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Thread: ** Official Military Industrial Complex Attempts to Lie Us In To War Thread** again.

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    ** Official Military Industrial Complex Attempts to Lie Us In To War Thread** again.

    Since every war from Vietnam til now was based on lies so the burden of proof is on them. I suspect we may be hit with a avalanche of pro war lies soon and Trump will soon be in the dust bin of History.
    First things first, Trump's a buffoon and he will lie us into war too. Vote Dr Jill Stein instead.
    **Note Saudi Arabia wants war w Iran too?** Big donations to Clinton. Turns out Saudi Arabia was involved in the 911 attacks. Now we might go and fight wars for them. We have to get money out of politics..

    Flint Michigan still hasn't replaced their pipes and still has lead in their drinking water and half the US population is in or near poverty.
    Don't not watch this standing up, it's shocking.

    The one below has won awards and I think it's interesting. 1983 6 parts

    Now on to the lies

      Lord of the Fraud: Don't let shillatine drown you out russki. The war for profit machine is very real
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-21-2016 at 06:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    John Louis was an ordinary boy living a normal life on the WEST SIDE. Although John's parents were rich as fuck, they didn't give two shit about him because he was a little FAGLORD who banged his sister to death and he was also homosexual and watched MLP. One afternoon, John's friends dropped him off after school. John's dads pimpin' truck was not in the driveway, which seemed strange to John since his dad is a jobless bum that works at home.

    "Where could my papa be?" thought John out loud.

    Suddenly John heard a horrendous shriek from inside the house, but John knew that horrible sound anywhere. It was his bitch ass parakeet, Peanut.

    As John walked up to the front door, he noticed that it was slightly ajar.

    "That's strange," said John, "Oh well, time to see my aDOORable bird."

    But when John opened the door he was shocked to find that his house was empty. Every single thing was missing so that all that was left was a barren house and a single cage with Peanut in it. John called out for his parents but there was no response, he was alone with Peanut in his abandoned house.

    "Where did my parents go, Peanut?" asked John, hoping his dumbass parrot would understand.

    "LATER BITCH, LATER BITCH!" squaked John's bird over and over again.

    'What could that mean?' thought John. Suddenly he froze as he realized that his parents had abandoned him on the WEST SIDE to become EAST SIDE ballers.

    "How could they do this to me?" said John as he fell to his knees in tears.

    As John wallowed in a pool of his own tears, his stomach began to rumble like a Chinese earthquake. He had not eaten in days because his parents never fed him and KYLE PUG always stole his lunch money at school.

    "If I don't eat soon I'm going to die!" screamed John.

    John looked around to find any scraps of food that he may be able to scavenge for a meal, but to no avail. As he walked back to the front door, he noticed his parakeet in its cage.

    "That fat cunt looks very tasty right about now," thought John. "I still remember Bryan the Morbidly Obese One's recipe for KFC parrot."

    So John reached into the bird cage and grabbed peanut. He took a huge whiff of him and his mouth began to water.

    "Shit bitch you are going to taste so good." said John.

    "Please don't eat me!" screamed Peanut.

    John did not give a shit that his parrot just talked and began to strangle the life out of it.

    "Die muthafucka!" he screamed as he chocked the animal.

    "I'll always love you John," said Peanut with tears in his eyes. Peanut remembered all the good times that they had together, and with his last breath uttered the words: "I'll KF see you later!"

    John then began to prepare the bird for consumption. He did not however have all the ingredients for Bryan's super secret KFC bird recipe.

    "I'm sure it doesn't matter much!" proclaimed John as he bit into the bird. Little did John know that if the recipe was not complete, the other ingredients would combine to form a deadly compound.

    "OH NO, DEADLY MUSTARD GAS!" screamed John as he realized his fatal mistake. John fell to the floor, chocking and coughing up blood. The parakeet began to inflate to tremendous sizes.

    'It's probably going to explode!' thought John.

    Sure enough, the parakeet ruptured and sent out a deadly wave of mustard gas.

    "It's an explosion of flavor!" screamed John as the deadly gust of gas blew him at a trillion miles per hour into the wall. Everything went black.

    John awoke several hours later dazed and confused. He looked around and realized that he was no longer in his house. It was the EVIL FOREST.

    "Dang this place is dank as fuck." said John as he looked around at the disgusting bullshit covered forest. Then out of nowhere there came out a black african jamaican zebra.

    "What's real mah nigga?" said Zebrora the zebra who lives in the evil forest. John stood there shocked at the sight of the hideous creature that stood before him.

    "Dang bitch you're black, don't touch me snow hoe!" screamed John as he backhanded the zebra and ran in the opposite direction like a pussy.

    "Aw shieeet nigga, im callin' da cops!" screamed the black african zebra. And she called the cops. The pony cops.

