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Thread: Hamas hits Israel in unprecedented attack.

  1. #981

  2. #982
    Gold 1dollarboxcar's Avatar
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    don't get me wrong, Israel is still committing genocide.... but the illegal activity by these mostly fake protesters has to go too...

  3. #983
    Gold 1dollarboxcar's Avatar
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    this is how you deal with illegal assemblies.... you nip it in the bud like Florida....

  4. #984
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    I'm sure when those folks at Kent State were killed during the war in Viet Nam not everybody felt badly for them. Someone is going to get killed on these campuses. Maybe many people.

    Most of these children have never witnessed real violence up close and most of them have never had their asses kicked in their entire lives. I don't want any of these kids to die but it sure doesn't bother me to see the cops kicking some ass.

  5. #985
    Gold 1dollarboxcar's Avatar
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    it's a 2 tiered system, they let these paid agitators break the law blatantly .... more than half these people don't even go these colleges .... and then you have this....

  6. #986
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    i think it makes sense to break up the protests / sit-ins for one simple reason; the normies are leaving to get back to their lives while the unbalanced weirdos are still gathering and becoming the defacto tone-setters in the absence of saner voices.

    case in point: this website circa 2015.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  7. #987
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    I'm sure when those folks at Kent State were killed during the war in Viet Nam not everybody felt badly for them. Someone is going to get killed on these campuses. Maybe many people.

    Most of these children have never witnessed real violence up close and most of them have never had their asses kicked in their entire lives. I don't want any of these kids to die but it sure doesn't bother me to see the cops kicking some ass.
    Three of the four killed were Jews at Kent. They were always the campus protest organizers back when. Kent was a hotspot. Rubin had been there a few times.

    I used to date the daughter of a woman who was good friends with the girl Sandy Scheurer who got killed at Kent. She’d go up in May every year. They carpooled together when coming home for the weekend or holidays. Kent is like 45 minutes, but most kids didn’t have cars then. They were both going to school to be special education teachers. She wasn’t even involved, just walking from class to class. She graduated from high school about 2 miles from where I’m at right now.

    The shooters were from my fathers National Guard post in Ravenna. I’ve posted about it before, here or NWP, but I can’t recall atm why he wasn’t there that day. I know the draft lottery happened in December 1969 when I was like a month old.

    He got a horrible draft number and was going to be gone. My grandfather was just a steelworker, but I think I he had some childhood friend who had a little political pull and got my father into the NG the next month. My dad had wanted to go to Vietnam out of high school in 66, but my mom talked him out if it and they got married in 67. School deferments and then that lottery hit in Dec 69 and he definitely didn’t want to go with me being a month old.

    I recall he said he just got back from basic training like the month before and assigned to Ravenna. He was in six years, and I recall him later going to Ravenna every weekend when I was a kid and he was near end of his time. I might have been sick or something, but he was supposed to be there that day. I’d call and ask him but he’s probably in bed. He’s said many times he might have died in Nam if I wasn’t born when I was. I know he was always grateful to not be there that day, but I can’t remember if I helped him dodge that one also.

    I was just thinking how odd it was that these might be the biggest protests since the 60s, and the SDS and all the protests back then were almost entirely ran by Jews. They would have never thought the next time this happens we’ll be what they’re protesting. I know all the sympathy at the time from my parents circle was with the kids shot. I mean he felt fortunate he wasn't there because once shooting starts, he might have not known wtf happened. They were all kids. I don't think I ever asked how the WW2 dads felt. If my grandfathers were fuck those hippies or sympathetic? I'm guessing they felt bad for all involved. I will have to ask.

      country978: wow. great post. please do ask

  8. #988
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    Don't like these protests?
    I got an idea, how about the USA use their incredible leverage over Israel and force them to stop. They're intentionally killing journalists, starving people,
    killing kids, killing women, assasinating aid workers and they're doing this on our dime.
    Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.

    It's like the twilight zone, the whole world is trying to tell the Jews that genocide is wrong and they're like whatever, lol.

    Our elected reps are like cult members, have you seen this shit.
    Republicans are like the Manson girls and Israel is Charlie.

    Well I guess you can't genocide or enslave all the non Jews without breaking a few eggs, amirite?
    You know I am.

  9. #989

  10. #990
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orko View Post
    Don't like these protests?
    I got an idea, how about the USA use their incredible leverage over Israel and force them to stop. They're intentionally killing journalists, starving people,
    killing kids, killing women, assasinating aid workers and they're doing this on our dime.
    Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.

    It's like the twilight zone, the whole world is trying to tell the Jews that genocide is wrong and they're like whatever, lol.

    Our elected reps are like cult members, have you seen this shit.
    Republicans are like the Manson girls and Israel is Charlie.

    Well I guess you can't genocide or enslave all the non Jews without breaking a few eggs, amirite?
    You know I am.
    It’s truly a sick world

  11. #991
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    This deserves it's own thread and is a must watch!

    Do you have any idea how many ampuatations without anethesia how many men women and children have half their body blown off .
    If they happen to survive all of them will have severe PTSD, which is lifelong psycholoical torture.
    All the kids in Gaza have had enough malnutrition to cause perma developmental issues..

