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Thread: ********** The Charles T Rosseel and Agency Rosseel Truth Thread **********

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    ********** The Charles T Rosseel and Agency Rosseel Truth Thread **********

    Charles Rosseel, of Worcester, Massachusetts is a lifelong scammer and cyberstalker.

    He's also the operator of Agency Rosseel, a scammy web design company which falsifies his credentials and sells highly overpriced design/SEO packages.

    You should use extreme caution when dealing with this shifty and vindictive piece of trash.

    Charles Rosseel likes to use his advanced age and softspoken mannerisms to hide his nasty and fraudulent agenda. He is known to launch vicious, libelous attacks on anyone who dares questions his stalkerish actions and fraudulent business practices.

    Chuck the Cash Gifter

    The term cash gifting sounds harmless enough, and in fact sounds generous!

    But it's anything but that. It's a ponzi scheme which defrauds millions of victims each year.

    Charles Rosseel of Worcester, Massachusetts was one of the biggest perpetrators of the scam known as cash gifting.

    Charles himself made over twenty videos from 2008 that were widely distributed on the net through spam techniques that drew in COUNTLESS VICTIMS!

    He did not have a regular job at the time. This is how he supported himself, before moving onto other equally shady internet scams.

    But is cash gifting illegal?

    This TV news report explains how cash gifting is ILLEGAL, but that didn't stop Charles Rosseel from using it to scam people across the world!

    "Cash gifting is the quintessential pyramid scheme!"

    This is EXACTLY what Charles Rosseel of Worcester, Massachusetts did while living rent-free at his brother's pad.

    Here is one of many videos of Charles Rosseel attempting to rope in unsuspecting victims into his illegal scheme:

    There were in excess of twenty videos produced like these from 2008-2009. Charles Rosseel shamelessly executed this heartless scam to separate hard-working Americans from their money.

    XBox Repair Kit Scam

    The XBox is a popular gaming system, capturing the attention and imagination of adults and children alike.

    Unfortunately, like many forms of electronics, XBoxes had the tendency to break down due to manufacturing defects or heavy use.

    Charles Rosseel saw an opportunity to take advantage of people's devotion to their XBox machines, and set out to perpetrate yet another scam.

    First, keep in mind that Charles Rosseel does NOT have a background in electronics, nor does he or has he ever worked in any job regarding electronics. His foray into the XBox repair world was simply to scam unsuspecting kids who were desperate to get their precious XBox back in working order.

    XBoxes have a troubleshooting feature known as "3 red lights" which indicate that something has gone wrong with the device. It is similar to the infamous Windows "blue screen of death" -- something you hope never to see! Here is the official description of it from Microsoft:

    With many XBoxes afflicted with the dreaded 3 red lights around 2010. Charles Rosseel sprung into action!

    He immediately became an affiliate for the infamous "James Dean 3 Red Lights Xbox Repair Kit", which was already widely known to be a complete scam. Charles Rosseel heavily promoted this repair kit as a miracle fix for the XBox 3 Red Lights problem, even putting his grandfatherly picture on the webpage in order to lull these gullible kids into a false sense of security:

    Of course, since this was nothing but a big scam, this repair did not work, and all of the children ordering it were out their precious money -- or at the very least, their parents' money.

    Charles Rosseel was repeatedly informed of the scam he was perpetrating by selling this kit, but he continued to do so throughout 2010. This was just a year after he had quit the cash gifting scam, after already having soaked the maximum number of victims in that area.

    Basically, buyers of this fraudulent kit were given instructions on how to purchase the repair materials at Radio Shack, and then take specific actions to fix the XBox. However, this was all a big scam -- the repair did not work! Even worse, the "100% ironclad money back guarantee" was a lie, as was the claim of live support for anyone purchasing the kit.

    Here is a "Ripoff Report" regarding the James Dean 3 Red Lights Xbox Repair Kit:

    The videos were very clear and I carefully followed them step by step. I purchased materials required for the fix from Radio Shack. The only problem is the FIX did not work and I couldn't get any support whatsoever. If you look at their site there are no physical address listed for this company, no phone numbers and after close to 15 emails attempting to get both support and refund I was totally ignored with no response at all. You can't ask questions or get the alleged support without paying first and getting a login password. Clear ploy to get your money first then ignore any emails. Links for "LIVE SUPPORT" non functional no response. RIPOFF

    Notice that Chuck's ad claims that "You will always deal with real people, and not a robotic, automatic response or voice mail." HE COMPLETELY LIED! As you can see from the above report, and many others like it all over the web, there was no support at all for this product!