    Luckily for John they were ponies so he could kick their ass.

    He ran into Pony City where he saw that nigga 2pac.

    2pac saw john and was all like "dang nigga that be another man"

    And john saw 2pac and said "aw shiet its 2pac, the ultimate rapper"

    And so john told 2pac he thought he was dead and asked him how he got here and tupac said:

    "nigga I never died, I just went 2 pony city"

    Then 2pac said "look, biggie is right over there"

    And surely enough it was Notorious B.I.G. right there in the flesh.

    John nearly had a heart attack becuz he loves rap and those were his favorite rappers.

    Then all of a sudden the cops showed up and they all scrambled becuz they're black and john was in trouble.

    They didn't realize that they could totally take em cuz they're little pussy azz horses n shit.

    "C'mere nigga! I got a hideout" said biggie and 2pac and john followed him.

    They went to ghetto ass cottage in the south side of pony city. There was this ugly ass yellow bitch inside called fluttershy (more like buttershy amirite))

    Then they ran inside the house and slapped the bitch.

    "cmere babeh" said biggie.

    Then 2pac and biggie double teamed her becuz she was their bitch.

    "Aw shit this is 2 real for me!" said john and he left and went back to looko around pony city.

    But then the cops showed up, and John could not run because he had to pee very badly.

    "You're done for nigga" said the pony cops

    John then realized that they were like half his size and it would be like fighting 9 year olds so he karate chopped them right in the face and killed them.

    "Awww shiit" said applejack as he saw the bitches get CHOPPED

    "you will pay for this, hyuck!" she said and charged at john

    But just as she was about to kick him, he fucking grabbed her leg with one hand and was all like "bitch that's a mistake!" and totally flipped her into like a gas tank and it exploded all cool and fire and shit flew out of it, lighting all the houses on fire.

    Then that nigga Twilight Princess showed up.

    "you think you're real John?" she said "I show you how we roll in Canterlot"

    Then she started trying to stab him and shit with her horn. But John's advanced training allowed him to totally grab her horn and rip it right off.

    "ow that hurt" she say as blood sprayed everywhere.

    John saw his chance to take her down and totally backflip kicked the bitch and broke her jaw.

    Then he tore off her jaw and shoved her horn down, God of War style.

    "oh shizzin hizzengar" said the Pink bitch

    "fuk you hoe you're fucking annoying and fat and ugly" john said and pulled out his gat and shot her.

    The whole city was all up on his grill now, trying to kill him and shit because he killed like 40 people.

    Then that bitch raritty showed up.

    "oh darling im a fucking hoe stuck up bitch fuck me get fucked"

    And she died for no reason.

    But then rainbow dash showed up and like flew up into the sky and shit like an airplane.

    But john went inside and she couldn't do nothing cuz she was up in the air and he was inside.

    So she left, and john took a shit in the house and killed sweety balls.


    And spike was like a turbo t-rex and he like swiped aat john and roared and bit him and shit, but john used his defense mechanism that releases poison from his butthole.

    "I will poison you, asshole, and your asshole!" and the spike died.

    But the the REAL BOSS showed up and it was Princess Sunshine that controlled the sun.

    "oh shit he will kill us all, I must drop us the suhn" and she started doing it

    Luckily for john he watched some real azz anime (dbz) and he turned SUPER SAIYAN 4.

    "omg he is 2 powerful!" said sunshiner

    And John did like a turbo super bomb kamehameha turbo lazer blaseter flasher and destroyed the whole plannet and flew off to his next adventure.

    But then the world started fading away into blackness.

    Suddenly john woke up back in his house.

    "gee willackers, it was all a dream" he said as he stood up and saw his dead bird.

    "oh no, peanut!"

    Then realized he was gay and he killed his bird so he killed himself.

    The End.

      DJ_Chaps: poorly placed, save it for actual shit threads
      Tegnation22: Fucking loser
      tyde: terrible
      Tellafriend: usually a fan, but not here
      blake: this is correct
      OSA: i was waiting for someone to get fucked or someone to take their cock out 1/2 star
      ToasterOven: response appears correct
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  3. #3
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    The complex web of lies begins. Laying the foundation for future attacks or maybe hoping for some sort of escalation?
    UPDATE: Is the one above true or the one below true? 8 more body bags filled in your name and on your dime. Feel safer? Fuck no, eight more families are now hell bent on revenge, see how that works

    "The U.S. military says it launched two attacks earlier this month in Yemen, killing eight people associated with the extremist group known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

    The U.S. considers the group to pose a significant threat of attacks on American interests.

    A statement by U.S. Central Command says one U.S. airstrike on Oct. 6 killed two "terrorists" in a remote area of Yemen. A second strike Oct. 18 killed six more people in the same remote area. It did not identify those who were targeted.

