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Thread: So coronavirus is definitely going to kill a few of us.

  1. #10021
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    A formerly free culture happy to be locked down for their own good, and forced to wear a mask over a disease 99.9% of people who aren't already on death's doorstep will survive.

    How are people still buying or scared of this crap?


  2. #10022
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    I think you're taking stupid pills extra strength

  3. #10023
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    really interesting point made in that article; if trump botches the vaccine the same way ford botched his swine flu vaccine, a lot of young adults are going to grow up thinking vaccines are bullshit and cant be trusted.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  4. #10024
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    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    I think you're taking stupid pills extra strength
    What do you do, where you can happily accept shutting down major sectors of the economy for 6+ months to save us from a 99.9% survivable disease?

    Not really feeling the free 6 month socialism preview. Shortages of basic goods, paying more for less & violent opposition to basic facts has kind of lost me.

    Give me freedom and capitalism, or give me death.

    Tell your wife to get back to work, she is lucky to still have a job, and won't for much longer if everything goes completely online and centralized.

  5. #10025
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post

    Tests outside contact tracing just inform when you should consider quarantine, hindering interstate travel and lastly when you should be thinking of opening up.

    The early CDC tests resulted in 30% false negative and 20% false positive. Meaning they still gave a good enough approximation for everything related to quarantine.
    what would more testing have really done?
    Pretty much everything i said besides contact tracing. Had you started properly testing even few weeks earlier you likely would have been better informed to pull the trigger on quarantine measures. And that's the biggest thing that caused avoidable deaths.

    You and Sonatine went trough a few things that proper leadership does. In short it creates an enviroment where people can do their job, general populace stays calm and everyone focuses on doing sane shit.

    What Trump gave you was anarchy. Contrary to popular belief here i don't actually prefer that. I like proper governance. Functioning police force is essential to that and none of it happens when they lack the trust of the general populace. That trust is earned. It should never be given. Once upon a time your country stood for that.

  6. #10026
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    what would more testing have really done?
    Pretty much everything i said besides contact tracing. Had you started properly testing even few weeks earlier you likely would have been better informed to pull the trigger on quarantine measures. And that's the biggest thing that caused avoidable deaths.

    You and Sonatine went trough a few things that proper leadership does. In short it creates an enviroment where people can do their job, general populace stays calm and everyone focuses on doing sane shit.

    What Trump gave you was anarchy. Contrary to popular belief here i don't actually prefer that. I like proper governance. Functioning police force is essential to that and none of it happens when they lack the trust of the general populace. That trust is earned. It should never be given. Once upon a time your country stood for that.

  7. #10027
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    so i can finally talk about this in public... very strong evidence that this shit was in the mix here by christmas.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  8. #10028
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    what would more testing have really done?
    Pretty much everything i said besides contact tracing. Had you started properly testing even few weeks earlier you likely would have been better informed to pull the trigger on quarantine measures. And that's the biggest thing that caused avoidable deaths.
    I guess this is where we disagree. The only avoidable deaths I can see at the beginning would have been keeping covid positive people away from nursing homes. Cuomo is firm that the virus was here well before we knew (Tine also posted an article above) so by the time we reacted it was too late. It hit the US harder than most countries for the simple reason we have far higher volume of travel from Europe and China than most countries. If you look around the world, most country's initial response was either inline with ours or after. The difference is they didn't have such a deep seeded spread so when they took mitigation measures the virus was easier to control.

