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Thread: Thanks Obama

  1. #101
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post

    I never cared about the color of the guy. I use the word n-word to piss off certain posters here who actually believe I'm racist. I disagree with almost all of his policies. Period. Politically I'm center right. I believe the tea party is as fucked up as the libtards all the way to the left. I think man made climate change is lol and when I listen to idiots like Bernie and that witch from MA harping constantly regarding that subject I lol. When I hear Obama harp constantly about climate change yet him and his wife always take different planes wherever they go I lol. When I hear Obama state how great Obamacare is yet himself and all of Congress along with any government worker is exempted from it I lol.

    When I hear Bernie state that he wants free college for everyone without explaining that nothing comes free I lol. This is the one that gets me even more than climate change. Let's take someone like Larry Laffer here. Let's pretend he makes a decent enough living where he actually has to pay federal taxes instead of getting money BACK each year. Dude's a clown who's clearly doesn't have an education past say seventh grade so it's obvious he never went to college, def didn't graduate if he had gone. He wants everybody and anyone to get to attend college on his own dime so they can get into a career and actually make more money than himself. That's how stupid he is. He's fucking paying for them.

    Personally, I have a degree in Finance. I attended college during the day. I delivered pizza and tended bar at night. I was a Dean's list student and graduated with a 3.89. I actually came out of school with some sort of work ethic and appreciation towards thing because I had to work for it instead of having everything handed to me. There's no participation trophies where I come from. Second sucks.

    Climate change, free shit for everyone and universal heathcare are my three biggies. Obama brags that all these millions have health care because of his plan and I lol. All these people had health care before his plan. You walk into a hospital and you're getting health care whether you can afford it or not. That's always been the case. Only now, these same people along with millions of others have deductibles so high they can't even afford to see a doctor for anything now.

    I went from a policy that had a 10k deductible for $74 a month. Catastrophic insurance because that fit my needs the best. I don't normally go to doctors and if it's something relatively minor I will pay out of pocket. Now I'm stuck paying around $300 a month for a crap policy with a 6600 deductible. It's annoying but not a terrible problem for me but can larry laffer afford this policy I have assuming he made 50k a year? He'd have a problem.

    I think the left does mean well. It's just not a realistic solution to our problems. And I forgot about the protesting and rioters. Don't even get me started on that crap.

    Regarding the's coming along. Work has moved inside so it's starting to get 'boring' with HVAC, electrical and plumbing. Crap you need but can't see. All the best big guy. Ya know I love ya regardless of your stance.

    "My little ranch" according to Sonatine. Look at the worker next to the dining room to get an idea of it's size. I'll try harder next time I guess.


    LOL at using me in your example when you know nothing about me. You know how much we spend on war? if we just stopped for 1 day we'd have enough that your kids wouldn't have to be lucky to have a dad who's an asshole in finance (you're an asshole, bc you cast judgement on people half your age who didn't have the things you had, like affordable school) to afford that college.

    take a look at the rest of the world you out of touch motherfucker. they educate their fucking citizens. we choose to spend that money elsewhere.

    and that's why we have a president who just nominated someone for the highest job in the land in terms of education, who clearly doesn't have a 5th grade handle on grammar.

    and that's why we have you.
    Take a deep breath laffer. If you read any of my posts you'd understand I was poorer than almost everybody growing up. Plus I'm not that much older than you are. I think the problem is you studied Sociology and me Finance. End of story.

      Daly: Pad looks like it's coming together

  2. #102
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    LOL at using me in your example when you know nothing about me. You know how much we spend on war? if we just stopped for 1 day we'd have enough that your kids wouldn't have to be lucky to have a dad who's an asshole in finance (you're an asshole, bc you cast judgement on people half your age who didn't have the things you had, like affordable school) to afford that college.

    take a look at the rest of the world you out of touch motherfucker. they educate their fucking citizens. we choose to spend that money elsewhere.

    and that's why we have a president who just nominated someone for the highest job in the land in terms of education, who clearly doesn't have a 5th grade handle on grammar.

    and that's why we have you.
    Take a deep breath laffer. If you read any of my posts you'd understand I was poorer than almost everybody growing up. Plus I'm not that much older than you are. I think the problem is you studied Sociology and me Finance. End of story.
    take a deep breath pooh.

    because regardless of how you grew up, your kids (and my future kids if i ever reproduce) should get fucking education. And it shouldn't put them in debt if they're not lucky enough to have Pooh, the McMansion (sans the farrow and ball paint bc you aint no $100 a gallon baller), and his fancy fucking finance degree. And it shouldn't be a fucking trade off between the trillions we spend on war, and funding the future generations education.

    you got lucky somewhere buddy. You're not the norm.