    Yemen is among several countries, including Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, where the U.S. military conducts strikes against al-Qaida and its affiliates as well as the Islamic State group. "
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-21-2016 at 06:26 PM.

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    20,000th bomb in Syria dropped. Congressional approval? 15th year in Afghan, Still in Iraq
    Laughing at John Kerry's blatant lies about Russia and fake outrage.

    Is Putin uncooperative or is John Kerry, Obama,Hillary and Biden lying about Russia. What the fuck are they doing? Trying to start ww3 or is Putin in on the ruse? Wikileaks?

    Just months ago here's Netanyahu and Putin at the Kremlin."
    Is Putin really being uncooperative?
    "We discussed the continued coordination between our two militaries in the region, which already works quite well,” Netanyahu told reporters at a joint press conference in the Kremlin with Putin after their meeting.

    It is their fourth meeting in the last year, and their third in Moscow. Both countries have air forces that are reportedly operational around the Syria region, and tight coordination is needed to ensure de-confliction. “We want to avoid conflict and make sure we are operating against those same entities that endanger everyone,” Netanyahu said.

    “We talked about the challenges to all civilized countries such as terrorism and radical Islam,” Netanyahu added.

    According to an English translation of Putin’s words by the Tass News Agency, the Russian leader stated: “We spoke about the necessity to pool efforts to counter international terrorism. Israel knows only too well what it means and it is fighting against terrorism. In this sense, we are unconditional allies.”

    The meetings are also a sign of the warming ties between Moscow and Jerusalem, as the two countries celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations."

    Obama just approved a 10 yr $45 Billion dollar arms deal with Israel.
    Over $10 million a day for ten years!
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-21-2016 at 02:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    I wish to apologize for my previous post. It was not of a caliber and quality that represents my brand. I take full responsibility for failing to properly vet it before posting.


    The crowd was unbearable. She had in fact agreed to go out this Friday, since it was her last day in town. Her friends, Chrystal and Kelley, and her brother Kyle, were both ecstatic and slightly tipsy. The music was so loud, and the DJ kept playing “Don’t Let Me Down” by The Chainsmokers. She could not wait to get out of here, but it was only 10 p.m. Florida was her next destination and she longed for the relaxed atmosphere, the beach and a new start.

    Her daydreaming was interrupted by a clearly annoyed Chrystal, “Krieger, come on, relax and enjoy yourself. It is you last weekend in D.C for Christ sake. You owe us some fun, and you also need to get laid! Go to the bar and buy us another round.”

    You rolled your eyes at Dunn, but she was right. You did actually need to loosen up a bit and have fun. “When was the last time I got laid? “Ali kept thinking whilst she was making her way towards the crowded bar.

    On her way to the bar, a taller blonde bumped into her, nearly spilling both of her beers on
    Ali’s white and blue diamond patterned top. Clearly annoyed, Ali nearly barked “Watch it there, stud!”
    The blonde only gave her an apologetic shrug and stare, and walked away without saying a word. How rude Ali thought, but kept thinking of how hot the blonde was. Her relaxed and confident demeanour, her well-toned arms and how good she looked in her short sleeved denim shirt and black G-star cargo pants. You kept dreaming of what else was under there. Realising that she had not gotten laid for a while.

    When she finally made her way back to Crystal, Kyle and Kelley, where she found them being entertained by a group of people. “Krieger, there you finally are!” Kelley shouted when she saw Ali. “I thought you got lost on your way to the bar. Give us our shots!” Kyle shouted and winked with a little sass. This one was a diva, and she knew. The three of them chugged the JD shots, while Justin Bieber “Let me Love you” was being played.

    Christen, Kyle and Kelley continued talking and interacting with the small group of people who had joined them in their booth. Ali noticed they were saving a spot for someone. Ali was about to get up and go to the restrooms, when she felt someone tapping her arm. She froze, but recognised the golden watch and the tattoos covering that arm.
    As she sat down next to Ali, a couple of girls turned and noticed her presence.
    “Ash, you finally made it. Thought you left us!” a brown shorthaired girl said. Another one,
    “What took you so long, and where is our beers?” another one said with an exasperated tone.
    “I kind of bumped into a cutie on my way back, and spilt most of the two first beers. I tried to get you drunks another one,” Ash replied, whilst smiling towards Ali. “Whatever” the other one shrugged. “Was the girl hot?” Niki asked ecstatic. Ali begun to blush, knowing she was the cutie.

    They were interrupted by Mr. Diva, Kyle, who suggested they all should get to know each other through a drinking game. All of the group agreed. Ali, who about an hour ago did not want to be here, was actually looking forward to get to know the mysterious blonde through this question game.

