All American Dave, not to be confused with scammy sportsbetting tout Vegas Dave or former poker pro Hollywood Dave, has been a staple at the Rio WSOP.

He provided good, healthy, albeit expensive food, from a stand he set up in the back area of the Rio. Dave hired a bunch of pretty girls to deliver the food to the tables, but you could also pick it up from the stand yourself.

It was well-liked, and many swore by it. Brandon had a bit of a problem with one of those delivery girls some years back, and talked about it on radio. Dave jumped to action and was very gracious/apologetic about it, comping Brandon a meal. He didn't know we had PFA Radio, so it wasn't about that. Just seems like a good guy who appreciates his customers.

Anyway, since the WSOP is moving to Bally's/Paris this year, they just informed Dave that he's a gonner.

Dave deserved better. They likely didn't want the competition with their own in-house food outlets, but Dave had such a long (and good) history with the WSOP, they should have made an exception. I hope they reconsider.