    Not much older than me? Then you should be just as frightened as me at getting older bc of how much it might cost us to go to the hospital if we make it to that age. We won't have medicare, and we won't have social security, because our parents generation is taking that. That's a ponzi scheme and we all know it.

    You buddy, need to realize that you're not the fucking 1%. even with that finance degree, and with that mcMansion, you're not even sniffing the assholes of the 1%

    oh....those sociology courses did come in handy.....

    I can recognize a sociopath when I see one. even over a message board
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  3. #103
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    The first 5 minutes! the rest is meh. 4:25 I bet you didn't hear about that war but we damn sure got the bill and then some.

    Note: Chris Hedges took Obama to court.
    Hedges v. Obama[note 1][3][4] is a lawsuit filed January 13, 2012 against the Obama administration and members of the U.S. Congress[5] by a group including former New York Times reporter and current Truthdig columnist Christopher Hedges, challenging the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA).[6] The legislation permits the U.S. government to indefinitely detain people "who are part of or substantially support Al Qaeda, the Taliban or associated forces engaged in hostilities against the United States".[7]

    The plaintiffs contend that Section 1021(b)(2) of the law allows for detention of citizens and permanent residents taken into custody in the U.S. on "suspicion of providing substantial support" to groups engaged in hostilities against the U.S. such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban[6] respectively that the NDAA arms the U.S. military with the ability to imprison indefinitely journalists, activists and human-rights workers based on vague allegations.[8]

    The principal allegation made by the plaintiffs against the NDAA is that the vagueness of critical terms in the NDAA could be interpreted by the U.S. federal government in a way that authorizes them to label journalists and political activists who interview or support outspoken critics of the Obama administration's policies as "covered persons," meaning that they have given "substantial support" to terrorists or other "associated groups".[9]

    A federal court in New York has issued a permanent injunction blocking the indefinite detention powers of the NDAA but the injunction was stayed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals pending appeal by the Obama Administration. On July 17, 2013, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the district court's permanent injunction blocking the indefinite detention powers of the NDAA because the plaintiffs lacked legal standing to challenge the indefinite detention powers of the NDAA. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on April 28, 2014, leaving the Second Circuit decision intact.[10]
    Hey Obama, Go fuck yourself.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 01-23-2017 at 06:38 AM.

  4. #104
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers? News flash, your 4yr degree in liberal arts isn't going to lead to a magical 6 figure job.

    Education wise a 4yr degree in liberal arts most of the time is the same as a 2yr degree, which FYI you can usually get for free (just ask Ken). To get a real job, you would need to get a master at least for it to matter.

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.
    "I GOT NO TOE"

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  5. #105
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers?

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.

    it's been explained. it's because we're not supposed to be a 3rd world shit hole that doesn't educate it's citizens, yet here we are. For profit schools, and student loans that have interest rates so large, the Mafia is taking notes. I can go get a shitty fucking car loan from the payday loan place with less vig.

    you're another fucking jerkoff who got lucky and someone obviously paid for your college, or you're not telling us how much debt you incurred just going to whatever school you went to, to get whatever degree you have. Its one or the other. One's the normal thing, the other is pure fucking luck. which is it for you?

    You're right, you already do pay for shit you see 0 benefit from. Like War. Corporate Tax breaks. Can you explain to me why companies like Walmart game the system for billions every year but we don't call the Walton family free loaders? Can you explain to me why we spend so much money on war?

    you can't.

    sorry handijob, but you got lucky. face it.

    oh and here's a list of a few countries that have free college. none of them are in the 3rd world. and all are places you'd love to fucking live.


      OSA: 70% tax rate? no ty
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  6. #106
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Free education?

    Everybody already gets 12 years of free education. Want more? Move to another fucking country. Our schools were fine till the liberals desegregated the schools. Everybody's scores have been going down since.

    Try working you way through college. What the fuck ever happened to that?
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  7. #107
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post
    Free education?

    Everybody already gets 12 years of free education. Want more? Move to another fucking country. Our schools were fine till the liberals desegregated the schools. Everybody's scores have been going down since.

