Quote Originally Posted by hesterandeldridge View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
And Kessler has issues with Burger King? How come this stuff always happens to guys like you? And I don’t mean poker players.
I have an uncle who had a bodega on les Manhattan, he ended up kicking out at least 10 people that acted like kessler or druff . always complaining and sometimes its valid , but sometimes its petty shit and not worth the hassle.

druff and kessler have been right on many things , but its the small things that they cant let go that gives them this reputation
Kessler will sometimes obsess over minutiae where it's not even clear he's in the right (and sometimes he's actually wrong).

In my situations, I always make sure that there's a very high chance I'm correct, and I can prove it. My recent incident at Target is a good example of this, as was this tomatoes-on-the-side debacle of 2010.

Basically the common theme in all of these is that the employee is wrong and doesn't know what the fuck he/she is doing, digs their heels in and turns it into a battle of egos (rather than being open to realizing they're incorrect), and then they escalate it to the point where they break a ton of other company rules in the process of trying to one-up me.

Then I report it, and they get in trouble.

I have no sympathy for employees like that. Your job is not a power trip.

This Subway thing wasn't involving employees, instead a rogue franchise owner, but same concept applies. I reported his franchise to Subway, they agreed he was in violation of their agreement, and they compelled him to start allowing customers to get stuff on the side.