    Say the CDC didn't fuck up the initial test kits. How would that have saved lives? Without the tests, everyone with a slight runny nose was already being told to quarantine anyway. Essentially everyone with a little cold was told to act as if they tested positive. Also, as I stated before, a lot of evidence is showing that by the time people show symptoms they aren't contiguous anymore. Most of the spread comes from asymptomatic people. Trump's lack of leadership has been on full display during this crisis but I don't see how it's translated to extra deaths. In contrast, Cuomo's leadership was top top yet his state made huge mistakes that undoubtedly resulted in extra deaths due to a couple terrible decisions (nursing homes, keeping subway 100% open for months without cleaning).

      gimmick: yea agree to disagree, tests are just canaries in coal mines
      Dan Druff: correct (you, not gimmick)

  9. #10029
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    "He does hit jobs with everybody, he even did it on Obama ... constant hit jobs. On [George W.] Bush, I guess, they did three books, they were all terrible," Trump said. "So I figured, you know, 'Let's give it a little shot, I'll speak to him.' It wasn't a big deal, I speak to him and let's see. I don't know if the book is good or bad, I have no idea. I probably, almost definitely won't read it because I don't have time to read it. But I gave it a little bit of a shot, sounds like it's not going to be good." - Donald J. Trump

    Team Retard? Help a TDS brother out.
    The fact that Trump would even talk to Woodward demonstrates his narcissism and poor judgment. It’s like the criminal who thinks he can outsmart the cops instead of keeping his mouth shut.

    So much this. Stupid is as stupid does.

  10. #10030
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    A Chinese virologist who fled to the US after claiming China covered up the coronavirus outbreak has vowed to publish proof the virus was made in a lab.

    Dr Li Meng-Yan has previously backed claims Beijing tried to silence anyone who attempted to raise the alarm when the virus first broke out in Wuhan last year.

    Dr Li travelled to the US in late April before speaking out, saying she had to leave Hong Kong because she “knows how [China] treat whistleblowers”.

    From the early stages of the pandemic, reports emerged of doctors being detained after trying to warn others about the virus on social media.

    Journalists also had their equipment confiscated after trying to report on the issue.

    Dr Li, a formerly a specialist at Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, has said her supervisor first asked her to investigate a new “SARS-like” virus in Wuhan on December 31 – but that her efforts were later stifled.

    She said she reported back that cases appeared to be rising exponentially but was told to “keep silent and be careful”.

    “’We will get in trouble and we’ll be disappeared’,” her supervisor reportedly said.

    She has also backed claims that the virus came not from a meat market in Wuhan, and is widely thought, but from a virology institute in the city.

    Li-Meng Yan fled to the US from China. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied


    Speaking on British TV show Loose Women from an undisclosed location on Friday, Dr Li said: “It comes from the lab in Wuhan.”

    She then explained: “The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint.

    “Based on this you can identify these things.

    “I will [use this] evidence to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the ones who made it.

    “Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, will be able to read it, and check and identify and verify it yourself.”

    She also said Chinese authorities began efforts to discredit her even before she fled the country.

    “They deleted all my information and also they told people to spread rumours about me,” she said.

    “That I’m a liar, I don’t know anything, I just killed a hamster in the lab.

    “They will try to control my family and friends and then suddenly I don’t exist.”

    Dr Li Meng-Yan, who claims the coronavirus came from a military lab in China. Picture: Fox NewsSource:Supplied

    Experts have previously cast doubt on claims that the coronavirus was made in a laboratory.

    The vast majority of scientists who have studied its genetic makeup have concluded that it is naturally occurring and was passed to humans from an animal, probably a bat.

    Writing in a research paper published earlier this year, immunologist Kristian Andersen PhD of the Scripps Research institute in California said: “By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that [COVID-19] originated through natural processes.”

  11. #10031
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post

    so i can finally talk about this in public... very strong evidence that this shit was in the mix here by christmas.
    So i can finally talk about this in public... OK, Spook.

    It definitely was here. I have some Disneyland and Universal frequenting friends were down there in early December, and were super sick for a solid 2 weeks during New Years. We have been operating off the assumption they had it for the last 5 months. Other family members of theirs (overweight and in bad health) also got sick around that time, and ended up in the hospital.

    Without testing and media obsession, there would be no pandemic.

