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    Bronze BAGGINS's Avatar
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    Props to Druff for shining more light on this hideous problem on this week's radio show.

    If any of you get stopped in the Northern AZ (or anywhere else in the country for that matter) and after denying that you have drugs or cash in the car (important) are then asked if they can search your car: The answer should always be, NO. You do this by politely telling the officer that you are 'evoking your 4th amendment rights to unreasonable search and seizure of your private property." That's it! If he persists tell the cop that he can't search your car without a warrant.

    This is what may happen when you evoke your 4th amendment rights:
    Now wouldn't that be worth it just to see a cop freak out like that? #Priceless

    This is a big problem in this country and local sheriffs are getting rich and funding their departments with illegally seized property. Spread the word and be an outspoken advocate for putting an end to this, or at least making it much more difficult for the police to take our property.

      son of lockman: good reporting baggins

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    I have been asked permission to search my car by police officers half a dozen times, and every single time I briefly considered refusing, knowing that I have a right to do so that is guaranteed by the constitution.

    Instead I always caved. Sadly, it's the only logical choice imo.

    The main reason is that the job often attracts a certain breed of power-hungry psychos. If I tell him "no sir, I know my rights and blah blah blah", maybe he beats my ass, throws me in county, and claims that I resisted arrest. It's my word against his, a fight that I will never win.

    Another reason is that I don't really have the right to refuse anyway. If I say no, he can call in a K-9 unit and claim probable cause. I have seen this happen personally. I've also seen police patrol my high school parking lot with German Shepherds, not for the purpose of actually sniffing out contraband, but for using as an excuse to search the cars of students that they already know are likely to possess something.

    Once you refuse a search, and they abuse their authority to search it regardless, they will tear your car apart piece by piece. The one time I actually had something (a small bag of weed when I was 16), I still consented to a search. Fortunately, he gave the car a quick once-over and didn't manage to find it. He almost certainly would have if I had sent him on a hellbent mission.

    It's much less of a sweat to deal with a search when you're innocent, but it still sucks. It's an inconvenience, a violation of privacy, and a sad reminder that we're no longer the freest country in the world. You just have to suck it up and deal with it. The alternative can be far worse.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    I have been asked permission to search my car by police officers half a dozen times, and every single time I briefly considered refusing, knowing that I have a right to do so that is guaranteed by the constitution.

    Instead I always caved. Sadly, it's the only logical choice imo. This is where you admit your a pussy.

    The main reason is that the job often attracts a certain breed of power-hungry psychos. If I tell him "no sir, I know my rights and blah blah blah", maybe he beats my ass, throws me in county, and claims that I resisted arrest. It's my word against his, a fight that I will never win.This is where you start to justify being a pussy.

    Another reason is that I don't really have the right to refuse anyway. This is how you still sleep comfortably at night and forget you are a pussy. If I say no, he can call in a K-9 unit and claim probable cause. I have seen this happen personally. I've also seen police patrol my high school parking lot with German Shepherds, not for the purpose of actually sniffing out contraband, but for using as an excuse to search the cars of students that they already know are likely to possess something.

    Once you refuse a search, and they abuse their authority to search it regardless, they will tear your car apart piece by piece. The one time I actually had something (a small bag of weed when I was 16), I still consented to a search.This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. These two sentences should be placed in the "The official "niggas doing dumb things" thread." Fortunately, he gave the car a quick once-over and didn't manage to find it. He almost certainly would have if I had sent him on a hellbent mission.

    It's much less of a sweat to deal with a search when you're innocent, but it still sucks. It's an inconvenience, a violation of privacy, and a sad reminder that we're no longer the freest country in the world.You're correct here. You just have to suck it up and deal with it. The alternative can be far worse.
    Somebody needs to invent a 360 dash cam that is constantly uploading your last x amount of active minutes to cloud storage using 4G. I did a quick search and could not easily find anything that automatically backed up to the cloud. I think it's important, because these pigs can't be trusted. I would not feel safe knowing I had my dash cam as evidence if it wasn't backed up. The pigs would probably destroy it and then deny you had it. Once you proved you had it the video still wouldn't be there and it'd be most likely tough luck for you. Prove what was on that video.

