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Thread: Daily Wire and Candace Owens Sever Ties.

  1. #21
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    How can I "want Zionists to control the message" when I don't even control it on my own site? There have been tons of idiotic anti-Semitic conspiracy rants out here over the years, and I've never deleted them.

    The latest Hamas stuff is just an excuse for Jew haters to bash Israel and justify killing Jews. It ignores the clear pattern of modern and semi-modern history of Islamic terror groups killing Jews and westerners for religious reasons, and not as a form of uprising or freedom fighting.

    For decades, apologists of Islamic terrorists have projected western thinking upon these barbarians, trying to explain that the terrorists are simply tired of being oppressed and abused by more powerful forces. But that has rarely been the case, and it wasn't the case on 10/7. Hamas has always been a terror group with the goal of destroying Israel. If they had a button they could press to kill every Jew in the world and take over the entire land of Israel, they would. This was a coordinated suicide attack meant to murder Jewish civilians for religious reasons. The men who went through and over the fence were on a 1-way mission, and indeed the vast majority of them died that day. The rapes and other brutality reported that day were real. Why wouldn't it be real? Do you think these terrorists were good and moral people?

    If you want to make the case that Israel's response has been overaggressive with too much collateral damage, I won't agree, but at least I can understand the reasoning. If you want to make the case that the US shouldn't provide any aid, I won't agree, but again I can understand the reasoning.

    Unfortunately most anti-Israel people take the most extreme position possible. "Hamas was just fighting years of oppression, Israel is using this as an excuse to commit genocide, everything Israel claims about 10/7 is full of lies, Hamas reports are all reliable and we should believe them, Zionists are suppressing the truth so they can continue world domination", etc.

    It's a bunch of bullshit, and most of it makes no logical sense.

    Islamic terror groups have nothing in common with either western left or western right ideology. They are anti-individual, anti-freedom, and very oppressive of women and gays. They are very authoritarian and believe in killing both non-believers and their opposition. These are not good people one should be taking up to defend.

    Candace Owens can spout her crap, but a serious conservative network shouldn't be carrying it. That's more the territory of an alt-right network where a healthy chunk of the audience hates Jews enough to make excuses for Islamic terrorists. Funny enough, this message would also be popular on a far left network. That should speak volumes.

    My criticism of Daily Wire here goes back to 2020. They made a bad hire. Owens did not fit. This was a disaster waiting to happen, and the end result was predictable. Once already done, they found themselves in a bad spot. Either let Owens keep ranting and piss off both Shapiro himself and much of the network's audience, or fire her and piss off a lot of the alt-right, which they were quietly trying to bring into their audience fold for the past 3+ years. They chose the latter, and here we are.

    There is indeed a chance that this will create a ripple effect against Daily Wire, and could fall out of favor. This could have all been avoided if they just stayed away from personalities like Owens, and let her do her own thing separately.


  2. #22
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    Kosher lubricant made in Israel by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
    The company Kosher Sex has created products with the aim of encouraging individuals to explore their sexuality in a kosher way.

    Larry Flynt and Rabbi Shmuley Debate Porn, Marriage, and Soulmates.
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    Rabbi Shmuley and Chana speak to Kim Anami

    his daughter

    "My daughter Chana @_kosher_sex_ sent me the most compelling message about #JewishPower"

    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  3. #23
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Not that I want to get into arguing with crazy shit OK2 is posting, but what is wrong with the kosher_sex account on Instagram?

    Looks like a religious Jewish woman who is trying to convey the message to other Jewish women that they don't have to be ashamed about trying things sexually with their husbands. What's wrong with that?

  4. #24
    Gold Deal's Avatar
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    You wrote a whole wall of Zionist talking points. Who funds and controls ISIS? Why have they only attacked Israels enemies? Why did Netanyahoo want Hamas funded all along? How did Israel get the nuclear weapon? How did the USS Liberty get bombed and why does nobody know about it? What about the Levon affair? Bombing of the King David hotel? Why is the history of the Bolsheviks not taught in US schools? Why did Zionists in the US government table a plan to invade 7 of Israels enemies after 911 according to Wesley Clark? Ever wonder why Germany was so against the Banker class or do you buy the simply because they were Jewish nonsense? Israel was built on and is maintained by terrorism, bribery, and blackmail. It's all they have but times running out because narrative control is no longer possible. The US is the last country that still has traditional support for Israel and its anchored with the older white population. The under 30 crowd couldn't care less about 'the chosen people' and their fairy tale of being granted land by sky daddy. Red Heifers? Fuck off.

    I get that you were raised in the cult and consumed all the lies since the day they chopped your foreskin off and I wouldn't expect you to go against your tribe.

    Are you familiar at all with the work of Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Colins Piper, Daryl Cooper's MartyrMade podcast on Spotify. Lots of sources of truth from Jewish people out there. Or are all these guys radical right wing self hating conspiracy theorists?

