Brothers you have all made it clear to me, this forum is filled with Boomers who have experienced tremendous professional and financial success. You are High Level Operators. You are technically skilled programmers who can achieve things online few could dream of. You keep detailed spreadsheets of IPS, personal details, and more,

Quick question then pal…?

How did nobody figure out Nicky Pipes is THISGUYISWHAT?

That’s right the cats out of the bag.

Years ago as a young man who had just moved to Florida I started posting on PFA as THISGUYISWHAT, causing serious mayhem and trouble and placing a legendary call into the radio show on the episode where I got Scott “Stock” Matusow to call in and then I believe eventually Mike The Mouth. I weirdly used to talk to Scott Martuzow all the time

Well now many years later my life has changed a lot and I carried on my legacy by telling my life story in the form of Nicky Pipes, where I also acted out in outrageous and controversial pattern

This does call into question Druffs ability to properly stalk and maintain his database on users