    Try working you way through college. What the fuck ever happened to that?
    Bullshit! Desegregation of schools dramatically improved learning outcomes for underpriveleged kids who had access to it, but racist white folks lobbied to defund or neutralize those programs, with the poor neighboorhood schools getting shit on funding-wise. I've tutored in a poor urban school and the difference in even the facilities there versus the comfy suburbs was like ratty Tijuana versus toney San Diego.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  8. #108
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    We would be better off adding a free year of pre kindergarten than adding 4 years of college. There is more of an impact in teaching a 4 year old than a 18-22 year old. Additionally the economic impacts to freeing up parents to work and spreading out the cost of child care costs are Bigly.

  9. #109
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post
    Free education?

    Everybody already gets 12 years of free education. Want more? Move to another fucking country. Our schools were fine till the liberals desegregated the schools. Everybody's scores have been going down since.

    Try working you way through college. What the fuck ever happened to that?
    did you really just try and make an argument for segregation of schools? with no actual factual evidence to back up your claim?

    typical racist. You'll twist any thing you can into a ballon-shaped swastika animal and when you don't have any facts you'll make it up.

    12 years free education? no taxes pay for that you fucking idiot. But you probably don't own any property so you have no idea what a school district tax is and how it fits in to your yearly property taxes. I don't need to explain that any further.
    "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."

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  10. #110
    Diamond Tellafriend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    12 years free education? no taxes pay for that you fucking idiot. But you probably don't own any property so you have no idea what a school district tax is and how it fits in to your yearly property taxes.
    Like you do.

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  11. #111
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post
    Can someone explain to me why people believe it's their right to get a free 4yr college education at the expense of the tax payers?

    I'm all in favor of social reform and all that shit, but not when it affects my bottomline by way of tax increases. I already pay to much for shit I'll see 0 benefit from.

    it's been explained. it's because we're not supposed to be a 3rd world shit hole that doesn't educate it's citizens, yet here we are. For profit schools, and student loans that have interest rates so large, the Mafia is taking notes. I can go get a shitty fucking car loan from the payday loan place with less vig.

    you're another fucking jerkoff who got lucky and someone obviously paid for your college, or you're not telling us how much debt you incurred just going to whatever school you went to, to get whatever degree you have. Its one or the other. One's the normal thing, the other is pure fucking luck. which is it for you?

    You're right, you already do pay for shit you see 0 benefit from. Like War. Corporate Tax breaks. Can you explain to me why companies like Walmart game the system for billions every year but we don't call the Walton family free loaders? Can you explain to me why we spend so much money on war?

    you can't.

    sorry handijob, but you got lucky. face it.

    oh and here's a list of a few countries that have free college. none of them are in the 3rd world. and all are places you'd love to fucking live.

    I paid for my own college fully by scholarships and my own money but finished with 25k of debt (which FYI I didn't need but took to have a cushion). My debt was paid off 3 months after I got my diploma (from my own funds). Yes I got lucky to get an interview which ultimately propelled me into my current role, BUT I didn't get lucky getting the internship/fulltime offer, I worked my fucking brown ass off and was a top performer, so fuck you.

    Shit in the real world has never been handed to me, I've had to work my ass off to get everything I currently have. You on the other hand cry about free education and all the "greed"... motherfucker you were a shitty drug dealer who got snitched on by the guy fucking your pedo milf while you "DJ". Talk about taking the easy route... keep crying your liberal fucking tears begging for me to pay more than my fucking fair share.

    A 4 yr degree shouldn't be for everyone and if it is than I shouldn't have to pay for it out of my own pocket. Now if they gave scholarships to a selective population of high preforming students, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for that over say funding Cuckmouse's subsidized healthcare being used for therapy because you have meltdowns during "DJ" sessions.

    "Lucky"... fuck you. Go stab some Nazi's ankle.

      Mintjewlips: The guy literally jumps on anyone opposing his ideology
      Daly: I'm mad as hell and not going to take it rep
      big dick: .
    "I GOT NO TOE"

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  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post

    ...motherfucker you were a shitty drug dealer who got snitched on by the guy fucking your pedo milf while you "DJ". Talk about taking the easy route... keep crying your liberal fucking tears begging for me to pay more than my fucking fair share.
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  13. #113
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    Larry sounds like the typical silver spoon democrat that grew up in a financially secure household, couldnt hold a candle to his fathers accomplishments so he's just raging against everything daddy stood for.

      LegallyNonBindingPosts: pfa's village idiot. time to hels yourself.
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

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  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    Larry sounds like the typical silver spoon democrat that grew up in a financially secure household, couldnt hold a candle to his fathers accomplishments so he's just raging against everything daddy stood for.
    Nah but brah, cuckmouse has an Audi... didn't you hear? He's obviously accomplished so much and made his father proud.
    "I GOT NO TOE"

    #FreeFluffler #FreeThisGuyIsCreepy #lockupGarrett

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    We would be better off adding a free year of pre kindergarten than adding 4 years of college. There is more of an impact in teaching a 4 year old than a 18-22 year old. Additionally the economic impacts to freeing up parents to work and spreading out the cost of child care costs are Bigly.
    This is already a thing in MA.