    Kyle stated that he wanted to go first, as always. He looked around the table, and saw Ashlyn. “Okay blondie, you go first” he said with a huge grin, whilst smirking at his sister sitting next to her.
    “Sure, I’ll go first. Ask me anything” she shrugged. “Is there any boundaries?” Kelley asked.
    Jumping up and down of excitement, Kyle nearly yelled “No!” “So 6 question to answer each” Niki stated.

    “ Stop!” Ali shouted. The whole table turned to her. “I think I need something more to drink first” she stated. They all agreed and ordered three bottles of bubbles to share.

    “Okay, what is your occupation and where do you work?” Kyle asked. “I´m a Navy Lieutenant, and I am currently stationed here in DC, but will transferred to Florida next month” Ash replied.

    Niki asked whether Ashlyn was single or not, since she had seen the way Ashlyn was secretly looking at Ali in between all of the questions. Ashlyn knew this was coming, and with confidence she said “Yes!”, to Ali’s satisfaction. Ashlyn on the other hand was wondering if Ali was single, and if she was gay. She couldn’t quite tell, and wondered if she was only here with her obviously gay brother or if she was actually playing for her team too.

    Kelley, the goofy one, asked whether Ashly was gay or not. She had clearly not been paying any attention to where they were. Kyle interrupted, “Duuuh! Of course she is!”
    Everyone laughed at Kelley for not paying attention.

    Crystal, the one with swag, asked if Ashly was a good dancer. “Of course I am” she grinned. Suggesting that the whole group should go dancing later. They both thought of each other and how it would feel to be close to one another and dancing.

    Ali, kept dreaming of Ashlyn in her Naval uniform when Kyle poked her. “Your turn princess “Ashlyn said whilst placing her hand at Ali’s thigh under the table, making Ali shiver.
    There were so many things she would like to ask the blonde. But not in public, but alone. On a date. She finally mutters out: “When was the last time you got laid? “

    The table just turned to Ali. Dunn was laughing so hard at her (knowing that Ali had not in fact been laid since March (4 months ago), whilst Kelley just shook her head. “Alexandra Blair Krieger, you dirty kween” Kyle shouted. Ashlyn had not quite grasped the extent of Ali’s question when Niki told her to answer. “One month ago” Ashlyn replied with dismay.

    The questions shifted and after Niki, Crystal, Kelly and Kyle’s turn it was soon Ali’s turn to be questioned. She knew the sex question would definitely come back and bite her in the ass. In the meantime, Ashlyn kept thinking if this pretty looking, confident, strong and independent woman also was a wildcat in bed. She also knew that she’d be moving to Florida next month whilst Ali would live here. But why not enjoy the present she thought, when she felt a hand touching hers. It was electrifying. She turned and looked right into those big brown gentle eyes. At that moment she knew this brown haired woman could be the death of her.

    “Shall we go dancing? “Ali kept asking Ashlyn. “The other ones wanted to go since, Ruby Rose is on now. She apparently plays a lot better than the previous DJ” Ali continued. Ashlyn snapped back to reality, still a bit disappointed that she would not be given the opportunity to get to know the woman in front of her. “After you princess” she said chivalrously.

    Whilst walking behind Ali towards the dance floor, she could not keep her eyes of Ali’s toned and well-proportioned body. That ass in those tight black jeans and looking at her calves in those heels, turned her so on. “Lieutenant, do you like see?” Ali winked and turned walked further onto the dancefloor. Apparently Ali had caught Ashlyn in checking out her ass. Ash just stood there mesmerised.

    “She’s smokin’” Niki said walking up to a slightly confused Ashlyn. “I agree” she replied. “I might ask her out, even though I’m transferring to Florida.” “Dude, I overheard Kyle talking to Kelley and Crystal. This is actually Ali’s last weekend here in DC. She is moving to Florida to play for the Orlando Pride. Did you know, she’s actually a huge deal, National Team and all.” “No wonder she has that smokin body” Ash replied. “Wait, she’s moving to Florida?!” Ashlyn said with a huge grin. “Hold your horses” Niki smiled and shook her head. “Btw, I think someone also wants to dance with your lady” Niki said pointing towards the dancefloor.

    Damn, you let that woman out of your sight for a couple of minutes, and someone else is drooling over her. She’s is way too hot for you; you think to yourself while walking towards Ali to rescue her. “Excuse me, I’m with her. I’ll take it from here” Ashlyn interrupted, as a blond tomboy tattooed girl was making a move on Ali on the dancefloor. “I thought you would never come, stud” Ali replied. “Of course I would come. I have to protect you, and wouldn’t miss this dancing opportunity for the world” she said, pulling Ali closer with the rhythm of “Still Falling for You” by Ellie Goulding.