    Additionally, here is a review from Amazon for an actual WORKING Xbox repair kit (NOT the one Charles Rosseel was selling), where the buyer warns people to steer clear of Chuck's phony repair kit:

    On a side note, james dean's red light fix website is a biiiiiiiiiiig scam!!!! don't get tricked. there is absolutely NO tech support to answer questions. And when my xbox quickly went back to the red rings, the money back guarantee was nowhere to be seen. DO NOT buy his product because it's a waste of money!!

    Charles Rosseel had no problem selling these fake repair kits, despite complaints like the above.

    So, once again, on the heels of his cash gifting swindle, Charles Rosseel was scamming people on the internet for a living, this time with a phony repair kit.

    But was he finished?

    Not at all. He was just getting started. Read on....

  2. #2
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    Chuck and the Business Credit Scam

    Having milked the unsuspecting public dry with his previous Cash Gifting and Xbox Repair scams, Charles Rosseel had to move on to a new source of victims.

    Despite never having run a successful business in his life, Mr. Rosseel declared himself a "business credit guidance" expert, and started a business giving credit advice. He did not have any formal training nor real-life experience that would qualify him to give such advice, but Charles Rosseel never let little details like that get in the way of making a quick buck. Indeed, he did have experience declaring bankruptcy and stiffing creditors in the 1990s, so that made him completely qualified in his book!

    He started a website businesscreditguidance dot com (I won't put the direct link here because I don't want to help his google page rank!) He also created an associated Facebook page.

    Indeed, the front page of the website already looks like a too-good-to-be-true scam, and that's exactly what it is!

    Note the Get Approved for $50,000 Business Credit Guaranteed promise. Guaranteed? How could Charles Rosseel guarantee the reader $50,000 in business credit without knowing their name, business, or credit history? Answer: He couldn't, as such a guarantee is impossible without knowing anything about the person looking to acquire credit. The $50,000 "guarantee" was simply a lie to draw the reader in, and acquire the reader's contact information in order to continue the scam.

    The "contact" page of the website is equally sleazy. It contains the language "Contact us today and be approved for credit lines, loans, and business credit for your business. Remember to ask about our $50,000 guarantee."

    Note the stock photo of a large pile of money at the bottom, again meant to entice the reader into believing that Chuck's guidance will lead their cash-strapped business to $50,000 or more in new credit.

    You will see from the contact information on the page that lists Chuck's only phone number for contact. Laughably, it's a MagicJack number -- a disposable internet phone number frequently used by scammers. You can purchase a MagicJack number for less than $30 per year!

    The e-mail listed contains Chuck Rosseel's full name.

    These phone/e-mail contacts are important, as it proves that this business involves Chuck and nobody else, does not have any employees, and is not part of a larger corporation or organization. More on that later.

    The "Funding" portion of the website goes on to make grandiose and unsubstantiated claims of the services supposedly offered:

    Our business funding suite is one of the most comprehensive funding systems in the world.

    Clients are guided through an online funding application that actually reveals exactly what the lender is looking for in each section. Our application and coaching team help insure your business is set up credibly so you can have the best chance to be approved for funding.

    You are then pre-qualified for funding through thousands of funding institutions.

    We provide access to funding programs for business owners with good or bad personal credit. Available funding also includes programs for exiting or startup businesses. And you can be approved for factoring and financing as high as 25 million dollars.

    Again, this is a complete lie. Charles Rosseel, an unemployed former cab driver living in a cheap apartment, is going to get you $25 million in business credit? He has access to "one of the most comprehensive funding systems in the world"? If that's true, why is he living in a dumpy building in Worcester, Massachusetts and running low-grade internet scams?

    The "Business Credit" portion of the claim attempts to make you believe that Chuck has a team of highly qualified credit advisers working for him.

    Our Business Credit Builder program helps you start and grow your business without using your own funds or personal credit.

    We provide you with an easy step-by-step system to build business credit and the full assistance of our certified business credit coaching team.

    Who is the "we" in Chuck's promise to his site visitors? Who is this "certified business credit coaching team"? A team clearly means more than one person, but there is nobody else involved in this site but Chuck (as can be seen from the contact information).

    And how is this team "certified"? Certified by whom? Charles Rosseel doesn't make this clear, because the team does not exist, nor does any kind of certification.

    Chuck and the Phony $10 Million Customer

    Right now, you are probably wondering, "Does Charles Rosseel actually have any clients? Did he really get them business credit?"

    I was wondering the same thing. However, Chuck makes the answer very easy for us. He very generously provides us a list of past customer testimonials regarding his services, in a section entitled Testimonials from Our Business Credit Clients.

    When I clicked on that page, I was absolutely horrified with what I found.

    Chuck's Testimonials from Our Business Credit Clients page lists 16 of his past clients.

    The most eye-popping of those testimonials was the first one, Ivan Sugussen of Castle Food Company. He claims that Charles Rosseel scored him a $10 million line of credit!

