Quote Originally Posted by herbertstemple View Post
Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post

And when they start having to make a living off what manufacturing jobs pay in China and Mexico, your excuse will be what exactly?
I expect the labor unions will have to give a lot of ground on wages. To be fair, the unions did price the American union worker out of their jobs over the last few decades. Some of the contracts were ridiculous. Paying a laid off worker 95% of his working wage is a doomed model in the long run.

Are you saying America is better off with the jobs overseas? Otherwise your point is silly.

Im saying there is an expiration date on any job market where its cheaper by miles to do the work abroad.

And the American manufacturing sector is well past its expiration date.

The simple truth is that you fly over state honkey scumbags are lazy, ignorant, supersticious, and impossible to teach. You're dead weight. You're good for absolutely nothing beyond being bled dry and once dry, you are extended credit which is bled again so your children and their children end up trapped in the same merciless web as you.

And instead of cracking open a fucking book and bettering yourselves, the best you can do is vote a bloated, mentally ill reality tv star as president because he told you he would fix it all.

And that will be as close as you get to a meaningful, honest epitaph.