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Thread: ****official thread to post weird shots you've tried****

  1. #1
    Puts His Dick in the Mashed Potatoes
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    ****official thread to post weird shots you've tried****

    Had this one the other day.

    "The Pony Shot" from the Soundpony in Tulsa, OK

    It's blackberry brandy in a hollowed out hotdog...

  2. #2
    Platinum nunbeater's Avatar
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    sure why not

    not too weird I guess but you can't go wrong with an Irish car bomb

  3. #3
    Plutonium Brittney Griner's Clit's Avatar
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    I've never tried this shot but a black dude in my poker community who is known for is antics and who everyone watches like a hawk had one the other day. He quietly says call on the flop and then counts out a check raise and pushes it forward. The whole table screamed at him that he said call. On the flop the black had bottom pair bottom kicker with three to a spade flush. The white had top pair top kicker. The white was so baffled that he thought he was being trapped somehow that he checked back a blank turn that he would normally never check. The black hits bottom two on river and bets out big and gets called.

    I wish everyone here could play one time with this black. He literally owns all new players he plays and 9/10th of the regulars with his moves. (No blatant cheating but always towing the moral/etiquette lines.) I sit back and laugh at these racist fucks that tilt their brains out and give him all their money to send back to like 10 family members in Haiti.

  4. #4
    Photoballer 4Dragons's Avatar
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    Like 3 weeks ago someone got the table to drink Patron and Tabasco. I don't know what it was called, but it really f'd up some decent tequila.

  5. #5
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    Just shooting from the hip here from recent memory, just a few weeks ago I had what is called a 'pickle back'

    shot of jamison followed by a shot of pickle juice, sounds absolutely disgusting but you'd be surprised people

  6. #6
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4Dragons View Post
    Like 3 weeks ago someone got the table to drink Patron and Tabasco. I don't know what it was called, but it really f'd up some decent tequila.
    a prairie fire is what thats called, although I've heard of a few other names. Shouldn't be done with Patron, or any other decent Tequila though, waste of a good drink.

  7. #7
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewfather View Post
    Just shooting from the hip here from recent memory, just a few weeks ago I had what is called a 'pickle back'

    shot of jamison followed by a shot of pickle juice, sounds absolutely disgusting but you'd be surprised people
    it is surprisingly good, but also just....meh. A good whiskey should be sipped on with maybe a beer back. With so many other options for shots, it's weird that this one became popular

  8. #8
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    my favorite semi-trolling someone on a birthday type shot is the minefield. Line up 6 shot glasses filled up halfway, 3 are water, 3 are the shitty well vodka, in a random order. The poor recipient has to slam them all going down the row without stopping.

  9. #9
    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    I guess I'm the professional shot drinker here or just have done many various ones throughout the years that almost all these shots I've either done or heard of.

    The hotdog one is something I will never try. I hate hotdogs since I was a little kid and won't ever eat one again. Most of them are fake meat or bottom of the barrel shit with artificial ingredients.

    Prairie Fire (Tequila & Tabasco) = done it, wouldn't rule it out again but wouldn't jump for joy to either. I love good Tequila and straight up.

    Pickeback = done it and like it on occasion but you must love pickles otherwise this will be gross to you.

    The worst I can recall doing in my life is one I remember mentioning I believe on the last radio show I did with lew and that is one mixed with true moonshine and some extremely hot sauce which I believe might have been of a habenero variant but it's been so long. Regardless, moonshine itself is fucking gross to do straight up aka the real, non-diluted shit many places are selling now but when you add super hot sauce to it the burn intensifies greatly. This one I regret the worst but others were doing it so I fell for the peer pressure.

    I've done a some other really weird ones throughout the years including one with chocolate milk, whiskey, and something else weird I can't remember.

    Not a shot but most recently I had these two mini-sized pancakes soaked in crown maple with a few strips of bacon in between as some alcohol breakfast snack thing a family member made around the holidays that was delicious.

      nunbeater: traumatized by hot dogs as a kid rep
      Hockey Guy: Tequila straight up rep.
    Last edited by BeerAndPoker; 01-08-2014 at 03:47 AM.

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