    Hi my name is Ivan Sugussen, from Castle Food Company. I have been in the business of credit coaching for about five months now. I am really excited about what just happened Tuesday. I was approved for a $10 million line of factory credit. This is going to be vital to my company as we continue to grow. I have found the coaching program to be very thorough, and while it did take some time, I can say with full confidence, that my company is now creditable and has the financial backing to allow us to grow.

    Ivan Sugussen, 10 million dollar approval
    So was this really true? Did Charles Rosseel really get Ivan Sugussen of Castle Food Company a 10 million dollar line of credit?

    I found this to be highly unlikely, so I tried a simple google search for "Ivan Sugussen 10 million dollar approval" and got my answer.

    See it for yourself:

    Click on any of the above link, and you will see almost 100 different websites all claiming credit for Ivan Sugussen's 10 million dollar approval.

    Clearly these 100+ credit guidance businesses couldn't ALL have gotten Ivan Sugussen his $10 million of credit, right? And how come all of their client testimonials are identical?

    Obviously very shady, and highly indicative of a scam.

    But wait... what about Ivan Sugussen himself? If Chuck didn't get him that $10 million line of credit, who did? And why are 100 different people with equally shady websites also taking credit for this amazing feat of business credit guidance?

    I decided to do a bit of research into Ivan Sugussen, and his Castle Food Company.

    A simple google of Castle Food Company returns zero results:

    You get returns for "White Castle" (the burger place) and other business with "Castle" in the name, but not Castle Food Company.

    Hmmm... that's strange. I thought Charles Rosseel got them $10 million in credit. How could there possibly be ZERO information on the web? That is nearly impossible in this day and age, even if the company chooses not to have a website. This is because these companies end up in business directories, licensing information sites, business credit information sites (such as DUN & Bradstreet), etc. It is simply impossible to get $10 million credit for your business in the year 2014 and there being zero trace of your company on google.

    Besides, why would a company ever want to hide? Isn't exposure and accessibility what every business wants? And if Castle Food Company happens to be the fluke company wanting to hide from all contact, why is Ivan Sugussen making public testimonials about his $10 million credit?

    Clearly, none of this adds up.

    In addition, public database searches of star client Ivan Sugussen does not come up in a single public records search. He simply does not exist in any way, shape, or form!

    So we have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Charles Rosseel's "clients" not only weren't real clients, but they don't exist at all! What was Chuck's reaction to this when confronted? Read on...

    Charles Rosseel Responds to the Accusations... and Lies Again

    A user named "Pooh" on another forum raised issue with Chuck's fraudulent testimonials. Pooh is a small business owner himself, and was disgusted seeing a grifter like Chuck trying to take advantage of hard-working entrepreneurs like him.

    Charles Rosseel, posting as SixToedPete (his longtime internet screen name), responded with:

    Chuck claims to have "worked directly" with some of those clients in the testimonials, but public records searches show that none of them exist!

    He also claims to be a "representative for the company that provides funding services", but he would not name the company when asked. Also, the company is not named anywhere on Charles Rosseel's website.

    Furthermore, if the 100+ identical websites and testimonials all over the web are "providing excellent service" to these clients, why are they filled with stolen pictures to represent these clients?

    Most importantly, why can't Ivan Sugussen or Castle Food Company, Chuck's star client, be located ANYWHERE in ANY google or public records search?

    Regarding Sugussen, Charles Rosseel simply claims, "All the testimonials are genuine including the one from Castle Food Co."

    Charles Rosseel Breaking Federal Law

    Charles Rosseel can't even admit when he's been caught. Clearly Ivan Sugussen and Castle Food Company do not exist, never received a $10 million line of credit, and it's simply a boilerplate phony testimonial used by Charles Rosseel and other "business credit" scammers all over the web.

    Even if by some stretch of the imagination you can force yourself to believe that Ivan Sugussen exists, even Chuck himself admitted that he didn't work with all of the clients listed in the testimonials on his webpage.

    This is not only unethical, but also illegal. When you visit Charles Rosseel's business credit page, he is clearly asking you to pay for his service, not the services of any company. Indeed, the page is labeled, "Testimonials From Our Business Clients", making it clear to the reader that you are to believe these are Chuck's clients. Of course, this is all a moot point, as none of these "clients" exist. This whole business credit guidance website is yet another Charles Rosseel scam!

    The Federal Trade Commission has made it ILLEGAL to use false or misleading testimonials when selling any product or service online. From the FTC's own website:

    Endorsements are an important tool for advertisers and they can be persuasive to consumers. But the law says they also have to be truthful and not misleading.

    Thus, Charles Rosseel is already ADMITTING to misleading people by posting testimonials from clients he's never worked with. Even worse, since the testimonials themselves are completely phony (especially the $10 million Ivan Sugussen one), that is even a bigger and more serious violation of federal law.

