Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
Quote Originally Posted by GambleBotsChafedPenis View Post

that's the real bitch of it all...never been to England, but want to go on a football matchday...we have our rabid fanbases in the US, mostly in American football but I just don't think that it's comparable to what you see in English football where your clubs (especially of your mid-sized to small areas) seem really tied to your local community...at least that's my observation from what they broadcast to us over here with the EPL...

don't know what the corollary would be here in the states...maybe minor league baseball (probably a stretch there since fanbases aren't rabid, but the team is intertwined within a lot of small communities)...maybe bigtime college football where you have absolutely insane fanbases and the college is a big part of the local community...
High school football in Texas maybe.
scary thing is that probably goes lock step with the big time college football comparison...the stadiums that some of those high schools have are fucking crazy...