    Lies have to be repeated over and over again to be believed while the truth only needs one shot. That's why Zionist funded groups like the ADL are so pro-censorship. TikTok kids don't buy Zionist lies so lets get rid of TikTok. Elon was allowing anti-zionists voices speak so they try and bankrupt him through advertising attacks and attack all his businesses until he cucks.

    Defund Israel. Boycott, Divest (don't sanction) and let the Middle East solve their own issues. If that includes Israel using their stolen nuclear weapon tech, or ceasing to exist as Jewish supremacist apartheid state, so be it. I don't want my government caring one bit about Israel. Global hegemony is unattainable and needs to be walked back before it destroys us. Thankfully Russia and BRICS is a solid front saving us from one world government.

      1dollarboxcar: ++++
      OK2: demolished
    Quote Originally Posted by Jasep View Post
    I have always tried to carry myself with a high level of integrity in the poker community and I take it very personally when someone calls that in to question.

  5. #25

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal View Post
    You wrote a whole wall of Zionist talking points. Who funds and controls ISIS? Why have they only attacked Israels enemies? Why did Netanyahoo want Hamas funded all along? How did Israel get the nuclear weapon? How did the USS Liberty get bombed and why does nobody know about it? What about the Levon affair? Bombing of the King David hotel? Why is the history of the Bolsheviks not taught in US schools? Why did Zionists in the US government table a plan to invade 7 of Israels enemies after 911 according to Wesley Clark? Ever wonder why Germany was so against the Banker class or do you buy the simply because they were Jewish nonsense? Israel was built on and is maintained by terrorism, bribery, and blackmail. It's all they have but times running out because narrative control is no longer possible. The US is the last country that still has traditional support for Israel and its anchored with the older white population. The under 30 crowd couldn't care less about 'the chosen people' and their fairy tale of being granted land by sky daddy. Red Heifers? Fuck off.

    I get that you were raised in the cult and consumed all the lies since the day they chopped your foreskin off and I wouldn't expect you to go against your tribe.

    Are you familiar at all with the work of Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Colins Piper, Daryl Cooper's MartyrMade podcast on Spotify. Lots of sources of truth from Jewish people out there. Or are all these guys radical right wing self hating conspiracy theorists?

    Lies have to be repeated over and over again to be believed while the truth only needs one shot. That's why Zionist funded groups like the ADL are so pro-censorship. TikTok kids don't buy Zionist lies so lets get rid of TikTok. Elon was allowing anti-zionists voices speak so they try and bankrupt him through advertising attacks and attack all his businesses until he cucks.

    Defund Israel. Boycott, Divest (don't sanction) and let the Middle East solve their own issues. If that includes Israel using their stolen nuclear weapon tech, or ceasing to exist as Jewish supremacist apartheid state, so be it. I don't want my government caring one bit about Israel. Global hegemony is unattainable and needs to be walked back before it destroys us. Thankfully Russia and BRICS is a solid front saving us from one world government.
    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasep View Post
    I have always tried to carry myself with a high level of integrity in the poker community and I take it very personally when someone calls that in to question.

  8. #28
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal View Post
    You wrote a whole wall of Zionist talking points. Who funds and controls ISIS? Why have they only attacked Israels enemies? Why did Netanyahoo want Hamas funded all along? How did Israel get the nuclear weapon? How did the USS Liberty get bombed and why does nobody know about it? What about the Levon affair? Bombing of the King David hotel? Why is the history of the Bolsheviks not taught in US schools? Why did Zionists in the US government table a plan to invade 7 of Israels enemies after 911 according to Wesley Clark? Ever wonder why Germany was so against the Banker class or do you buy the simply because they were Jewish nonsense? Israel was built on and is maintained by terrorism, bribery, and blackmail. It's all they have but times running out because narrative control is no longer possible. The US is the last country that still has traditional support for Israel and its anchored with the older white population. The under 30 crowd couldn't care less about 'the chosen people' and their fairy tale of being granted land by sky daddy. Red Heifers? Fuck off.

    I get that you were raised in the cult and consumed all the lies since the day they chopped your foreskin off and I wouldn't expect you to go against your tribe.

    Are you familiar at all with the work of Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Colins Piper, Daryl Cooper's MartyrMade podcast on Spotify. Lots of sources of truth from Jewish people out there. Or are all these guys radical right wing self hating conspiracy theorists?

    Lies have to be repeated over and over again to be believed while the truth only needs one shot. That's why Zionist funded groups like the ADL are so pro-censorship. TikTok kids don't buy Zionist lies so lets get rid of TikTok. Elon was allowing anti-zionists voices speak so they try and bankrupt him through advertising attacks and attack all his businesses until he cucks.