    I have submitted a complaint to the FTC regarding Charles Rosseel, and I encourage you to do the same.

    Charles Rosseel can also no longer claim ignorance to the testimonial situation. He can't blame the testimonials on a "company" providing them to him, because he was clearly made aware of the situation. Rather than take these phony testimonials down, Charles Rosseel continued to post to a public forum (filled with prospective clients) that he had personally verified the reality of Ivan Sugussen and Castle Foods.

    Chuck Rosseel is an unapologetic career scammer who can't even bring himself to stop his scams when caught red-handed. He is a cold-hearted white collar criminal, and belongs behind bars. Please avoid him at all costs.

  3. #3
    Cubic Zirconia Bullet Bill's Avatar
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    Charles Rosseel likes to claim that he did not scam anyone with the Cash Gifting in 2008-2009. He claims that he initially got involved in it in 2008, not realizing it was illegal, but exited it without ever having received a single dollar from anyone.

    This is a complete lie!

    Rather than pick apart this blatant lie myself, I'll let our friend Charles Rosseel do it for me:

    Name:  freecash.png
Views: 6194
Size:  19.7 KB (this URL is now inactive, but it ran for about 10 years before the site went down)

    In the above post from July 28, 2008, Charles Rosseel wrote, "I keep getting $20 bills instantly everyday! You can too! It's so easy!"

    The above post was from ctrjr, referring to his name of Charles T. Rosseel, Jr.

    The small avatar is an old picture of Chuck before he became a broken-down old man.

    You see that his e-mail of (the same e-mail registered to his current websites) is given as a contact.

    He has 8 other similar posts on that forum, again trying to lead people to his scams.

    So Charles Rosseel admitted IN WRITING that he received $20 bills EVERY DAY as a result of his cash gifting scam!

    So much for not having made any money, right Chuck?

    He has scammed people CONSISTENTLY on the internet since 2008. First cash gifting, then fake XBox repairs, and now phony business credit guidance (complete with fake $10 million testimonials).


  4. #4
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    Presently, Charles Rosseel of Worcester, Massachusetts is running two NEW scams, so watch out for them!

    The first is Agency Rosseel, where Charles sells amateurish web design packages for a whopping $499 each, plus another $299 for SEO (search engine optimization) services.

    What do you get, after spending nearly $1000 on these "services"? Very little. Charles Rosseel has ZERO expertise or training in web design, and simply slaps up amateurish Wordpress pages, which take about 10 minutes to build!

    With many other PROFESSIONAL, REPUTABLE web designers out there -- many of which will work for a fraction of the pricey $800 cost -- why would anyone sign up for work from a career scammer like Charles Rosseel?

    Obviously, with his longtime pattern of harassing and stalking people he has a beef with online, Charles Rosseel is clearly unstable and might do the same to you, if you have any kind of dissatisfaction with his work!

    But wait... there's more!

    After his "Business Credit Guidance" scam went belly up (because word got around about his selling of worthless "credit repair" packages for thousands of dollars), he created a brand NEW scam credit repair business!

    That's right folks, now there's Credit Scoop News, which postures as a credit repair blog. In reality, it's full of affiliate links to scammy credit repair products, where Charles Rosseel gets a piece of each sale made, if you do it through his link. This guy never learns! We don't want to promote the site, but you can google "Credit Scoop News" if you'd like to see this abomination.

    Charles Rosseel is a psychopath with a verifiable arrest record

    Finally, Charles Rosseel of Worcester, Massachusetts is a psychopath, and has the arrest record to prove it. In 2008, Charles Rosseel was ARRESTED for "wanton destruction of property over $250". This means that Charles KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY destroyed someone else's EXPENSIVE PROPERTY in a fit of rage. Note that people are never arrested for wanton destruction of property in Massachusetts if they accidentally broke something. This arrest only occurs when they fly into rage and break things like a psycho!

    Want proof? It's right here:

    Charles Rosseel, 56, of 118 Country Club Blvd., Worcester, charged with wanton destruction of property over $250

    Going further back, he declared bankruptcy and stiffed creditors back in 1991, at the age of 40:


    That's straight liquidation, Chapter 7, folks.

    Let's not even bother getting into his countless disputes with landlords over the years, resulting in multiple evictions. He has been supported by exasperated family members for years.

    Stay away from this psychotic scammer. You will be sorry for ever dealing with him.

  5. #5
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    So what your saying is Charles Rosseel aka six toed Pete is a scammer? Wow Charles Rosseel was scamming people with fake xbox360 kits. Wow Maybe a child molester or something?

  6. #6
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    Wow very eye-opening! Thanks!

  7. #7
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    LoL, those videos are priceless.

    What an absolute scumbag Charles T Rosseel is.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

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