Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Henry View Post

It's been US policy for well over a decade. All the way back to when W Bush said terrorists “hijacked a great religion".

Obama prefers the words "radical jihadists" and the use of highly-tactical airstrikes. It's how they've destroyed over 80% of isis (I mean the airstrikes, not the words).

Most terrorism experts believe that labeling terror attacks as radical Islamic terrorism is detrimental to efforts to combat terrorist groups like ISIS and their ideology, but clearly Fox News, Donald Trump, yourself, and Biffco think differently.
When these terror attacks occurred on US soil, Obama said neither "radical jihadists" or "radical Islam". If he did eventually use the jihadists term, it must have been after a substantial amount of time had passed.

And are you really going to praise Obama's handling of ISIS, when he initially dismissed them as "the JV squad", and refused to put a stop to the movement in its infancy?

I've also heard this nonsense before that avoiding language such as "radical Islam" somehow helps fight the terrorists. Where are you getting "most experts" feel it's right to do this? From one guy quoted in that CNN article you linked?

I think it's a huge leap and oversimplification to believe that calling a terror attack "radical Islam" is somehow declaring war on all Muslims, and thus causing other Muslims around the world to refuse to help us fight terrorism. That's operating with the assumption that the average Muslim has the mentality of a 4-year-old. Peaceful Muslims are very aware that calling an Islam-related US terror attack "radical Islam" is not bashing their entire religion -- hence the "radical" part.

It's the same reason Christians don't get offended when an abortion clinic bomber is called a "Christian extremist". Because they know he is one, and they condemn the bombing as much as everyone else.
i've gotten frustrated by obama's approach at times too, but one thing you're overlooking is the gross stupidity of the average american. while you and I may be able to understand the difference between "radical islam" and islam, wouldn't you concede that this distinction would get lost on a large segment of our society, who would simply fear muslims? be honest and think about the trump rallies before you answer.....

i also think you're doing a bad job of putting yourself in the shoes of another group. the term "christian extremist" wouldn't cause any concern from christians cause they're the dominant power with no real fear of discrimination or retaliation.