    City of Boston (and to be fair, many other MA cities and towns) offers free pre-kindergarten to residents. It was initially offered to only at-risk children, until the result of the program dictated that it's benefits be implemented city-wide. Boston also offers community college full scholarships for up to 2 yrs to any BPS student who graduates with a 2.0 or better.

  16. #116
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post
    Free education?

    Everybody already gets 12 years of free education. Want more? Move to another fucking country. Our schools were fine till the liberals desegregated the schools. Everybody's scores have been going down since.

    Try working you way through college. What the fuck ever happened to that?
    did you really just try and make an argument for segregation of schools? with no actual factual evidence to back up your claim?

    typical racist. You'll twist any thing you can into a ballon-shaped swastika animal and when you don't have any facts you'll make it up.

    12 years free education? no taxes pay for that you fucking idiot. But you probably don't own any property so you have no idea what a school district tax is and how it fits in to your yearly property taxes. I don't need to explain that any further.
    You are just a stupid fucking convict.

    Unlike you, I've never been in prison having society paying for my upkeep and rehabilitation. I'm not a drain on society, but you sure the fuck have been.

    Owned 2 homes so far so yeah I know all about property taxes.

    And yes, desegregation the schools was one of the biggest mistakes America made in its idiotic civil rights phase.

    Just how much n-word dick did you suck in jail to turn into one?
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

  17. #117
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuntmissioner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    We would be better off adding a free year of pre kindergarten than adding 4 years of college. There is more of an impact in teaching a 4 year old than a 18-22 year old. Additionally the economic impacts to freeing up parents to work and spreading out the cost of child care costs are Bigly.
    This is already a thing in MA.

    City of Boston (and to be fair, many other MA cities and towns) offers free pre-kindergarten to residents. It was initially offered to only at-risk children, until the result of the program dictated that it's benefits be implemented city-wide. Boston also offers community college full scholarships for up to 2 yrs to any BPS student who graduates with a 2.0 or better.
    The entire state of Florida has it. I think it's a great program. Instead of parents paying big $$ where half the proceeds go to insurance companies the state regulates it and 3-4 year olds get a year of education. Studies show pre Kindergarten to be very effective for early childhood learning esp for reading. Additionally you take the parents off the hook of a big cost of child care and/or you send them back to work 9 month earlier.

    From what I've read if it came down to adding Pre Kindergarten nationally it would be worth eliminating 12th grade, if that was the cost.

  18. #118
    King of Lost Wages LarryLaffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post

    did you really just try and make an argument for segregation of schools? with no actual factual evidence to back up your claim?

    typical racist. You'll twist any thing you can into a ballon-shaped swastika animal and when you don't have any facts you'll make it up.

    12 years free education? no taxes pay for that you fucking idiot. But you probably don't own any property so you have no idea what a school district tax is and how it fits in to your yearly property taxes. I don't need to explain that any further.
    You are just a stupid fucking convict.

    Unlike you, I've never been in prison having society paying for my upkeep and rehabilitation. I'm not a drain on society, but you sure the fuck have been.

    Owned 2 homes so far so yeah I know all about property taxes.

    And yes, desegregation the schools was one of the biggest mistakes America made in its idiotic civil rights phase.

    Just how much n-word dick did you suck in jail to turn into one?
    None because I never went to prison you fuck wad.


    you're an idiot.
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  19. #119
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    Lol at the amount of sexual abuse in prison Larry's had to endure

      herbertstemple: bet he enjoyed every inch of it.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryLaffer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post

    You are just a stupid fucking convict.

    Unlike you, I've never been in prison having society paying for my upkeep and rehabilitation. I'm not a drain on society, but you sure the fuck have been.

    Owned 2 homes so far so yeah I know all about property taxes.

    And yes, desegregation the schools was one of the biggest mistakes America made in its idiotic civil rights phase.

    Just how much n-word dick did you suck in jail to turn into one?
    None because I never went to prison you fuck wad.


    you're an idiot.
    Come on ass hole. That's what you have bragged about since you got here. That and delivering a $100 gallon of paint. Can't keep your lies straight? Work on it. Being a good liar is imperative to being a good liberal. And being a world class loser doesn't hurt either.

    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

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