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Thread: Anyone here ever have some punks try and scam them while gambling?

  1. #1
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Anyone here ever have some punks try and scam them while gambling?

    This past holiday weekend, I was gambling @ Baha Mar casino in the Bahamas. It was around 1:30 am when 2 gringo punks in their early to mid 20's approached me. I was playing Ultimate X video poker on the left end of a bank of 4 machines. One gringo approached me on the left, when another was on my right. The Punk on my left said "Can you show me your Id?" I immediately assumed that this was some sort of distraction tactic and was cognizant of the guy on my right as well. I told him "Get the fuck away from me before I kick your ass!" The punk on my left (approx 5'6 with wimpy build) was shocked at my response. I then looked at the punk on the right (similar build, maybe and inch or 2 taller) and said "same goes for you" as he was backing away. They were gone for about 2 minutes and returned with a 3rd punk. The 3rd punk started talking...i didn't care what he said and I cut him off and told him to get the fuck away or I would kick his ass too and told them I have friends in the casino too who would be back soon. I started to get up out of my seat and they quickly left. I can only assume that these punks saw someone gambling alone and figured they would distract me to try and cash out the credits I had on the machine (approx $1100 at the time). They weren't impressive physically and the biggest one was a pussy as he kept his distance and backed away when I looked at him. BTW, there was zero security presence so I was on my own. I did actually have a friend in the casino that night, but he was on the other end and wouldn't have seen what was happening.

    I played a few minutes longer and cashed out my credits and left to find my friend. I told him what happened. We went back to the area and found all 3 of them sitting at the edge of the sports book which was near the bank of machines I was playing at previously. My friend (who is extremely loud) asked them if they thought they were tough trying to scam me. He then told them that his doctor said he needs to get more exercise and asked if they still wanted to get their asses kicked. They ran away to the lobby of the SLS hotel as we laughed at them running away. What a bunch of pussies.

    I have read many stories about distraction scams similar to this where one person gets the attention of the target and another cashes out their credits. Wonder how many of you had something similar occur.

      BedWetterBettor: Unless they're variants of the flash, no way they're gonna have the time to distract you, cash out the ticket without you seeing it, and then redeeming the ticket & leaving the property. All tickets are barcoded and can be traced.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  2. #2
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Casinos and Scammers have been joined at the hip for decades. I'll give you an example of scammers I've encountered and what you should watch out for.

    A Young , strung out looking kid in AC approaches me while I'm waiting for my bus back to NYC. I feel uneasy but not scared and am fairly sure he's going to ask for money so I prepare my excuse in my head. He gives me a sob story(first red flag of a scammer) about how he lost all his money and needs $19 for a bus ticket home to Brooklyn. To which I reply, "Sorry, I lost XXX dollars and gotta catch my bus home!" He then starts asking "Which bus and where am I from"(Second Red Flag of a scammer) I lie and tell him Philadelphia.

    He asks if I can help him at all, so I give some quarters and say here ya go and walk off! He doesn't say thank you and walks away as well. So I decide to waste some time on a $1 slot machine and order a drink. As luck would have it, I max bet and hit 3 Red Sevens for a $300 payout after only about $18 coin in, for an additional profit of $282! Sweet, looks like my good deed paid off 10 fold... or so I thought as no sooner that I hit the payout I hear a male voice say "Alright, what a great win! Now you can help me with the $19!!!"

    I couldn't believe my eyes when the little snake appeared from behind a bank of slots directly behind me, as he actually was lurking in the shadows watching me play and had the nerve to come back and ask for MORE money!?! Me being quick thinking, told him "Well, first I gotta pay back the marker I took out, but it's your lucky day!" I whipped out my wallet and his eyes lit up. I quickly removed a spare bus ticket to Port Authority and gave it to him. I said "Here's a one way ticket that'll get you a lot closer to Brooklyn than this place!" His expression changed to a look of disappointment, once again no "Thank You" for the assistance and he shuffled off muttering something under his breath.

