Quote Originally Posted by mulva View Post
Quote Originally Posted by RegGaymer View Post
During the argument I did say exactly that, It seemed as though she was keeping options open.

She denied this, and said if she wanted to get back with him she could have done at any point as she was the one who ended it and he's been chasing her ever since.

Fwiw she was with him for 5 years, was married to a diff guy for 3 years before that, and has had another bf for a year and a half since the guy in question.

Admittedly I'm not as experienced in this respect, don't have any baggage whatsoever, that's why I posted here as I know most on here are olders.
you're caring for her too much to soon. you're not married to her, you're dating her. you have to be able to walk away from this shit and not let it effect you emotionally. chicks will fuck with your mind and drop you like a sack of potatoes.
I've known her for 6 months, been dating for 3 months, and been offish for 1 month spending every day together. Maybe that's too soon to be catching feelings, I dunno.

Like Belly says, I'd rather be dating her than Pam.

It's a tricky 1.