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Thread: Marley's House of Sport - Scam or not?

  1. #21
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broncz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by venom1000 View Post
    It was always a SCAM!

    We started representing MHS members back in Late September and early October (legally) with issuing Statement of Claims in QLD courts.

    The post was on here to warn others yet not many took it up?

    Nor did many get in contact ( 6 only from the rumoured 45 that they knew about)

    Marley Wynter has never invested the money it has always been a Classic Ponzi so he needed newer members in to suffice older MHS members
    withdrawal requests.

    Presently we have only heard from 2 x MHI members.

    This alone is Financial Fraud as he as we all know had no AFS licence and never has.

    We highlighted his previous criminal convictions in various States of Australia.

    Of comfort as he is a sole trader only he is therefore liable personally.

    Again those who made the effort to contact us via the early post on here are several months ahead of the long Queue.

    Our early Investigation back in September 2022 we were provided Log ins from MHS members so we started collating all his so called bets (as you all know) with ZERO bet receipts and we
    have a database of all MHS members including initial deposit amounts as there is NO balance and never was and it may sound Cruel but in what reality would there ever be.

    If ANYONE HAD TAKEN THE TIME TO investigate (we did) none of his recorded Bets even make sense. We tracked MHS members with Log ins and set up numerous Spreadsheets under all possible scenarios.

    Even Marley advised prices on runners that were NOT even possible.

    Nothing and not even 1 made any sense.

    No one had heard of Marley Wynter in the Racing & Sports Industry.

    The Poker Industry knew who he was as some of the MHS members may like to know that Poker Media journalist Landon Blackhall was advised as early as Early September that 10 MHS members cannot obtain repeated Withdrawal requests (proof was provided).

    The warning signs were very evident but the question remains Did Marley Wynter lose a possible $5Mllion to $10 Million ( Our estimate) based on what MHS members have come forward.

    So those MHS members that sought our FREE help are already in the Courts and we advised them to go directly to the Police to make FRAUD complaints.

    As for Litigation yes we have already commenced and no doubt will have Judgements awarded in Marley Wynter's absence unfortunately he being a Gambling Addict there will be no money but luckily for those that have commenced early we can pursue future TAX RETURNS AND TANGIBLE ASSETS.

    I highly doubt a Class Action as those we are helping are assisted with decades of Commercial Recovery Experience and Fraud Investigations in various Industries.

    There was never an Ill child as Marley changed his various email replies regarding Withdrawals and if anyone is yet to view the Youtube debacle it only highlights how moronic Marley Wynter actually is (deranged more suitable)

    There is Legal avenues for defamation for those who were noted as COTY.

    He could well be in the Top 10 largest Ponzi scams in Australia and one thing is certain as is Death & Taxes is Marley John Wynter will be going to Jail for at least 5 to 10 years that is worth rejoicing!

    Good luck with all future endeavours.

    Our contact details are available in previous corro on this forum.

    @Venom1000, Can you please provide the contact details of the firm representing MHS Members, i cannot see them on the forum, or please join the Facebook Group as this is full of more information you may find useful, and also dozens more members that have been blocked by and chasing MHS for money and answers.

    The Facebook group started in May 2022, and this initial forum post was taken from the Facebook group
    I too would like some contact details please to see where this is headed. Feeling like I've been bent over without lube at this point.

  2. #22
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by venom1000 View Post
    It was always a SCAM!

    We started representing MHS members back in Late September and early October (legally) with issuing Statement of Claims in QLD courts.

    The post was on here to warn others yet not many took it up?

    Nor did many get in contact ( 6 only from the rumoured 45 that they knew about)

    Marley Wynter has never invested the money it has always been a Classic Ponzi so he needed newer members in to suffice older MHS members
    withdrawal requests.

    Presently we have only heard from 2 x MHI members.

    This alone is Financial Fraud as he as we all know had no AFS licence and never has.

    We highlighted his previous criminal convictions in various States of Australia.

    Of comfort as he is a sole trader only he is therefore liable personally.

    Again those who made the effort to contact us via the early post on here are several months ahead of the long Queue.

    Our early Investigation back in September 2022 we were provided Log ins from MHS members so we started collating all his so called bets (as you all know) with ZERO bet receipts and we
    have a database of all MHS members including initial deposit amounts as there is NO balance and never was and it may sound Cruel but in what reality would there ever be.