    “Looks like Ali has found herself a date” Kyle states looking towards the dancefloor. “I agree” Crystal confirms sitting back down into the both. “Your baby sister needs to get laid” Kelly laughs. “Too much information “Kyle whimpers. “I heard Ashlyn got a promotion in Florida, head of some kind of intelligence division.” “Is that true Crystal?” Kyle says raising an eyebrow. “Yes, after she got back from her two tours in Afghanistan, she was rewarded with this post in Florida.” “Where did you hear all of this?” “We overheard Niki and Stephanie’s conversation earlier in the restrooms.” “You sneaky snakes” Kyle replied. “She must be really good at her job then?” Kelley states. “Apparently she saved her entire platoon form a Taliban ambush while on patrol” Crystal reads out looking at her phone. “You googled her?!” “Yes Kyle, I did. I am curious.” “We all know that” Crystal laughs. “She is a Medal of Honor and Navy Cross recipient” Kelly nearly shouts. “Shit, she has been through some rough shit then” Crystals explains. “Damn, Kyle, your sister has found an honourable potential first date” both of the says, looking towards Ali tugged up in Ashlyn’s arms on the dancefloor.
    The feeling her scent, the smell of flowers, and her body fitting perfectly in your arms makes you wonder if this could be it. You look down on her, seeing how peaceful and safe she looks while resting her head on your chest, when you are moving to the rhythm of the music. You think to yourself that you could stay in this moment forever.

    Feeling her breath, her heartbeat, and how safe makes you feel awakens Ali. She thought she could never feel this way again after the ugly breakup last December. She wished this night would never end, but in the back of her mind she knew she was moving to Florida on Wednesday. So this fling, or what it was, would only last till Wednesday she thought. She had always been so pessimistic when it came to love and feelings. She didn’t know why she was so cynical. Maybe it was because of Kyle’s drug abuse? Or the fact that she nearly died when she was in college, or maybe when she tore her ACL right before the 2012 Olympics?
    Who knows, she thought.

    “Ash?” Ali asked. She liked when she called her Ash. “Yes, princess?” “I have to be frank with you.” This did not sound good Ashlyn thought, looking at the most beautiful woman entangled in her arms. “I really like this, whatever this is, and since I am moving to Florida on Wednesday …” “I know you are moving princess, and that is why I would like to take you on a date on Sunday?” “A date, as in a date?” “What other dates are there?!” Ashlyn laughed. Ali could get used to that look, that smile and that dimple. “Yes, I would love to go on a date with you, stud” she smiled. Oh that smile, form that moment Ashlyn knew that, that smile could cause her trouble in the future. After that, they kept dancing close to each other to the rhythm of “The Greatest.”

    Time had passed by so quickly, form the dreadful begging of this eventing to this perfect ending. It was nearly 2.30 am and the club was closing. Kyle, Crystal, Kelly and Ashlyn’s friends had been bonding in the booth while Ali and Ashlyn were dancing. They all agreed that the two of them would make a good couple, even though it was too early to tell.
    “I think I have to go now” Ali told Ashlyn, looking at Kyle waiting in the booth. “Princess, I’ll pick you up at 6.” Ashlyn whispered to Ali on their way out. She had also made sure of getting Ali’s number, so that she could text her before she came to pick her up. Knowing that Ali would probably use a lot of time to get ready.

    The group was waiting on their Ubers on the side walk, and when they parted Ashlyn gave Ali a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Ali thought this was nice, it was gentle and genuine. She also felt butterflies. Ashlyn on the other hand, was sure she needed to go home fast and shower to cool off. This was an incredible night she thought. She could not wait to see the brunette at 6 pm on Sunday. She had to confirm with Niki about her plans for this date, she wanted it to be perfect.

    Ali bid farewell to Crystal and Kelley and sat down with Kyle inside the Uber. “This went well” he said with a huge grin on his face. “Stop it!” Ali said firmly. “Have you decided to go on a date?” Kyle asked with such excitement. Ali loved it when Kyle got fired up. “Indeed we have” she smiled. “OMG!” he squealed. “When?!” “On Sunday, at 6” she smiled shyly. “We got to go shopping tomorrow then!” Kyle insisted. There was really nothing better than a shopping therapy day with her brother. And it was also their plan to go shopping tomorrow, since he would fly back to New York on Sunday afternoon.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

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    Hillary compilation

  7. #7
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    Much more in the link. Serious escalation and provocation from Republicans. Doesn't look fake, this could get serious.

    Oct 19 Hoping for an escalatation?
    US Lawmakers Urge Obama to Punish Russia Over Missile Treaty Breach

    "Two key House Republicans are urging the Obama administration to hold tough on nuclear weapons policy and punish Russia’s deepening violations of a landmark arms control treaty, now “on the verge of collapse.”