    The waitress thankfully showed up with my drink, I tipped her for it and walked off to the direction of the Credit office. I kept looking over my shoulder and alas the little tweaker wasn't there! After about 20 minutes it was time for my bus to arrive and as I'm walking towards the boarding area, who do I see but said Tweaker holding the ticket out, trying to sell it to an older couple for his precious fix money! I glanced at him, shook my head in disbelief and made my way home!

  3. #3
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    I have a buddy who absolutely hates when people ask him for money, so this is what he does.

    So, you know how the majority of the time you can tell when someone is going to ask you for money? Before they can ask him, he will walk towards that person and say “do YOU have a few bucks I can have?” The look on their face is priceless, and they walk away pissed off since they likely knew it was intentional. Imagine being a tweaker looking to get your fix and someone ask you for money before you can get the words out to ask them. Damn, talk about the walk of shame.

    Me personally, I use to make excuses when people would ask. Now I just say, “Sorry, I cant help you today”. The problem I have with most of these people is they beg for money day in, day out to get their fix.

    Now, if I truly believe their story I may give them what they need, but it’s rare.

    When it comes to food, it’s a different story. I will almost always buy someone food and give it to them.

    I was in McDonald’s the other day and this younger guy went up to everyone saying “do you have $10”. Peoples reactions were funny, one lady says “Ten dollars?? - WTF??”... when he gets to me, Before he can ask I tell him ”no one is going to give you $10, so it’s best to ask for “spare change”. Many will give a dollar or two, many will give change but you will eventually get there.

    People that ask for money arnt the smartest people, I think the best way to ask if I was in their shoes is to ask for a very specific amount of coin change. For example: “Do you have .45 cents?” People would be much more likely to give that much or more.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 07-08-2022 at 02:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Cubic Zirconia
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    A few months ago I was at the casino and was just standing there watching a few guys playing ultimate Texas Holdem. I was waiting for an open seat so I waited for a while along with another guy. I could tell he was up to no good and what do you know... He ended up asking if he could cash app me some money in exchange for cash because he has left his card at home so he couldn't use the ATM. I politely says I don't have any cash and he went away.

    On a side note, has anyone ever been cheated on blackjack by adding in to someone's double down? What I mean is if someone is betting $100 and it's a double down but they only have 50, have you ever put in the remaining bet and when it won, the person never gave you the money for the 50 that you put in? I've never seen it happened but was just wondering.

  5. #5
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    When you are walking down the street and profile someone up ahead as a panhandler they are waiting for you to make eye contact as you get close so they can make their move. So I don't make eye contact just to fuck with them. And I don't answer the "excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir" when I shuffle by them.

    Or I might fuck with them a different way with a line like:

    "Hey, dude, I'm working this side of the street! Get your ass on the other side!"

    The one I love inside the casino is pulling out a wad of hundreds (keeping a tight grip of course) and saying "As you can see I only have enough for myself." Then shove the money in my pocket and walk off.

  6. #6
    Diamond Tellafriend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post
    This past holiday weekend, I was gambling @ Baha Mar casino in the Bahamas. It was around 1:30 am when 2 gringo punks in their early to mid 20's approached me. I was playing Ultimate X video poker on the left end of a bank of 4 machines. One gringo approached me on the left, when another was on my right. The Punk on my left said "Can you show me your Id?" I immediately assumed that this was some sort of distraction tactic and was cognizant of the guy on my right as well. I told him "Get the fuck away from me before I kick your ass!" The punk on my left (approx 5'6 with wimpy build) was shocked at my response. I then looked at the punk on the right (similar build, maybe and inch or 2 taller) and said "same goes for you" as he was backing away. They were gone for about 2 minutes and returned with a 3rd punk. The 3rd punk started talking...i didn't care what he said and I cut him off and told him to get the fuck away or I would kick his ass too and told them I have friends in the casino too who would be back soon. I started to get up out of my seat and they quickly left. I can only assume that these punks saw someone gambling alone and figured they would distract me to try and cash out the credits I had on the machine (approx $1100 at the time). They weren't impressive physically and the biggest one was a pussy as he kept his distance and backed away when I looked at him. BTW, there was zero security presence so I was on my own. I did actually have a friend in the casino that night, but he was on the other end and wouldn't have seen what was happening.

