If they really want to help people's commutes between LA and Vegas, they will find a way to fix the horrendous traffic jam which occurs at Primm (40 miles south of Vegas, at the CA border) every Sunday.

If you look on your traffic map every Sunday, starting from about 11am, you will see something like a 10-15 mile bumper-to-bumper jam which causes delays of up to 2 hours.

Not a fun way to return from Vegas, especially if you lost money (and let's face it -- you probably did!)

This same thing used to happen where the 40 and 15 met in Barstow, but they fixed it.

Now it's at Primm, and it seems like nobody gives a shit, and we're just supposed to accept that's how it's going to be from now on.

I believe it's because a lane temporarily gets lost before it goes back to 3 lanes when you reach the hill.

So why can't they just make it 3 lanes between the state line and the hill? I think that would probably fix it. There is plenty of room to do so.

Maybe it's intentionally being left this way so everyone supports a rail project.