  12. #10032
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    Quote Originally Posted by v12cl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post

    so i can finally talk about this in public... very strong evidence that this shit was in the mix here by christmas.
    So i can finally talk about this in public... OK, Spook.

    It definitely was here. I have some Disneyland and Universal frequenting friends were down there in early December, and were super sick for a solid 2 weeks during New Years. We have been operating off the assumption they had it for the last 5 months. Other family members of theirs (overweight and in bad health) also got sick around that time, and ended up in the hospital.

    Without testing and media obsession, there would be no pandemic.
    Ya we’ve talked about this numerous times. I can’t tell you how many people I know in California that are sure they had it late last year including myself. If it was in China in August/September it certainly was in California in November/December.

  13. #10033
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    Redefining Covid-19: Months after infection, patients report breathing difficulty, excessive fatigue

    Corey Coopersmith was a healthy fitness consultant and nutritionist. Six months after Covid-19, he still can't work, facing dysautonomia and severe breathlessness.

    It's been five months since Lucy Gahan contracted Covid-19, and her life still hasn't returned to normal.

    Gahan, a clinical psychologist in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom, hasn't been able to return to work.
    The disease causes what she calls "storms," disabling periods when she feels shortness of breath, numbness in her hands and feet and her heart rate shoots up from simple tasks. Even taking a shower is possible only during an occasional respite in symptoms.
    "In May and June, I could barely talk because I was so ill," she said.

  14. #10034
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    what would more testing have really done?
    Pretty much everything i said besides contact tracing. Had you started properly testing even few weeks earlier you likely would have been better informed to pull the trigger on quarantine measures. And that's the biggest thing that caused avoidable deaths.

    You and Sonatine went trough a few things that proper leadership does. In short it creates an enviroment where people can do their job, general populace stays calm and everyone focuses on doing sane shit.

    What Trump gave you was anarchy. Contrary to popular belief here i don't actually prefer that. I like proper governance. Functioning police force is essential to that and none of it happens when they lack the trust of the general populace. That trust is earned. It should never be given. Once upon a time your country stood for that.
    You don't want a functioning police force.

    Every time you've been on the "woke" side when it has come to policing in the US. But it appears that you're saying here that we don't have a "functioning police force" because they lack the trust of the general populace, and somehow that's Trump's fault.

    That statement is mostly true, but it's not Trump's fault. It's the fault of Obama and other prominent figures in the media and on the left, who have pushed the false "racist police are exterminating black people" narrative.

    Prior to the Ferguson incident in 2014 (which turned out to be a reasonable shooting), there WAS trust in police. That trust has been eroded in the last 6 years by the left, not the right.

    Even in the two highest profile cases this year -- George Floyd and Jacob Blake -- there isn't a shred of evidence that racism was to blame for the incidents. In fact, in the case of Blake, the shooting was probably correct, or at least reasonable.

    Anyway, wake me when you're actually pro-police, and not just pro-police when you can't blame the right for issues involving people trusting the police.

  15. #10035
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post

    Pretty much everything i said besides contact tracing. Had you started properly testing even few weeks earlier you likely would have been better informed to pull the trigger on quarantine measures. And that's the biggest thing that caused avoidable deaths.

    You and Sonatine went trough a few things that proper leadership does. In short it creates an enviroment where people can do their job, general populace stays calm and everyone focuses on doing sane shit.

    What Trump gave you was anarchy. Contrary to popular belief here i don't actually prefer that. I like proper governance. Functioning police force is essential to that and none of it happens when they lack the trust of the general populace. That trust is earned. It should never be given. Once upon a time your country stood for that.
    You don't want a functioning police force.

    Every time you've been on the "woke" side when it has come to policing in the US. But it appears that you're saying here that we don't have a "functioning police force" because they lack the trust of the general populace, and somehow that's Trump's fault.

    That statement is mostly true, but it's not Trump's fault. It's the fault of Obama and other prominent figures in the media and on the left, who have pushed the false "racist police are exterminating black people" narrative.