    I once got pulled over when I was 16 and thought I was cool smoking Swisher Sweets with my friends in the car. I was pulled over for driving in a nice neighborhood late at night. The officer asked to search my car and he was denied. He claimed to have reasonable suspicion, because it smelt like cigar smoke in the car and he thought we were smoking pot. I told him that nobody was smoking pot in car. It was cigar smoke. He did not call out the K9 unit. I went on my way.

    Cops can only detain you long enough to check your paperwork and write you a ticket. You don't have to just sit there and allow them to bring in the K9 unit. Ask if you're being detained and leave. Cops do this shit, because we allow them to all the time. The american public is weak and for the most part look up to these losers as heroes.

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    Maybe consenting while possessing drugs or cash is not the smart play, but aside from that what's the point in trying to be a hero? I'm not saying it's fine for cops to violate your rights because "you have nothing to hide, right?", but if you do have nothing to lose, why risk angering someone that can (and historically often will) fuck you up and get away with it? I see little upside and lots that can go wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    Maybe consenting while possessing drugs or cash is not the smart play, but aside from that what's the point in trying to be a hero? I'm not saying it's fine for cops to violate your rights because "you have nothing to hide, right?", but if you do have nothing to lose, why risk angering someone that can (and historically often will) fuck you up and get away with it? I see little upside and lots of downside.
    I agree that you shouldn't always play hero. A lot of times you should mind your own business and not try to be a hero. In this case you're not being a hero. You are just simply stopping somebody from violating your rights and crossing the line. They have no business doing it, but now they think they have a right to violate our freedoms, because so many people allow them to do so. They've come to expect it. No longer are they violating your rights, they now believe we are violating their rights.

    Being a hero is stepping into shit that doesn't involve you. In this case they are stepping in the shit and you're giving them permission to smear it on your face.

    America is so mind fucked that people actually think that standing up for their rights is playing hero.

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    It seems that you have more faith than I do that there is any sort of system in place to hold police accountable. I could be wrong. My opinion is influenced by some personal experience, some anecdotes from friends, and lots of horror stories in the media. What I've taken away from it is that cops are simply not to be fucked with, that they have virtually unlimited power, and that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

    If there's no accountability, no checks in place to protect your rights, then you don't really have them. You're not standing up for anything. You're just picking fights with people far more powerful than you, which is dumb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    It seems that you have more faith than I do that there is any sort of system in place to hold police accountable. I could be wrong. My opinion is influenced by some personal experience, some anecdotes from friends, and lots of horror stories in the media. What I've taken away from it is that cops are simply not to be fucked with, that they have virtually unlimited power, and that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

    If there's no accountability, no checks in place to protect your rights, then you don't really have them. You're not standing up for anything. You're just picking fights with people far more powerful than you, which is dumb.
    I'm not saying you should be hostile. And I see where you are coming from, but I don't think you can continue to say that refusing the cop is playing hero. You are correct that they are more powerful than us. Your rights only go as far as your wallet will protect them. Right now, you are trading a small inconvenience of potentially getting into small shit for a worse future. As the snow ball rolls down hill, tomorrow you don't even get the chance to be respectful. They'll just pull you out of your car for speeding, slam you and arrest you. After they are done doing that they'll grab your wallet and check out your paperwork.

    Everybody gives up the inch. The inch turns into a foot and the foot turns into a mile.

  8. #8
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    Our rights are literally being stripped from us piece by piece and each piece they take the stronger they get the stronger they get the bigger piece they take next. The scariest part is that we have an entire generation getting ready to turn into adults that know nothing, but the post 9/11 police state era. The stuff we are outraged by is the norm for them. They won't even bat an eye at it. Today's atrocities turn into tomorrow's norm. People resist at first and then they conform. Once they conform it's time to take another step and that next step will be a foot.

    I agree with you that fucking with a cop is bad business, but because of that america is being suckered and forced deeper and deeper into a police state. It's unsolvable, because the american public is so pathetic. I do understand why people who know better won't actually make a stand, because it won't matter. The american public by and large just doesn't give a shit.

    They will fuck you and me and they will continue to do so. The american public will root against you for standing up for them. Not because somebody standing up for their rights makes them a hero, because the american public thinks that standing up for their rights against a cop makes them a villain. The cowards in this country don't deserve to have people stand up for them, because they won't appreciate it.

