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Thread: Canada is being destroyed by Indians, no not those Indians...

  1. #1
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Canada is being destroyed by Indians, no not those Indians...

    This is not a pro settler post but an antiimmigration one. And before team retard decides to chime in, yes a broken clock is right twice a day.

    I've been meaning to write this post for over a year about the collapse we are seeing in Canada. At this point it will be more of an I told you so post.

    For those who don't know, Canadian immigration is some of the highest anywhere in the world. Our numbers are on par with USA but not per capita. I'm talking literal numbers, meaning our per capita immigration rate is above 1000% that of USA. Right now we are at the highest immigration levels in over 50 years.

    India makes up the largest country by far that is coming to Canada. The idea that these are lawyers or highly educated is far from common place. There has essentially been a huge conspiracy between Canadian colleges (seen as low level universities) and scammers in India to bring in tons of foreign students. In Canada because a large part of education is funded by the province, schools charge foreign students often 400% tuition. As such, it's much more worthwhile to target foreign than local students in order to make profit. There are tons of scammers in India charging prospective students for forged documents around English test scores. So essentially we have a bunch of poorly educated young Indian men who can barely speak English. There are also literally unemployable and have no where to live because they spent the last of their money on forged documents. How bad is it?

    See post below for how bad its gotten. There are literally hundreds of stories online like this.

    10 years ago, Conestoga was considered by many to be a high quality provider of polytechnic education. Many programs were competitive to get into and were rigorous. I genuinely feel sad for students attending right now. In one program (I won't name it here), an instructor admitted that years ago his lectures used to be 2 hours long, now they are one-hour long. He also had to make exams easier to pass. Why? So that the international students, with their poor English skills and general lack of interest in the program, could pass. He didn't like it. Neither do I. Almost every student in the class was an international student at this point, all with plans to get a post-graduate work permit. What does this do but devalue the education for those who genuinely are interested in being there? People are starting to call Conestoga a diploma mill. How did this happen? Why was this allowed to happen? It's not like it's a private institution - it's publicly funded. Who benefits? Applyboard? What is going on here?

    Disregarding all the other problems (lack of jobs and housing for these students and everyone else), I think it's fine to have international students attend our ost-secondary institutions, but under no circumstances should we be lowering standards! That is not okay. That means that the current generation of students are being deprived a quality education. This will come back to bite us in the future. Education is one of the most important investments we make in society.

    I think at this point we can all admit that this international student situation is getting out of hand. The region has been completely flooded, nobody can get a job or find any decent housing. This isnt benefiting Canadians or international students at this point, were all suffering because of conestogas diploma mill. I work at a restaurant and i get at least 10 resumes from International students every shift, and thats not even counting the online applications. It is completely out of hand. I feel bad for them and the people who were already living here. This is also not diversity when they are all from the same country. They're being lied to and deceived, then they come here and cant find housing or employment while also straining the system for those who are already here.

    Who has power over this situation? What can we do here? Protest? Write the MP? Whats the best course of action here because this is seriously not ok anymore.

    Right now it's mostly just young 20-30 years olds being fucked over but the system is going to crash especially for those who don't yet own housing. The above is mostly just a red herring as the real problem from soaring immigration (not just Indians) is the following.

    1) Break down of socialized medicine. Population boom has led to huge shortage of family doctors (wait lists lasting years). Which then lead to overloading of walkin clinics. Now the walk in clinics are literally closing due to overcapacity and no one wishing to run one. As a result the final levy is emergency rooms. Emergency wait times are approaching 24 hours right now. Again if you are healthy and still have a doctor you likely won't recognize how horrible of a problem this is. By the time this really starts to get attention in 1-2 years it will be too late. People will be routinely dying in emergency hallways.

    2) Soaring housing costs. With population boom housing developers haven't been able to keep up with demand. Canada is one of the most expensive places to live right now as a result. Average income in Canada 67k. Average cost of home in Canada is 650k. In major cities it's even worse. Good luck trying to buy a home as a single individual. Unless you have parents who can lend you a few hundred thousand, owning a home is out of reach for most 20-30 year olds. Typical rent is 1500+ for an apartment and 2400+ for a home. Good luck saving money. We are seeing a huge divide between those who own homes (and have gotten substantial rich) and those who don't own homes (and have succumb to the idea that they never will)

    3) With limited child care and high cost of living you are going to eventually see a major decline in birthrates and also a resulting emigration (perhaps to the USA). It's hard to predict a population collapse because a lot of immigrant families have 5 plus kids (and Canadian government showing no signs of stopping immigration rates) . But you are going to see a huge change in demographics for sure. There's a look of racist shit that can be said here but there absolutely will be a huge social change whether that's a good or bad thing I don't care to get into right now.

    4)We've started to see a collapse of social services. Most noticeably shelters and food banks being overrun. Some food banks have even put up signs saying international students are not allowed to use them. This is really uncommon to see in Canada. Subsidized housing waitlists are routinely around 10 year wait timnes.

    Again it's the 20 somethings who will be crushed by the above along with new immigrants who come to Canada under false pretenses or out of desperation. The above issues will swallow them whole and they won't stand a chance.
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  2. #2
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    lol shutup canada you fucking losers have a population of like 33 million and you cant handle shit thats like half a state of california and you people call yourself a country

  3. #3
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    If you want some sanity brought back to your country you have to quit electing progressives.

  4. #4
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Mexicans are streaming in and able to get in by foot. How are Indians getting into Canada by droves? Is Canadian govt vetting them?

  5. #5
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    News Flash: Nobody gives two fucks about Canada.

  6. #6
    Gold Ryback_feed_me_more's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If you want some sanity brought back to your country you have to quit electing progressives.
    I think this might explain the mass influx of Indians to Canada just a theory.

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  7. #7
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    What ever happened to that Ezra guy who owned rebel media that was big on YouTube back in the day?

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