    If ANYONE HAD TAKEN THE TIME TO investigate (we did) none of his recorded Bets even make sense. We tracked MHS members with Log ins and set up numerous Spreadsheets under all possible scenarios.

    Even Marley advised prices on runners that were NOT even possible.

    Nothing and not even 1 made any sense.

    No one had heard of Marley Wynter in the Racing & Sports Industry.

    The Poker Industry knew who he was as some of the MHS members may like to know that Poker Media journalist Landon Blackhall was advised as early as Early September that 10 MHS members cannot obtain repeated Withdrawal requests (proof was provided).

    The warning signs were very evident but the question remains Did Marley Wynter lose a possible $5Mllion to $10 Million ( Our estimate) based on what MHS members have come forward.

    So those MHS members that sought our FREE help are already in the Courts and we advised them to go directly to the Police to make FRAUD complaints.

    As for Litigation yes we have already commenced and no doubt will have Judgements awarded in Marley Wynter's absence unfortunately he being a Gambling Addict there will be no money but luckily for those that have commenced early we can pursue future TAX RETURNS AND TANGIBLE ASSETS.

    I highly doubt a Class Action as those we are helping are assisted with decades of Commercial Recovery Experience and Fraud Investigations in various Industries.

    There was never an Ill child as Marley changed his various email replies regarding Withdrawals and if anyone is yet to view the Youtube debacle it only highlights how moronic Marley Wynter actually is (deranged more suitable)

    There is Legal avenues for defamation for those who were noted as COTY.

    He could well be in the Top 10 largest Ponzi scams in Australia and one thing is certain as is Death & Taxes is Marley John Wynter will be going to Jail for at least 5 to 10 years that is worth rejoicing!

    Good luck with all future endeavours.

    Our contact details are available in previous corro on this forum.

    Hi Venom1000,

    Can you please make contact with me either in the Facebook group or at

    Thank you

  3. #23
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Looks like the rats are running.

    After the recent post about closing MHS a lot of sympathetic messages from new members were posted. Basically calling out all the people that had caused MHS to close down due to “harassment and abuse “. What they fail to understand is that the so called harassment is from members who wished to make a withdrawal, many of them for the first time in over 12 months.

    Well today the Facebook site has been deleted, the emails are not being answered, and the phones are not being answered. All communication methods severed. Now maybe those defending the organiser of this scheme, Marley, will realise that they have been scammed also..

  4. #24
    Cubic Zirconia
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  5. #25
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Interesting to see some people have been paid their initial deposit plus 5% already. I'd love to be able to hear from other people who put money in and see if they have been paid.

  6. #26
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wynterhasrearendedus View Post
    Interesting to see some people have been paid their initial deposit plus 5% already. I'd love to be able to hear from other people who put money in and see if they have been paid.
    That would be interesting to know how many if true, we know 12 people in MHS AND THEY HAVE RECEIVED NOTHING.

  7. #27
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUNTER View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wynterhasrearendedus View Post
    Interesting to see some people have been paid their initial deposit plus 5% already. I'd love to be able to hear from other people who put money in and see if they have been paid.
    That would be interesting to know how many if true, we know 12 people in MHS AND THEY HAVE RECEIVED NOTHING.
    May I ask what their initial investment was? I've seen a couple bank transfers of $10500 already.

  8. #28
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wynterhasrearendedus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by HUNTER View Post

    That would be interesting to know how many if true, we know 12 people in MHS AND THEY HAVE RECEIVED NOTHING.
    May I ask what their initial investment was? I've seen a couple bank transfers of $10500 already.
    A bit of a summary for those who haven't joined the Facebook group which is open to all - - Don't F*** With Poker Players

    22 members have posted their MHS Balances for a total of $8,818,000 approx.

    Members initial investments range from 5K,10K,25K,50K. This is their own hard earned money some of these victims have lost and totals over 400K

    2 members confirmed they have received $10,500 back initial investment back +5% - not sure how these were chosen, possibly threats of exposure, media etc.

    There are some very distressed victims, including young couples, elderly couples, young men and women, older retirees, that have not only put in their hard earned initial deposits but dreams of having a huge 10x , 20x, some 40x withdrawal to purchase houses, set up their kids, or just get ahead for the first time and live their best lives.