    The lawmakers -- Armed Services Chairman Mac Thornberry, of Texas, and Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, of California -- wrote President Obama on Oct. 17 to express "urgent concern over your administration's failure" to sanction Moscow for its intermediate-range ground-launched cruise missile program, which the US holds is in violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

    “The I.N.F. Treaty is the only arms control treaty that succeeded in eliminating a class of nuclear arms,” Thornberry and Nunes wrote. “It has become apparent to us that the situation regarding Russia’s violation has worsened and Russia is now in material breach of the treaty.”

    The letter comes as the New York Times reported Wednesday that American officials are concerned Russia is producing more missiles than are needed to sustain a flight-test program, sparking fears it is moving to build a deployable arsenal. "
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-21-2016 at 03:36 PM.

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    3:30 his next video should be interesting.

  9. #9
    Bronze Buck Nasty's Avatar
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    FPS, how much is Putin paying you to spew this retardation?

  10. #10
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    Nobody ever mentions Netanyahu's role of lying the USA into the Iraq war, look for yourself. So if you see him on TV (and you probably will) telling us how we need to bomb Iran remember this.

    $45 Billion in weapons, hmmm. They may be planning to do it themselves, I can support that but this bullshit where we pretend some Muzzy w a ak47 in the hills of Yemen is an actual threat to the US is getting old and expensive.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-21-2016 at 10:52 PM.

  11. #11
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    Now things are getting serious!
    The propaganda machine firing on all cylinders. Graphics and scary music, Kerry is "very concerned" with some British crack head backing him up. Injured bloody kids, scenes from ER. these type of interviews are popping up all over.
    Lapdog tv hosts who will not challenge Kerry or point out he's a hypocrite and totally full of shit.

    Kerry is so sad, poor baby....

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    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    Nobody ever mentions Netanyahu's role of lying the USA into the Iraq war, look for yourself. So if you see him on TV (and you probably will) telling us how we need to bomb Iran remember this.
    By default, I blame anything that goes wrong on the Jews.

      Tellafriend: Cogent

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by snake_in_the_ass View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    Nobody ever mentions Netanyahu's role of lying the USA into the Iraq war, look for yourself. So if you see him on TV (and you probably will) telling us how we need to bomb Iran remember this.
    By default, I blame anything that goes wrong on the Jews.
    No alt right propaganda or hate speech please.

    Then go to pol. Quite a large pack of jealous losers imo. I wonder if Trump knows he has a bunch of Hitler sympathizers supporting his campaign?
    Way to win the election guys.

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    If you really support the troops then spread the word. Turn this into a PR nightmare for the Pentagon. This is fucked up.
    Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war

    "Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war.

    Now the Pentagon is demanding the money back.

    Nearly 10,000 soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours, have been ordered to repay large enlistment bonuses — and slapped with interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens if they refuse — after audits revealed widespread overpayments by the California Guard at the height of the wars last decade.

    Investigations have determined that lack of oversight allowed for widespread fraud and mismanagement by California Guard officials under pressure to meet enlistment targets.

    But soldiers say the military is reneging on 10-year-old agreements and imposing severe financial hardship on veterans whose only mistake was to accept bonuses offered when the Pentagon needed to fill the ranks.

    “These bonuses were used to keep people in,” said Christopher Van Meter, a 42-year-old former Army captain and Iraq veteran from Manteca, Calif., who says he refinanced his home mortgage to repay $25,000 in reenlistment bonuses and $21,000 in student loan repayments that the Army says he should not have received. “People like me just got screwed.”

    In Iraq, Van Meter was thrown from an armored vehicle turret — and later awarded a Purple Heart for his combat injuries — after the vehicle detonated a buried roadside bomb.

    People like me just got screwed.
    — Christopher Van Meter, former Army captain
    Susan Haley, a Los Angeles native and former Army master sergeant who deployed to Afghanistan in 2008, said she sends the Pentagon $650 a month — a quarter of her family’s income — to pay down $20,500 in bonuses that the Guard says were given to her improperly.

    “I feel totally betrayed,” said Haley, 47, who served 26 years in the Army along with her husband and oldest son, a medic who lost a leg in combat in Afghanistan.

    Haley, who now lives in Kempner, Texas, worries they may have to sell their house to repay the bonuses. “They’ll get their money, but I want those years back,” she said, referring to her six-year reenlistment.

    The problem offers a dark perspective on the Pentagon’s use of hefty cash incentives to fill its all-volunteer force during the longest era of warfare in the nation’s history.

    Even Guard officials concede that taking back the money from military veterans is distasteful.

    “At the end of the day, the soldiers ended up paying the largest price,” said Maj. Gen. Matthew Beevers, deputy commander of the California Guard. “We’d be more than happy to absolve these people of their debts. We just can’t do it. We’d be breaking the law.”

    Facing enlistment shortfalls and two major wars with no end in sight, the Pentagon began offering the most generous incentives in its history to retain soldiers in the mid-2000s.

