clown $1800 for his Expert Slot Advice?!?

    D Sucky just HAS to show you a Big Wad of Bills... hmmmm, who else do we know Loses his Ass in Casino's's's and constantly flashes Money at the camera?

    Now they play the Dragon Link for ANOTHER $1000, can't wait to see how this goes???

    Because according to other Professional Gamblers, who are certainly not scamming frauds, the Greater Risk you Take, The More Money You Shall Make!?!?!

    At $50 per spin, Officer Dipshit constantly misses any Bonuses, Big Pays or anything worthwhile. But of course, D Lucky is NOT A FRAUD and TOTALLY LEGIT!

    The $1000 quickly dwindles to nothing and D Shitty diverts attention to the Free Spin game under the actual Money bets above. Annnnnd the video cuts out early(conveniently) before we see his Last Bonus Free Play award of $10.

    So for those keeping track.

    Officer Shit for Brains spent $1800 for 10 minutes for someone who is "Legit" at guiding people to riches and in those 10 minutes he managed to go up $350(after D lucky fees but BEFORE Taxes paid on his W-2G) and then in LESS than 10 minutes donked off $2400... Just like Daaaaat!

    What a Great service this Gay Faced, Midget Man offers! Who wouldn't want those kind of results??

      Forum Wars: D-cucky getting lazy? This video should have hit the cutting room FLOOR. Also, that was hilarious, who does that ----> video cuts out early before we see Officer Shit-for-Brains win $10.
    Last edited by BedWetterBettor; 05-01-2024 at 11:23 AM.

  6. #106
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    If you ever needed proof that D Sucky is a total ploppy, here’s the video proof!

    He gets a sucker to sit down at a $100 minimum Baccy table with $1000… this is not including the $1800 you hand over to have this Gay face Asian moron “guide” you to riches!

    They open with a free hand and Banker wins!

    D Shitty tells the mark to bet $100 on Player and Marky Mark gets Natural 8 for a win!

    Up $100 just like daaaaaat!

    Next hand , sucker plays $100 on Player and gets dealt a 3 and Banker has 6. Player draws a dud and loses… Just like that!

    D Sucky senses the tide has turned and advises the mark to sit out and deal a Free Hand.

    Banker wins the next 5 in a row! And D Lucky says “Hurr hurr see we woulda lost all those hands! So we saved money!?!”

    Remember folks, THIS is the guy you paid $1800 for elite advice in Baccarat, a game where you can play EITHER side and ride these streaks to untold riches. But D Sucky says “Don’t bet on Banker, Banker is bad and THEY say it has the advantage, but it doesn’t!”

    Clearly exemplified in this 6 Banker streak in the beginning of the shoe!

    D Sucky also has another gem of wisdom and says “Every Red dot that comes up on the board, means the greater the chance a Blue dot comes up next!” Hahahahaha, cuz we all know past results absolutely affect the outcome of the Next Random Hand!?!

    So he convinces the mark to bet $300 on Player despite the last 5 hands coming up Banker and Banker has Natural 8 and wins! Gee, who woulda thought???

    D Sucky “advises” the sucker should play $200 on Player and gets dealt a Natural 8 on player for the win! So only down $100 now!

    Another bet of $300 on Player and sucker wins again! Now up $200… just like daat! But had they played that banker run with bets of $200,$300,etc. after each Banker win they’d be up $2700 minus the commission of $135 for total profit of $2565! But remember Banker bad cuz of dat commission thingy. So always bet on Player!

    The rest is just the usual back and forth where he’s up $300-400 then loses it and it continues til the end!

    Only fun is the first 5-6 minutes when D Lucky spouts off his Ploppy nonsense.

      Tellafriend: clown music

  7. #107
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Tellafriend: clown music
    I think the old 'Oriental Chopsticks theme' would be more appropriate considering how much stupidity and superstition that D Shitty manages to spew in ONE video!