    Most of these victims have the same story, well educated, experienced, honest people showed scepticism and help off for a while, but eventually convinced it was legitimate when friends and family had been able to do some withdrawals (even though it seems harassing MHS is always required and withdrawals are frowned upon)

    MHS group chat removed all members and closed their own Facebook Group

  9. #29
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broncz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wynterhasrearendedus View Post

    May I ask what their initial investment was? I've seen a couple bank transfers of $10500 already.
    A bit of a summary for those who haven't joined the Facebook group which is open to all - - Don't F*** With Poker Players

    22 members have posted their MHS Balances for a total of $8,818,000 approx.

    Members initial investments range from 5K,10K,25K,50K. This is their own hard earned money some of these victims have lost and totals over 400K

    2 members confirmed they have received $10,500 back initial investment back +5% - not sure how these were chosen, possibly threats of exposure, media etc.

    There are some very distressed victims, including young couples, elderly couples, young men and women, older retirees, that have not only put in their hard earned initial deposits but dreams of having a huge 10x , 20x, some 40x withdrawal to purchase houses, set up their kids, or just get ahead for the first time and live their best lives.

    Most of these victims have the same story, well educated, experienced, honest people showed scepticism and help off for a while, but eventually convinced it was legitimate when friends and family had been able to do some withdrawals (even though it seems harassing MHS is always required and withdrawals are frowned upon)

    MHS group chat removed all members and closed their own Facebook Group
    Glad to see some are getting some funds, small potatoes compared to what is outstanding, our group of 12 has approx $1.8m outstanding. 2 People getting funds is a pittance.

    Totally agree with the sentiments expressed above.

  10. #30
    Cubic Zirconia
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    It's insane how many people he was able to scam while looking like a methhead and never providing any evidence his claims were real.

    I warned everyone I could think of not to ever invest in what was obviously either a Ponzi scheme or money laundering (with the former being vastly more likely but thought there was a slim chance he was laundering drug money) in the local poker community but without any hard proof it's tough to contact law enforcement directly. I guess we're now at the hard proof stage with victims not getting paid.

    In the group i'm in on FB it appears over 8 million AUD in outstanding funds now and I assume that figure will grow. I know he'd been targeting the Australian poker community for a long time, still amazed at the scope of this thing especially when he looks like he lives in the trailer park and does meth all day and talks like well, he lives in a trailer park and does meth all day.

    As an actual high stakes sports bettor in Australia the giveaway (other than his obviously impossible claims about profit and turnover) that this was a scam was that he was asking for money but not accounts - the one asset non sports bettors can bring a serious betting operation in Australia in a partnership is their accounts to bet with to get action down. Most serious sports bettors partner with other people to get action down, the difference is it's usually the sports bettor sending the other party money and risking being scammed and not the other way around. PSA if you're looking to partner with a sports bettor on any sort of venture and they DON'T want to partner with you to use your accounts to get action down that's probably a red flag that something is wrong.

    I hope Marley goes to jail for a long time, I told anybody who asked me if this was legitimate that it was most certainly not although I didn't know specifically whether it was a ponzi scheme or money laundering

    If you're reading the thread Marley we all hope you go away for life. You've ruined so many lives, and your life is now about to be ruined too. I have never met you in person but we have enough mutual acquaintences that i'd like to give you a sincere fuck you, and I hope you are miserable in jail.

    And to all of Marley's accomplices who helped him recruit suckers into the likely Ponzi, I hope law enforcement comes for you too.

    I hope as many victims as possible are made whole, at a minimum they need to seize and sell all of Marley's assets but it will likely still be pennies on the dollar.

  11. #31
    Cubic Zirconia
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    leigh nothrop seems to be on most members friend lists on the fb group, a ring leader?

  12. #32
    Cubic Zirconia
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    There are a few guys who are pumping his legitimacy still despite him owing eight figures and attacking the people who have pointed out the red flags in Marley's operation, Andrew Dyce, Graeme Wheeler etc they run a 'Friends of Marley' facebook page that tries to defend Marley despite him not paying out the money owed to people and thinks it's all some sort of conspiracy against poor Marley and that people can just have his bank accounts locked with no evidence and so on 'to prevent people from getting paid' which is obviously ridiculous, if anyone could just call up a bank and have someone's accounts locked with no proof of wrongdoing that would be absurd. I think at this point they're basically accomplices, but i'm not a legal expert and that's just my opinion as a lay person.

