$95.50 per share is the final total, as I bricked the $3k Limit Holdem.

All have been paid as of March 2019.

handicapme $764
handicapme's girlfriend $191
john stamos $95.50
mulhs82 $95.50
DutchDodo $191
tradershky $573
50Cinquanta $95.50
mdj1980 $191
MD $764
JJ $191
Dicepops $191
Call_Station $95.50
tigerpiper $191
1marley1 $191
Reno $191
BW $95.50
Winona86 $95.50
Vintage_One $382
khalwat $191
belly buster $286.50
The Shrink $95.50
SN $191
AU $191
Pooh $382
Angelface $191
Jordan C $191
CarlB $764
gavinci $191
nerakil $95.50
442xx $95.50
NorCal Sports $95.50
MrTickle $95.50