    That's no back peddling on anything I've said earlier. It's just the truth of the reality we are forced to face, because the american public doesn't realize or appreciate the positions I took earlier in this thread. I'm not some dumb hillbilly that thinks somebody should be the last man going down with the ship for honor after everybody else already jumped off. It's an idealist view that the public will never get on board with. I don't think you should allow cops to search your car without a warrant, but I understand why one would "if they have nothing to hide."

    However, that's a big departure from what you said. You are in the population that doesn't join them. You sound like one that is them.

  9. #9
    Walking Image Library
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    I think the video in OP might be a fake/prank between 2 officers.

    St. Marys investigates officers' prank video

    The main reason I would just let them is that most of these officers never get punished.

    Look at this video that went viral. During the video officer Ross says to another officer,"But he's perfectly inncocent and knows his rights. He knows what the constituion says." So why are you serching his car? It was a DUI checkpoint and the officer never even asked him about drinking.

    Was officer AJ Ross punished?

    UPDATE: Rutherford County Sheriff Deputy who was in YouTube Video, A.J. Ross, is Deputy of the Year

    ‘My Blood Boiled’: 4th of July DUI Checkpoint Video Goes Viral After Officer’s Comment

    Deputy in viral DUI checkpoint video has checkered past

      FR1GHT: Didn't even watch far enough before making my comment about the K9.
      big dick: sickening

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bukowski72 View Post
    I think the video in OP might be a fake/prank between 2 officers.

    St. Marys investigates officers' prank video

    The main reason I would just let them is that most of these officers never get punished.

    Look at this video that went viral. During the video officer Ross says to another officer,"But he's perfectly inncocent and knows his rights. He knows what the constituion says." So why are you serching his car? It was a DUI checkpoint and the officer never even asked him about drinking.

    Was officer AJ Ross punished?

    UPDATE: Rutherford County Sheriff Deputy who was in YouTube Video, A.J. Ross, is Deputy of the Year

    ‘My Blood Boiled’: 4th of July DUI Checkpoint Video Goes Viral After Officer’s Comment

    Deputy in viral DUI checkpoint video has checkered past
    I have no idea whether or not it's a prank. That doesn't even matter. That fact that people watch it and believe it is a problem, because even if it is a fake video it is very disturbing that so many people would believe that it's actually true. If this video turned out to be a prank that doesn't mean many american's aren't actually subjected to this treatment. The fact that a fake video could gain so much attention is a testament to what is wrong with the police force in america and what we believe actually could happen, which is completely wrong.

      bukowski72: I agree with your points which is why i posted the second video.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bukowski72 View Post
    I think the video in OP might be a fake/prank between 2 officers.

    St. Marys investigates officers' prank video

    The main reason I would just let them is that most of these officers never get punished.

    Look at this video that went viral. During the video officer Ross says to another officer,"But he's perfectly inncocent and knows his rights. He knows what the constituion says." So why are you serching his car? It was a DUI checkpoint and the officer never even asked him about drinking.

    Was officer AJ Ross punished?

    UPDATE: Rutherford County Sheriff Deputy who was in YouTube Video, A.J. Ross, is Deputy of the Year

    ‘My Blood Boiled’: 4th of July DUI Checkpoint Video Goes Viral After Officer’s Comment

    Deputy in viral DUI checkpoint video has checkered past
    The problem with the whole K9 unit is, what stops the police from training their dogs to "detect" something any and every time they are pulled out of the patrol car? Complete bullshit. An animal who is only trained to have the judgement of the pieces of shit training it. K9 units should be illegal.

  12. #12
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    Whatever you decide, you are "invoking" not "evoking"your 4th amendment rights.....

      FR1GHT: Does it really matter if I'm "invoking" or "evoking" my right when the bottom line is my cock going down the throat?
      big dick: You're one of those guy's huh?
      tony bagadonuts: Offset big prick rep

  13. #13
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    In case anyone cares, FR1GHT isn't fuhoser.

  14. #14
    Gold Salty_Aus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    I have been asked permission to search my car by police officers half a dozen times, and every single time I briefly considered refusing, knowing that I have a right to do so that is guaranteed by the constitution.