    I did speak with the head of APT (Australian Poker Tour), who issued Marley with cease and desists over using their logo to give his schemes legitimacy and told me he eventually got Marley to take them down (Marley was a sponsor in the past a while ago, APT has since cut ties since they've worked out his schemes are unlikely to be legitimate) - the head of APT assured me they would speak with people at APT to cut ties with Marley and stop promoting him and strip them of their shares in the company/cut ties with employees and so on if they don't

    At the end of the day I have no stake in this beyond pointing out obvious red flags for a ponzi scheme such as 'he won't prove he ever made any bets or has anyone's money and owes eight figures in documented balances and seven figures in deposits to various investors and hasn't paid most of them', i'm not invested in any way shape or form financially in Marley's success or failure, I just don't want anyone to get scammed

    Marley's still refusing to go to the bank with an independent third party and prove he has all the money as he claims as his doubters have suggested he do if he does have the money owed to everyone as he claims and that's basically where it stands. His 'everyone will get paid April 1' deadline is coming up and I expect he'll find a way to pay 10k or whatever one or two people of the many people owed millions of dollars, claim 'I can't do the rest because people conspiring against me locked all of my banks' and move it back to July then December and so on to keep his suckers who can't admit they got duped on the hook until he is eventually arrested or whatever the end game is here

    Not much any of us can do but let the legal process play out and warn people they certainly shouldn't invest any money in any of his schemes when he is at this point openly talking about his bank accounts being locked and there are police complaints against him. I have my opinion on how it plays out but at the end of the day i'm just a bystander with no first hand knowledge, I just know it sure as fuck looks like a ponzi scheme and Marley could easily prove if it wasn't and thus far has failed to do so, ball's in his court and the authorities court now and there's nothing that me or any third party can do really, it's up to the people he stole from to make legal complaints and at some point the authorities unwind what's happened and get to the bottom of it - I suggest the most likely outcome is the winnings are entirely fictional and the money (8 figures in alleged winnings and 7 figures in deposits and that's just what has been documented in the Facebook group by victims) is gone, but that's just conjecture based off why on earth wouldn't he prove his scheme was legitimate given the accusations he is facing if it was.
    Last edited by SwoopAE; 03-21-2023 at 02:13 AM.

  13. #33
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Marley was spotted at The Star Casino Gold Coast on Saturday 25/03/2023 playing Blackjack.

    When the recent sighting was was posted on the Facebook Group - Marleys House of Sport (formally Don't F*** With Poker Players)

    Marley was seen gambling at The Star, Gold Coast last night. While he is obviously not breaking any laws by gambling at licensed gaming venues, I think you would all agree that it is a terrible look and massive slap in the face for victims out of pocket, especially the victims suffering financial hardship that are begging to have their withdrawals from MHS and MHI paid"

    there was a reply to the post from an Andrew Dyce very quick to defend, advocate and speak out for Marley almost instantly. "For all those that want to know Marley had 5k of mine and turned it into 10k, the crime here is you ignorant people finding a conspiracy before finding the truth"

    Several dozen members have been unsuccessful at getting any withdrawals from MHS and MHI since SEPTEMBER 2022

    In September 2022 Marley claimed it was his record month 79.73% profit. MHS stacks totalling over 27 million from only 45 members reported with 79.73% profit would equate to 21 million profit in 1 month, but Marley has also quoted on a separate occasion he has 680 members.

    The excuse for Marley not processing withdrawals continue to be that his bank accounts have been frozen for over a month now and he has not provided any evidence that he has any money to pay out the members anyway.

  14. #34
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Combined MHS & MHI account balances from 50 members reported. (Monopoly money unpaid)


    Total money paid to MHS, MHI, additional tipping comps, aggression betting, $10K Seminars "How to pick a winner", MHS Thoroughbred Syndicate, Admin/Tech Team gratuities, various charity donations from 50 members.


    On the 31st January 2023 Marley stated to JMac on the Twitch stream his current member number was "680 after culling a shitload in the last 6 months" down from 12,000 at its peak, so where the total of both of these numbers will finish if all members come forward, or if MHS and MHI records are discovered is unclear.