    Prior to the Ferguson incident in 2014 (which turned out to be a reasonable shooting), there WAS trust in police. That trust has been eroded in the last 6 years by the left, not the right.

    Even in the two highest profile cases this year -- George Floyd and Jacob Blake -- there isn't a shred of evidence that racism was to blame for the incidents. In fact, in the case of Blake, the shooting was probably correct, or at least reasonable.

    Anyway, wake me when you're actually pro-police, and not just pro-police when you can't blame the right for issues involving people trusting the police.
    Chris Cuomo Slams Trump for Admitting to Downplaying COVID-19

      Dan Druff: If you create a NOW SHIT thread, I'm deleting it

  16. #10036
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    Quote Originally Posted by JACKDANIELS View Post
    Is that your prediction or is it coming from someone who actually looks at the data ?

    Either way its a terrible prediction based on current data unless they know something we dont ?

    USA current 7 day average deaths per day is 800 and been consistently trending down for almost a month.

    Had 267 deaths on Sep 8th and 403 on Sep 7th

    Last time was over 1k was 1053 on Sep 4th, last time over 1900 back on Jun 26th - 2437

    So daily deaths are not that good way to keep track anyway as you can see, weekly average much better

    Seriously just look at the data for yourself instead of believing everything you are told.
    you said this

  17. #10037
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    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post

    Daily deaths is the best indicator of the progression of the pandemic, although there is generally a 17-21 day lag between infection and deaths.

    So were @ 190k now its sep 9th at the min there is going to be @ least 110k more in about 82 days

    See that 410k they have posted?
    I said this

      Salty_Aus: Winter is coming

  18. #10038
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    wrecked you limee piece of shit

  19. #10039
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    you writing a novel fag?

    I'm waiting 2 more minutes

  20. #10040
    Hi Todd JACKDANIELS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    1000 dead a day

    Soon to be 1500+

    prediction is 1907 dead on election day
    Quote Originally Posted by JACKDANIELS View Post
    Is that your prediction or is it coming from someone who actually looks at the data ?

    Either way its a terrible prediction based on current data unless they know something we dont ?

    USA current 7 day average deaths per day is 800 and been consistently trending down for almost a month.

    Had 267 deaths on Sep 8th and 403 on Sep 7th

    Last time was over 1k was 1053 on Sep 4th, last time over 1900 back on Jun 26th - 2437

    So daily deaths are not that good way to keep track anyway as you can see, weekly average much better

    Seriously just look at the data for yourself instead of believing everything you are told.
    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post

    Daily deaths is the best indicator of the progression of the pandemic, although there is generally a 17-21 day lag between infection and deaths.

    So were @ 190k now its sep 9th at the min there is going to be @ least 110k more in about 82 days

    See that 410k they have posted?

    ok as you got a lil bit sad that i couldnt be bothered responding to you ill try explain again, ive bolded the most relevant bits make it easier for you to keep up

    so obv a 7 days avg is a much better indicator of how things are going than just daily deaths

    daily deaths is not that useful in isolation esp when you are only using the high end, for example 1227 deaths were recorded on 12th sept vs 685 on 13th sept and 7 day average is now down to 737 per day from 800 when i last posted

    does that make sense ?? its really not that complicated lol

    then somehow you manage to come to the conclusion that there is going to be another 110k dead in 82 days despite me literally just telling you the 7 day avg was 800 dead per day at the time and trending down

    i mean can you actually count 800 x 82 does not equal 110,000 serious question how the fuck did you come up with that number ??

    ill even do the maths for you 800 x 82 = 65600

    now i remember why i didnt bother replying to this shit at the time cos you are really fucking dumb and dont listen so its pretty pointless although sometimes mildly amusing
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    BTW JACKDANIELS is the first one banned from the thread. He is accusing me of being "duped by a middle aged man who dresses like John Cena"

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