    It also began paying the money up front, like the signing bonuses that some businesses pay in the civilian sector.

    They’ll get their money, but I want those years back.
    — Susan Haley, former Army master sergeant
    “It was a real sea change in how business was done,” said Col. Michael S. Piazzoni, a California Guard official in Sacramento who oversaw the audits. “The system paid everybody up front, and then we spent the next five years figuring out if they were eligible.”

    The bonuses were supposed to be limited to soldiers in high-demand assignments like intelligence and civil affairs or to noncommissioned officers badly needed in units due to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan.

    The National Guard Bureau, the Pentagon agency that oversees state Guard organizations, has acknowledged that bonus overpayments occurred in every state at the height of the two wars.

    But the money was handed out far more liberally in the California Guard, which has about 17,000 soldiers and is one of the largest state Guard organizations.

    In 2010, after reports surfaced of improper payments, a federal investigation found that thousands of bonuses and student loan payments were given to California Guard soldiers who did not qualify for them, or were approved despite paperwork errors.

    Army Master Sgt. Toni Jaffe, the California Guard’s incentive manager, pleaded guilty in 2011 to filing false claims of $15.2 million and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison. Three officers also pleaded guilty to fraud and were put on probation after paying restitution.

      MumblesBadly: Oh, the Pentagon's just being the Pentagon again. (Fucking with enlisted folks every which way to Sunday.)

  15. #15
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    Lindsay Graham and super troop John Mccain are pissed off about Obama agreeing to give away over $10.5 Million a day to Israel for the next decade. They're pissed off because it's not enough, They're pissed that Israel supposedly can't ask for more money and they're pissed that much of that will go to US contractors.

    McCain and Graham are desperately trying to get a loophole for more money to Israel. I wonder if they'll go to bat the the troops mentioned above.

      MumblesBadly: Shills for AIPAC.

  16. #16
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    Russia responds to John Kerry.

    Russia accuses U.S.-led coalition of 'war crimes' in Iraq
    "The Russian defence ministry on Saturday accused the US-led coalition fighting jihadists in Iraq of committing war cries, a day after an air raid killed 15 women at a shrine near the city of Kirkuk.

    "We have observed several times that these deadly strikes... which have all the hallmarks of war crimes, have practically become a daily routine by the international coalition's warplanes," ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

    "Far too often, weddings, funeral processions, hospital, police posts and humanitarian convoys are targeted by the coalition," he added.

    The statement came after French President Francois Hollande accused Russia of committing war crimes in Syria, where its warplanes are carrying out air strikes in support of President Bashar al-Assad's regime."

    Facepalm, Way to go Kerry.

  17. #17
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    Many times I've pondered WTF is up w this ww3 bullshit.
    Well they asked Putin, who time n again has proven credible in this fued.

    Cliffs: Since nobody will believe the "Iran has a nuke" BS they will use Russia instead.
    Israel and US (under Obama) may be having behind the scene disputes.
    The USA doesn't know what to do about the debt
    That's my interpretation
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-22-2016 at 05:05 PM.

  18. #18
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    He's a 10/10 on gravitas scale plus that powerful deep booming voice that commands respect. That's the way a strong leader looks and talks.
    But after an hour of listening to him you realize he's a bit of a tool, sort of like Cheney.

    Thanks Colon Powell.

    I guess we're resetting the US body count back to 1

    He gave his life for his teammates’: Jason Finan, 34, is first U.S. casualty of this Mosul battle
    Name:  HT_Officer_Killed_Jason_Finan_hb_161021_16x9_992.jpg
Views: 237
Size:  69.5 KB

    "Jason C. Finan, a 34-year-old chief petty officer, is the first American killed in the current battle for Mosul, a military push to reclaim the city in northern Iraq from the Islamic State, the Defense Department announced Friday.

    Finan is survived by his wife, Chariss, and their 7-year-old son, of Imperial Beach, Calif., the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

    The Pentagon said Finan died Thursday, after sustaining wounds in an improvised explosive device blast. He was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve in its fight against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

    Finan, a native of Anaheim, Calif., was assigned to the Navy’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 3, based just 100 miles to the south in Coronado, Calif. Finan enlisted in the Navy in August of 2003 and had earned several commendations throughout his lengthy military career, a Navy spokeswoman confirmed to The Washington Post on Saturday."

  19. #19
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    I forgot all the details of the "fake nurse" that lied us into the the first Gulf War. The Bush admin hired a PR firm, the PR firm wrote a script about Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of Incubators. Found some girl to cry and read the script and the war is sold. The Bush's are some evil mother fuckers. They used to tool us hard pre internet.