    It has been 2 months since MHS members were advised of the business closure.

  15. #35
    Cubic Zirconia
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    I had to share this comment from our Facebook page as it is very well written and makes some great points about Marley's House of Sport, so thankyou for taking the time to articulate it so well.

    "... I for one feel very sorry for Marley and everyone he has, and still is, fooling. You see, the confidence trick, or 'con' for the uninitiated is still in play. Now, you folks out there, arguing the finer points of getting your deposit back, are conveniently forgetting about the increase in value that your initial deposit achieved and appear to be quite happy to get your cash back. Totally understandable, but misguided, to put it politely. Remember, every member has a private page, where the gains or losses every week were reported in numerical terms, percentages and detailed graphics. Coming back into those overwhelmingly bright and thoughtful minds yet? Therefore, it would be more than reasonable and fair to expect payment in full on the total balance, including anything gained, on request compliant with the terms and conditioners set out on Marley's HOS page. That is beyond refute or argument and forms a legally binding Civil Law contract, in writing and acceptable as evidence in Courtrooms in every State and Territory in the country, but that is another matter to be dealt with separately. What is happening now, is no-one is getting paid what they were promised, and folks are arguing to get their initial deposit refunded. The difference between the two separate amounts is what constitutes fraud, by deception for whatever reason. Fraud is a Criminal Offence, Section 408(C) in Queensland, and if you care to broaden your horizons by reading it you'll find in this case it's a slam dunk win for the prosecution. If you care to look further, you'll find similar sections in the applicable Criminal Laws in every State and Territory in the country, and in some instances the Federal Laws of the Commonwealth. In short, our mate Marley is already a criminal and I for one don't need to see his bank balances, his betting slips or talk to him to know that he is in deep shit wherever he is. As for his Legal counsel, well, they won't be working pro-bono (that's for free by the way), they're in it for the money. And, the most wonderful things about Law firms are that they're expensive, and, they always get paid, first. So think what you will, it's a free country. Unless you break the law, then it's not quite so free, is it...☺️✌️🙏""

    Facebook member..

  16. #36
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Wednesday 5th April 2023 - Media makes this public

    Poker Media Australia released a comprehensive article

    2GB Sydney Radio Interview with a member that invested $50,000 on January 5th and the poker player that started the Facebook Group to expose the scam.

  17. #37
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Yes, nice to see this is getting more publicity now.

    I saw one of those articles mentioned me and my discussion on PFA Radio, so that was nice.

  18. #38
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Hobart Mercury ran a story on it today, this is going to get more and more media attention

    PDF attached of the article since if I recall it's paywalled on the website

    It's a Murdoch paper which is good as they may run similar articles nationwide and Marley's friend/spokeman Andrew Dyce just threatened to sue them and PokerMedia which is an empty threat as it would go very poorly for them
    Attached Images Attached Images

  19. #39
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Updated Combined MHS & MHI account balances from 78 members reported. (Monopoly money unpaid)


    Total money paid to MHS, MHI, additional tipping comps, aggression betting, $10K Seminars "How to pick a winner", MHS Thoroughbred Syndicate, Admin/Tech Team gratuities, various charity donations from 78 members.


  20. #40
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broncz View Post
    Updated Combined MHS & MHI account balances from 78 members reported. (Monopoly money unpaid)


    Total money paid to MHS, MHI, additional tipping comps, aggression betting, $10K Seminars "How to pick a winner", MHS Thoroughbred Syndicate, Admin/Tech Team gratuities, various charity donations from 78 members.


    Well, now that Marley has engaged the services of a professional Law Firm we should all feel so much better. They are so professional that they engage with Creditors only through a Facebook site that supports Marley and even then it is provided to a site moderator to post. They do not answer phone calls or emails from creditors trying to ascertain if they are on the list of creditors supplied to them by Marley.

    So if you are not on the Facebook sites you are just as much in the dark as you were when it all shut down in January.

    A question for all Marley supporters

    If all his banking accounts were frozen in September due to claims of non payment, What was he betting with for the following three and a half months. What money was he using, where is that money and profits now?

    If that money was in sports betting accounts or an easy access account as it would have to be to place bets every Saturday, where is it if it exists?

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