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Thread: Roblox FRAUD ALERT

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Roblox FRAUD ALERT

    Roblox is a super-popular game with kids nowadays. It's not a game itself, but rather a platform where you build a character which can play other games built by either users or companies. There are over 100,000 Roblox games, some of which actually make a lot of money. The most popular game, "Adopt Me", actually has a team of 30 full time developers working on it!

    Anyway, Roblox has an in-game currency called "Robux". Robux are roughly equivalent to 1 cent each. You can get them in various ways. Most people buy them directly from Roblox (which is what generates the income for the company), but you can also earn them if you create your own game, or by creating virtual items/accessories for people to buy.

    Benjamin really loves Roblox, and like most parents of Roblox-playing kids, I buy him Robux every so often, especially for occasions. He also is a "Roblox Premium" member, which gets him 450 Robux per month automatically.

    Anyway, Ben had 4800 Robux in his account because I had recently given him a gift, which is worth approximately $48.

    On December 1, he found a mysterious item for 500 Robux ($5) was bought on his account. He didn't do it, and the item was so strange and useless that it didn't look likely that he would have done it -- either accidentally or otherwise. However, at the same time, there were no indications that his account was compromised in any way. His password still worked, and nothing else was tampered with.

    I sent e-mail to support asking for the 500 Robux back. Unfortunately this support is run out of India, and is total shit. They mostly communicate with form letters.

    It took several tries to get them to understand that he did NOT lose access to his account -- just that 500 Robux had been jacked. Finally they understood and refunded the 500. I still wondered how it happened. I chalked it up to some insider exploit, especially because the account which had received his 500 Robux was banned and deleted shortly after our complaint.

    Today, Ben found that his entire 4800 had been drained, in similar fashion. It's not clear why the hacker didn't do this the first time.

    I wrote to Roblox again, and they sent me a form letter saying that Ben had literally used up his "one time", and therefore gets nothing.

    Apparently Roblox got tired of dealing with irresponsible kids who let their accounts get compromised repeatedly (or kids who would regret in-game purchases and lied about being hacked), so their blanket solution was a "one time rollback", where each account gets one and only one chance for a complete restore to 24 hours prior to the incident. After that, you are fucked. I have since read stories of people losing hundreds of thousands of Robux (worth thousands of $), and support told them to eat shit.

    I never asked or agreed to this rollback. I simply asked for the 500 Robux back, and that was the solution they employed. Now they're saying we can't get our 4800 back because we already used our "one time". Well, there's no fucking way I would have used the one-time rollback over a matter of $5, had they been clear about it.

    Indian support now just keeps sending me form letters in response, basically telling me to go pound sand.

    There is no way to call them. They ended phone support earlier this year, using the pandemic as an excuse. (Bovada did something similar, as have other companies which are using the pandemic as an excuse to provide poor customer service.)


    BTW, since then, I think I tracked down the source of the compromise. I think it was through a Google Chrome Roblox extension which steals the cookies and essentially allows them to log in as him, without using the password.

    The sad thing is that Ben loves the game so much that I can't charge it back on my credit card, or they will ban him, and he will be devastated. Obviously I'm not doing that.

    They really need regulation for in-app and in-game purchases. Huge hole in the law right now.

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    Terrible..And the Comp. Knows it is Mostly Kid's.
    What is to Deter the Comp from Housing Bens $ again and again?

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shoeshine box View Post
    Terrible..And the Comp. Knows it is Mostly Kid's.
    What is to Deter the Comp from Housing Bens $ again and again?
    Absolutely nothing. I think I've closed the loophole by killing the Chrome extension, and telling Ben not to load them again.

    However, indeed it's bullshit that they have employed a "you get one time" solution to fraud, and after that you just have to eat the money, even though the entire game is aimed at young kids, who are unlikely to be good at avoiding hacks and exploits.

    Ben isn't even bad with this stuff. He is really aware of phishing and other scams which routinely trick adults. When this shit is tried on him, he laughs and says, "Look at this scam!"

    However, the browser extension thing got him, and that's understandable.

    While I understand that Roblox can't be endlessly burdened by restoring accounts for kids who are repeatedly hacked, they also can't tell 10-year-olds that they have to become cybersecurity experts or their parents' money is wasted with no recourse. I doubt this is even legal.

    What's also stupid is that it costs them nothing to give clearly stolen Robux back. For example, I told them to check the IP making the in-game purchase, and they'll see it was from nowhere near here. Also, it's clear the item purchased was a junk item, created by an account just made yesterday, Has scam written all over it. Support should be able to tell the difference between hacks and kids with buyer's remorse, and issue Robux refunds when warranted. It's not rocket science. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass for them, but given that they make a like a billion dollars per year, I think they can afford to do this.

    Robux are in-game currency which they can generate at no cost on their end, so it's not like we are asking for any real money back.

    They just don't feel like they have to be customer friendly, because they are huge and got even bigger during the pandemic, with kids at home with nothing else to do.

  4. #4
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Here's a video from someone who had the same thing occur as Ben:

    I realize it's a video by a kid and the title card looks juvenile, but you can watch the first 2 minutes and get a good idea of what happened.

