Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
I went to the Daily Mail, as they tend to give no shits and publish the full story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ll-nevada.html

However, they did not indicate Mashenka is trans, so perhaps she's just a lesbian and/or very masculine.

Here's a family picture (with the dad she killed), where she looks a little bit more like a girl:

Still not convinced that's really a girl though.
This is what I have trouble understanding:

The Left is so deeply rooted in you guys' brains, especially when it comes to alternative sexualities, that someone could blow up an entire church, killing two hundred people...and as long as the perpetrator was transexual, you'd all be thrilled to bits!

Would you care about the 200 people who died? Not in the slightest. You'd just be pleased as punch that it was a transexual who committed the murders...it'd also give you something to talk about.

And, what would it prove? That some trans people have mental issues? No shit! Some (insert literally any category of people) have mental issues. It certainly doesn't surprise me that some trans people have mental issues; when you combine the social ostracizing with the sexual abnormality that they immediately present, it certainly stands to reason that they wouldn't all be balanced.

My concern would be more along the lines of society failing to see the signs that this person would become an indiscriminate killer, annihilating 200 people with an explosive, and not collectively finding some way to prevent that. I'd tend to be a bit more concerned about them killing 200 people than being a transexual.

The conservatives here would just be thrilled that the perpetrator was a transexual.

How does celebrating murder feel? You guys feel good about yourselves when you're celebrating people being murdered?