    In the 28 pages they link Bandhar Bush and his wife to the 911 hijackers. I didn't think W would be evil enough to be in cahoots with Bandhar on the 911 attacks.. Well turns out this shit is a family tradition, he did fly the Saudis out of the country very soon after the attack and he did classify the 28 pages and he did proceed to blame it on Sadaam. There was war games that hampered the scrambling of fighter jets.
    Bush sr was meeting with members of the Bin Laden family as the attacks happened, it was a Carlyle group meeting.

    Holy shit, 90% chance George W Bush did know about 911 in advance.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    If you really support the troops then spread the word. Turn this into a PR nightmare for the Pentagon. This is fucked up.
    Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war

    "Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war.

    Now the Pentagon is demanding the money back.

    Nearly 10,000 soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours, have been ordered to repay large enlistment bonuses — and slapped with interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens if they refuse — after audits revealed widespread overpayments by the California Guard at the height of the wars last decade.

    Investigations have determined that lack of oversight allowed for widespread fraud and mismanagement by California Guard officials under pressure to meet enlistment targets.

    But soldiers say the military is reneging on 10-year-old agreements and imposing severe financial hardship on veterans whose only mistake was to accept bonuses offered when the Pentagon needed to fill the ranks.

    “These bonuses were used to keep people in,” said Christopher Van Meter, a 42-year-old former Army captain and Iraq veteran from Manteca, Calif., who says he refinanced his home mortgage to repay $25,000 in reenlistment bonuses and $21,000 in student loan repayments that the Army says he should not have received. “People like me just got screwed.”

    In Iraq, Van Meter was thrown from an armored vehicle turret — and later awarded a Purple Heart for his combat injuries — after the vehicle detonated a buried roadside bomb.

    People like me just got screwed.
    — Christopher Van Meter, former Army captain
    Susan Haley, a Los Angeles native and former Army master sergeant who deployed to Afghanistan in 2008, said she sends the Pentagon $650 a month — a quarter of her family’s income — to pay down $20,500 in bonuses that the Guard says were given to her improperly.

    “I feel totally betrayed,” said Haley, 47, who served 26 years in the Army along with her husband and oldest son, a medic who lost a leg in combat in Afghanistan.

    Haley, who now lives in Kempner, Texas, worries they may have to sell their house to repay the bonuses. “They’ll get their money, but I want those years back,” she said, referring to her six-year reenlistment.

    The problem offers a dark perspective on the Pentagon’s use of hefty cash incentives to fill its all-volunteer force during the longest era of warfare in the nation’s history.

    Even Guard officials concede that taking back the money from military veterans is distasteful.

    “At the end of the day, the soldiers ended up paying the largest price,” said Maj. Gen. Matthew Beevers, deputy commander of the California Guard. “We’d be more than happy to absolve these people of their debts. We just can’t do it. We’d be breaking the law.”

    Facing enlistment shortfalls and two major wars with no end in sight, the Pentagon began offering the most generous incentives in its history to retain soldiers in the mid-2000s.

    It also began paying the money up front, like the signing bonuses that some businesses pay in the civilian sector.

    They’ll get their money, but I want those years back.
    — Susan Haley, former Army master sergeant
    “It was a real sea change in how business was done,” said Col. Michael S. Piazzoni, a California Guard official in Sacramento who oversaw the audits. “The system paid everybody up front, and then we spent the next five years figuring out if they were eligible.”

    The bonuses were supposed to be limited to soldiers in high-demand assignments like intelligence and civil affairs or to noncommissioned officers badly needed in units due to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan.

    The National Guard Bureau, the Pentagon agency that oversees state Guard organizations, has acknowledged that bonus overpayments occurred in every state at the height of the two wars.

    But the money was handed out far more liberally in the California Guard, which has about 17,000 soldiers and is one of the largest state Guard organizations.

    In 2010, after reports surfaced of improper payments, a federal investigation found that thousands of bonuses and student loan payments were given to California Guard soldiers who did not qualify for them, or were approved despite paperwork errors.

    Army Master Sgt. Toni Jaffe, the California Guard’s incentive manager, pleaded guilty in 2011 to filing false claims of $15.2 million and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison. Three officers also pleaded guilty to fraud and were put on probation after paying restitution.
    Something incredible happened for the very first time that I can recall in many years. I really can't believe it tbh. The Pentagon decided to throw a bone to the veterans aka normal people. You can't say they didn't try to fuck em over but having veterans (many of whom are missing limbs n shit) forced to sale their homes n shit to repay reenlistment bonuses from a decade ago became a bit of political liability.

    But yea enjoy this small victory because they are few and far between unless of course you helped lie us into Iraq or lobby elected officials.
    "DoD Sec. Ash Carter Orders Pentagon to Stop Reclaiming Reenlistment Bonuses"

    Given their ridiculous budget this shouldn't be a big deal but they may still double back and try to fuck em just a little bit instead of a lot. This is the swamp that needs to be drained.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 10-26-2016 at 10:52 AM.

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