    Pretty sad that they are letting little kids get scammed like this, and they give zero shits.

  5. #5
    Platinum Krypt's Avatar
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    fuck me, just got a shiver down my spine coming to the realization that this guy is going to be terrorizing the local PTA for the next decade+

  6. #6
    Bronze WSPreadHead's Avatar
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    my daughter (8 years old) had her Roblox account drained a few months ago... it was her fault, as she clicked a phishing link offering her "free Roblox" or something of the like, and she entered her credentials... I'll never forget her face when she realized what had happened ... it was heartbreaking how naive she was as I explained to her how it happened... who dafuq targets little kids like that?!

  7. #7
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    One problem is that Robux can be traded back in for cash once you have 100,000 or more. This unfortunately makes adult scammers interested in jacking them, whereas there would probably be less of this if Robux weren't used as currency that can go both in and out of the system.

    I'm telling you, there is a huge hole in consumer law right now regarding in-app purchases and in-game currency. TONS of scams, TONS of unethical behavior, and you're at the mercy of cold and hard-to-reach tech companies as to how these matters will be handled.

    It's a totally unregulated market with super-immature law governing it, and it shows. I imagine this will be addressed sometime in the 2020s, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

  8. #8
    Diamond mulva's Avatar
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    any game that has a gambling aspect to is is not good at all for young kids. not only that, if you use a cc to buy stuff you could easily run into fraud that way as well.

    much like many dopey's in poker by rolling people. it happens in these games as well. the kids get talked into trading fictitious items within the game that have a cash value only to have the other party not send theirs. and there's no recourse to get it back. some of these games encourage spending money and gambling to a high degree.
    Quote Originally Posted by bottomset_69 View Post
    Johnny Manziel will be the 1st pick in the draft. I truly believe not only will Johnny Manziel be rookie of the year, quite possibly he will be MVP as his style will shock defensive coordinators. Manziel may only be 6 feet tall, but he has size 15 feet. And he has HUGE hands. I know some NFL scouts so I know what I am talking about.

  9. #9
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I agree that "loot box" type games often target kids/teenagers, and even adults to some degree. This shit is also unregulated, for the most part. However, that's the only aspect of the industry where any desire has been expressed by lawmakers to regulate.

    The general world of in-app purchases and in-game currency remains the wild, wild west, and that's NOT a good thing.

  10. #10
    Bronze Drawingdead's Avatar
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    That sucks his account was robbed, my son has played on there since it began and he’s never lost any roblox. Did you ask Ben if he was talking about how much he had in his account?

    Maybe someone was fishing looking for an account to target with roblox in it,

    Simple dialogue like, hey kid can you buy the power armor? yeah I have enough.

    Can you buy the car? No I don’t have that much,

    easy way to determine the amount in someone’s account.

  11. #11
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drawingdead View Post
    That sucks his account was robbed, my son has played on there since it began and he’s never lost any roblox. Did you ask Ben if he was talking about how much he had in his account?

    Maybe someone was fishing looking for an account to target with roblox in it,

    Simple dialogue like, hey kid can you buy the power armor? yeah I have enough.

    Can you buy the car? No I don’t have that much,

    easy way to determine the amount in someone’s account.
    It appears to be a Chrome extension hack.

    Once they got in, they first did a smaller transaction, then a larger one a week later.

  12. #12
    Bronze Drawingdead's Avatar
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    I read that, just weird that targeted his account with a decent amount of roblox.

  13. #13
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Druff, seems to be available in case you want to start a third forum.

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  14. #14
    Bronze Drawingdead's Avatar
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    How much do you play roblox Druff? Do you and Ben play on separate machines together. I play SCP with my boy sometimes.

  15. #15
    Hi Todd JACKDANIELS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    BTW JACKDANIELS is the first one banned from the thread. He is accusing me of being "duped by a middle aged man who dresses like John Cena"

  16. #16
    Gold gauchojake's Avatar
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    I asked my kids if they knew about this. They said that ROBUX was the real scam and that they wouldn't ever spend money on them.

  17. #17
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    Saw a Lil kid with the shirt walking with Mom in store..I was gonna say something but refrained....

  18. #18
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
    I asked my kids if they knew about this. They said that ROBUX was the real scam and that they wouldn't ever spend money on them.
    The game is not very fun without Robux. You can subsist without them and screw around in the games, but many of them require "gamepasses" to really get anywhere, and those are bought with Robux.

    Also, Robux are usually required to equip the character with all kinds of outfits and looks, and the kids really love that. In fact, people using the default character are often mocked in the game for not having done this.

    I'm guessing your kids just don't enjoy Roblox that much.

  19. #19
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drawingdead View Post
    How much do you play roblox Druff? Do you and Ben play on separate machines together. I play SCP with my boy sometimes.
    I don't play it much, though I do have an account there, and I will jump in occasionally with Benjamin. I also helped him build one of the games he was making.

  20. #20
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    My 7 year old has very recently started playing Roblox (like within the last week) and has been really enjoying it.

    Any thing as a I parent I should be looking out for to prevent her from getting scammed? I’m not sure she’s really even aware of being able to buy Robux yet but I know that’s coming soon as she has friends that play it too.

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