Quote Originally Posted by DutchDoDo View Post

After hearing all this, I doubt hiring Todd would have made a difference. Main question is, why are they closing now?
You would think that after spending all this money, they could try to stay open till some bigger states are joining the legalized online poker market...
Nevada is the only state that does not have a data-sharing agreement with our fine country’s tax authorities.

The IRS did have the power to issue a summons to UltimatePoker (or the other 2 for that matter) and check out a player’s records. But now they're history

Looks like Druff's W2-G can safely omit any profits made there.

California, on the other hand, will likely have dedicated fiber lines twixt the tax man and the on-line poker rooms. After all, that's the whole point, right?

First one's free Druff.