    With the help of the MSM here's this chick milking all the sympathy.

    17k views, should be 17 million.

    The GOP is so cucked maybe we can get them to declare a national holiday in her name and make it illegal to question her version of events.
    Then of course reparations for all Jewsih students for the trauma they've endured.
    Plus mandatory courses for non Jewish students to learn about how they're responsible for eternal Jewish suffering.
    That'll be a good start.

  12. #992
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    Free speech is over, it was a good run.
    Apparantly criticism of Israel and Jews is now illegal, sort of.
    That being said I wish to make my position on this clear.
    I denounce antisemitism in all it's forms and I stand with my friends in the Jewish community.
    I love Netanyahu
    I love Zelensky
    I love Israel
    I love Jews
    I love AIPAC
    I love wars
    I love corporations
    I love Ben Shapiro
    and last but not least
    I love the ADL.

    I look forward to regime change in Iran and dream of the day we can all party together in Tehran.
    At this party would it be possible to trade Ben Shapiro for Abby, that'd be nice.

    A message fr Bernie

    Hagd gentlemen.

  13. #993
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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      OK2: +1
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  14. #994
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  15. #995
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    “We are horrified at details emerging from mass graves recently unearthed in the Gaza Strip,” the U.N. press release stated. “Over 390 bodies have been discovered at Nasser and Al Shifa hospitals, including of women and children, with many reportedly showing signs of torture and summary executions, and potential instances of people buried alive.”

    How is this "torture" happening when Israel is attacking from the air?

    And when Israel does attack on the ground, do you really think the soldiers are just torturing women and children for fun?

    Give me a break. Obviously this isn't an accurate report.

    Here's a novel solution. Want Israel to stop killing civilians via collateral damage in this war? Tell Hamas to stop hiding among their own civilians, after committing their murderous 10/7 invasion and rampage.

    Notice none of the "just concerned about human life" folks ever chide Hamas about this. Wonder why.

      Sloppy Joe: Barbaric zionist
      OK2: dumb faggot alert

  16. #996
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post

    TYou'd be lucky to be dominated gy her. Instead, all you have is the palm of your hand.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  17. #997
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    i think it makes sense to break up the protests / sit-ins for one simple reason; the normies are leaving to get back to their lives while the unbalanced weirdos are still gathering and becoming the defacto tone-setters in the absence of saner voices.

    case in point: this website circa 2015.

    You're speaking of yourself, of course.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  18. #998
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    super cool that our hospitals are going bankrupt but we still have money to finance exterminating palestinian women and children using some of the most advanced weaponry our species has ever created.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  19. #999
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    “We are horrified at details emerging from mass graves recently unearthed in the Gaza Strip,” the U.N. press release stated. “Over 390 bodies have been discovered at Nasser and Al Shifa hospitals, including of women and children, with many reportedly showing signs of torture and summary executions, and potential instances of people buried alive.”

    How is this "torture" happening when Israel is attacking from the air?

    And when Israel does attack on the ground, do you really think the soldiers are just torturing women and children for fun?

    Give me a break. Obviously this isn't an accurate report.

    Here's a novel solution. Want Israel to stop killing civilians via collateral damage in this war? Tell Hamas to stop hiding among their own civilians, after committing their murderous 10/7 invasion and rampage.

    Notice none of the "just concerned about human life" folks ever chide Hamas about this. Wonder why.
    Druff's right, from everything I've seen Israel is indeed the most moral military in the world ainec.

    I hope you guys understand there's been some new laws passed.
    In a nutshell, critics of Israel and/or ukraine's war have lost the protection of the Fourth Amendment, it's gone!
    No probable cause needed, none! All this talk from the GOP about weaponization of the doj and all that. Then at the first available opportunity they rewarded
    the FBI w a new $600 million dollar headquarters and sweeping new SUPER powers. The Stasi got nothing on the FBI.

    So you got to ask yourself is it worth it to be critical of these wars, esp given nobody changes their mind. No amount of war crimes is going to cause Druff to change his position.
    It's like that w everyone. When their grandkids fresh out of high school get that letter they've been drafted to go to Iran or Ukraine then they'll wake up, not until then.
    So fuck em, I tried, it don't work. Let em learn the hard way.
    I support all these wars.
    Draft! Draft! Draft! Draft!

  20. #1000
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    Why are boomers so fucking desperate to appease Israel?

    I have no idea why we are indebted to Israel, but we are risking electing a fascist into office because of it. Democrats are sacrificing young and minority votes to appease a foreign country.

    I'm tired of their entitlement to my tax dollars. I'm tired of being called antisemitic because I don't support Zionism or blowing up civilians. I'm fucking tired of them treating American college students like criminals. Those are eligible voters.

    I don't want to hear shit about young people and minorities not voting in this next election.

    This is fucking insane.
    End quote
    On Reddit you can't answer that truthfully without getting banned. So here's their top answer.
    "There is an end times prophecy about all the Jews returning to Israel and converting. They want the end of the world to happen,
    the ultimate act of pulling the ladder up behind themselves."

    There's christian whackos but that's not why. Anyone who believes that is retarded
    Read those comments, holy shit nobody knows why the US govt cucks to Israel.
    About ten answers down finally someone nails it.

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