    Instead I always caved. Sadly, it's the only logical choice imo.

    The main reason is that the job often attracts a certain breed of power-hungry psychos. If I tell him "no sir, I know my rights and blah blah blah", maybe he beats my ass, throws me in county, and claims that I resisted arrest. It's my word against his, a fight that I will never win.

    Another reason is that I don't really have the right to refuse anyway. If I say no, he can call in a K-9 unit and claim probable cause. I have seen this happen personally. I've also seen police patrol my high school parking lot with German Shepherds, not for the purpose of actually sniffing out contraband, but for using as an excuse to search the cars of students that they already know are likely to possess something.

    Once you refuse a search, and they abuse their authority to search it regardless, they will tear your car apart piece by piece. The one time I actually had something (a small bag of weed when I was 16), I still consented to a search. Fortunately, he gave the car a quick once-over and didn't manage to find it. He almost certainly would have if I had sent him on a hellbent mission.

    It's much less of a sweat to deal with a search when you're innocent, but it still sucks. It's an inconvenience, a violation of privacy, and a sad reminder that we're no longer the freest country in the world. You just have to suck it up and deal with it. The alternative can be far worse.
    You're right!
    ALWAYS consent to a search, if you refuse they will take your car apart, if you say "sure you can search my car" they will probably just have a cursory look around.

    This is worth watching the entire video, but go to 36.52 if you still think refusing is wise.

      GrenadaRoger: Good link, and thx for time marker

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salty_Aus View Post
    You're right!
    ALWAYS consent to a search, if you refuse they will take your car apart, if you say "sure you can search my car" they will probably just have a cursory look around.

    This is worth watching the entire video, but go to 36.52 if you still think refusing is wise.
    Ha, I thought you were being sarcastic at first.

    I've seen this guy before! He did a video series called Kopbusters were he set up a fake marijuana grow operation and caught police illegally using infrared scanners. He rented a vacant house, set up some grow lights, put up some cameras, told nobody about it, and waited. Sure enough, the house was raided soon after, supposedly because of a tip from an anonymous informant.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Salty_Aus View Post
    You're right!
    ALWAYS consent to a search, if you refuse they will take your car apart, if you say "sure you can search my car" they will probably just have a cursory look around.

    This is worth watching the entire video, but go to 36.52 if you still think refusing is wise.
    Ha, I thought you were being sarcastic at first.

    I've seen this guy before! He did a video series called Kopbusters were he set up a fake marijuana grow operation and caught police illegally using infrared scanners. He rented a vacant house, set up some grow lights, put up some cameras, told nobody about it, and waited. Sure enough, the house was raided soon after, supposedly because of a tip from an anonymous informant.

    I kinda like this guy.

      bukowski72: He ended getting his son taken away as revenge for his anti -police activities

  17. #17
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Salty_Aus View Post
    You're right!
    ALWAYS consent to a search, if you refuse they will take your car apart, if you say "sure you can search my car" they will probably just have a cursory look around.

    This is worth watching the entire video, but go to 36.52 if you still think refusing is wise.
    Ha, I thought you were being sarcastic at first.

    I've seen this guy before! He did a video series called Kopbusters were he set up a fake marijuana grow operation and caught police illegally using infrared scanners. He rented a vacant house, set up some grow lights, put up some cameras, told nobody about it, and waited. Sure enough, the house was raided soon after, supposedly because of a tip from an anonymous informant.
    Large spikes in an electric bill can get a grow operation busted.
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

  18. #18
    Speedster Out of Clemson adamantium's Avatar
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    I'm takin the 5th

  19. #19
    Diamond mulva's Avatar
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    name something you pass around

      son of lockman: sperm cells :)
    Quote Originally Posted by bottomset_69 View Post
    Johnny Manziel will be the 1st pick in the draft. I truly believe not only will Johnny Manziel be rookie of the year, quite possibly he will be MVP as his style will shock defensive coordinators. Manziel may only be 6 feet tall, but he has size 15 feet. And he has HUGE hands. I know some NFL scouts so I know what I am talking about.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mulva View Post
    name something you pass around
    collection basket at church?

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