    Just finished watching it and noticed that Not One, not Two, but 3 Large Bonus payouts hit with $0 wagered for the so called "Baccarat and Slot Jackpot Expert"... Normally he’s got a bigger chubby placing $25-$100 bets on all of them like a fat kid grabbing Halloween candy from a Bowl that says “Take One!”

    Dragon 7 for 40-1 hits early then a few hands later, the Blazing 7 where both sides Tie with a 3 card Seven for 200-1 hits (which gets D Sucky's tiny pecker hard and he starts blabbering on about how HE would've hit $20,000 on it cuz he always bets $100 on the Bonus... 'Just in Case') But ya know, "Hurr hurr he left his bankroll at home...

    And last a Cloud 9 hits where both sides hit a 3 card 9 tie for 75-1.

    So D Sucky ultimately convinces the Mark to place sucker side bets and wouldn't ya know the Dragon Blazing 7 hits again, but it's ONLY for 50-1 on a $25 bet! D Lucky instantly goes "Hurr durr would've been $5000 if you bet $100..." No shit sherlock, and would've won $285 million if you Bet on 6 out of 6 Powerball numbers!

    Anyways, Sucker loses the LAST bet and D Sucky senses trouble tells him to cash out. He "wins" $1750 and tips $25, but again factor in the $1800 you paid this moron to tell "Bet Player, Loser... Bet Again, Another Loss... Ok derrrp sit out... Bet all the sucker bets... GAWT IT!!?!... Just Like Daaaat!"

    So Minus $50 when it's all over and likely on to a Slot machine where he donks off the $2750 like Officer Dipshit did in that live stream clip I put here a week ago! Just Like That!!

  8. #108
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be surprised if D Sucky has on OnlyFans account.

      BedWetterBettor: Nah, you're confused with OF's Counterpart for Short, Gay Faced, Balding Asians with Tiny Dicks called OnlyFags...

  9. #109
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if D Sucky has on OnlyFans account.

    I'm always wowed at the depths people go to for their parasocial relationships. That's as delusional as thinking that politicians really care about us little folk, or that the stripper in the club really really likes me.

      BedWetterBettor: 20 years ago, I got into a IM conversation with a Porn Star I watched... she proceeded to tell me she was pregnant and retiring. "Welp... see ya Later!"

  10. #110
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Well well, D Shitty now giving a Disclaimer at the beginning of his Slot Videos about how he's a "Videographer" and the person is "Consenting" to being filmed playing High Limit Slots and are completely aware of the Risk...

    Name:  DSuckyDisclaimer.jpg
Views: 117
Size:  163.4 KB

    Reminds me of when Squirtstopher Mitchell did two whole videos disclaiming that he does not Guarantee any success or winning amounts and the videos are purely for Entertainment! Only to give it up a week later!

    I give this 3 weeks before he drops this shtick!
    Last edited by BedWetterBettor; 05-23-2024 at 10:40 AM.

  11. #111
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    D Sucky still sticking to the “Hurr durr I’m like a wedding videographer by recording and postings your happy moments and not posting your sad moments in Vegas…”

    Name:  B754543F-E2C9-4B7B-8803-894DCA659F87.jpeg
Views: 59
Size:  196.7 KB

    Difference is, wedding videographers are paid to film the entire event and also provide the raw uncut footage along with the edited version!

    They also have to show ALL speeches and dance routines and don’t just Cherry pick the ones that came out well and where the person didn’t flub their lines or fall flat on their arse! D Shitty ONLY picks jackpot winners and airs those to give the false narrative that anyone who plays with him will win a Jackpot!

    Plus I’m sure there isn’t as high a demand for people getting filmed playing on slots as there is for getting Married!

    Him consistently doing the disclaimer shows he’s getting heat from not only detractors, but potential clients who are declining his “services” due to the ever growing notion that he is a Fraud!

    He even responds to comments like another Fraud who says “Derrrrp they don’t know a valuable opportunity cuz they think it’s a Scam!”

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