    I played a few minutes longer and cashed out my credits and left to find my friend. I told him what happened. We went back to the area and found all 3 of them sitting at the edge of the sports book which was near the bank of machines I was playing at previously. My friend (who is extremely loud) asked them if they thought they were tough trying to scam me. He then told them that his doctor said he needs to get more exercise and asked if they still wanted to get their asses kicked. They ran away to the lobby of the SLS hotel as we laughed at them running away. What a bunch of pussies.

    I have read many stories about distraction scams similar to this where one person gets the attention of the target and another cashes out their credits. Wonder how many of you had something similar occur.

    interesting story, thanks for sharing. i wish you had gone to management and reported them, esp since it sounds like they were staying there and were using physical threats. baha wouldn't have tolerated that and it wouldn't happen to others.

    I've had a near bum approach me at Godden nugget on slots trying to tell me which one to play b/c it was ready to hit. i of course listened and followed. j/k.

    I've also seen the ultimate x scammers fucking with older tourists.

  7. #7
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K_Nguyen View Post

    On a side note, has anyone ever been cheated on blackjack by adding in to someone's double down? What I mean is if someone is betting $100 and it's a double down but they only have 50, have you ever put in the remaining bet and when it won, the person never gave you the money for the 50 that you put in? I've never seen it happened but was just wondering.

    Two stories like this, where I nearly got cheated.

    1) A young, urban fellow was betting $50 on Blackjack and got an 11 vs dealer 2. My hand was 15 vs dealer 2, so I wasn't too optimistic about winning my bet. He sort of looked around and then said "Just hit!" Before the dealer could pull the card I exclaimed "Hold on..." Looked towards the guy and asked "Can I double down on it?" He said "I guess so" So I put up the $50 and we got dealt a 10. The dealer busted on their hand anyway, but I was thrilled to get an extra $50 in profit. The young guy quickly raked up all the chips as I stared at him waiting for my share. I then informed him "You gotta give me half!!"

    He replied "I thought you was giving me the money?" I said "No man, I doubled it with my money for me and since we won you gotta give me $100 back!" He again refuted with "But you only bet $50 so here's $50!" And I refused to take it stating "Yes, $50 plus $50 in winnings it's only fair and you agreed to let me bet for the win!"

    After he looked at the dealer who nodded in my favor, he relented and hurled the 4 green chips at me. I said "Thanks" and walked away before the situation turned sour.

    2) A middle aged guy, who I'd run into a few times before at this particular casino in PA was playing by himself at a $10 table. I had some time to kill and thought I'd join him. No sooner than I approached the table and said Hello, he asked me to "wait a few hands" before joining. I agreed and noticed that he was in fact getting quite good cards, so I requested if I can bet along with him. He agreed and he was firing off $80-$100 bets and I was just slow playing $10 on top. Then he gets dealt an 11 vs dealer 3 and he looks over at me and asks "Should I double?" To which I responded "Of course, here's $10 for my double down!"

    A shitty card comes out and he bangs the table in anger. I assure him to relax as it's not over yet. Dealer flips a 10 under and Busts! To which he roars in approval having won his $200 bet. He tosses me back $20 quickly and I inform him, he owes me another $20. He then angrily retorts "What?!?!? You only bet $10 I gave you your share already!!!" I politely reminded him it was a Double Down hand and I doubled for the full amount" He said "I don't remember that!?!"

    So I calmly said "I'm not gonna lie to you over $10 bro, I wouldn't cheat and we can check the security camera if you want?" He angrily said "FINE, here!" and tossed me $20 I was owed. I hung around for a few more minutes, but the cards started to go South and he was growing frustrated as if I caused this. I wished him luck and he didn't respond, so I left.

      Tellafriend: file these away under people suck

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