    Defund Israel. Boycott, Divest (don't sanction) and let the Middle East solve their own issues. If that includes Israel using their stolen nuclear weapon tech, or ceasing to exist as Jewish supremacist apartheid state, so be it. I don't want my government caring one bit about Israel. Global hegemony is unattainable and needs to be walked back before it destroys us. Thankfully Russia and BRICS is a solid front saving us from one world government.
    Lolz the above is just vomiting out a ton of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (some I'm familiar with, some I'm not), and expecting me to go down the rabbit hole arguing against each one.

    The "truthful' Jews you named are of the self-hating variety, many of whom have used their Jewish identity to grift, sell books, and get attention. Norman Finklestein et all would be far less interesting to the public if they weren't Jewish. That's the whole point. With almost 8 million Jews in the US, you're going to have some whack jobs and grifters.

    If Canada were surrounded by enemy countries and religious fanatics who wanted you wiped off the map, you'd be singing a different tune about all of this. It's easy to sit in North America, with a big ocean separating us from all of our enemies, and judge a country like Israel.

    I'm no fan of the ADL, by the way. They were infected by leftist ideology, and they strayed from their roots, voicing support for BLM, DEI, etc. Here's a 2022 piece about them, long before 10/7/23 obviously, lamenting this situation. In 2018, the ADL started receiving criticism from the far-left, so they pivoted in order to pander to that group. Only recently has the ADL snapped back to go after left wing anti-Semitism.

    One thing I notice about anti-Israel types is that they make the entire problem binary. They are all too cowardly or simplistic to condemn Israel AND Hamas. Instead, Hamas is given a pass for their barbarism, and noble intentions ("they're just doing what they have to do to get their plight noticed!") are ascribed to them. That's when I know I've found someone failing to argue in good faith.

    Notice all the "ceasefire" and "prevent genocide" people have never once called for Hamas leaders to stop hiding out in hospitals and residential areas. Why do you think that is?

      Deal: anti-semitic conspiracy theories are facts you refuse to confront
      Sanlmar: condemning both sides will be the progreesion of public opinion. hopefully

  9. #29
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    You would think years and years of whataboutism would lead to some nuance but nah, just Zionist talking points and W's 'with us or against us' prattle.

      Deal: he's in a cult
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    You would think years and years of whataboutism would lead to some nuance but nah, just Zionist talking points and W's 'with us or against us' prattle.
    The lack of nuance is on the other side.

    All the anti-Semites and anti-Zionists paint Israel as the Great Satan, and all of their enemies like Hamas to be victimized, good-hearted folk just trying to live life.

      Sloppy Joe: My point is proven

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    You would think years and years of whataboutism would lead to some nuance but nah, just Zionist talking points and W's 'with us or against us' prattle.
    The lack of nuance is on the other side.

    All the anti-Semites and anti-Zionists paint Israel as the Great Satan, and all of their enemies like Hamas to be victimized, good-hearted folk just trying to live life.
    Why the hell haven't those evil Arabs just accepted the fact we shoved them off their land into a containment zone? They should love us since we are the ones that provide for them.

    I've been exposed to "your side" my entire life. I know all your arguments and the lies being spread. You, on the other hand, refuse to give any alternative explanation any consideration. It's from a self hating Jew, its antisemitism, etc. Have you read Goliath? Any of it? Or just accepted your elders talking points and demands that you don't listen to non-kosher sources.

    Watch a quick video about how Israel was created. You will be familiar with none of it.

    Any of that history taught in yesheva school? No, for the same reason the Bolshevik history isn't taught in ours.

    This one will shock you if you are totally sheltered from history. Full of references. None of this possible without the lying media in pocket. No longer the case, truth is getting out.

    Do you really not know about the USS Liberty? Listen to the Jocko podcast where he interviews survivors and they review intelligence about the 'mishap'

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasep View Post
    I have always tried to carry myself with a high level of integrity in the poker community and I take it very personally when someone calls that in to question.

  12. #32
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Funny no one mentioned Epstein yet.

  13. #33
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    A story in now circulating that low level employee's of Daily Wire are saying a 3 word statement on Twitter is what got her cancelled at Daily Wire:

    "Christ is King."

      splitthis: Christ is King, a worthy way
      Sloppy Joe: jeebus is faggot like mickeycrimm

  14. #34
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    In before Druff capes more for the weird little jew, maybe we'll even get definitely not his dupe 'DrSayre' for some back and forth.
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  16. #36
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    You would think years and years of whataboutism would lead to some nuance but nah, just Zionist talking points and W's 'with us or against us' prattle.
    It's that "Hey, whatabout whataboutism?" again.

  17. #37
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    You might remember that there was supposed to be a debate between Owens and Shapiro on what anti-semitism is. The Daily Wire publicly came on like gangbusters itching to get at Owens on the issue. But they were secretly working behind the scenes to get a gag order on Owens. They were successful and that's why all the hype about the debate stopped.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You might remember that there was supposed to be a debate between Owens and Shapiro on what anti-semitism is. The Daily Wire publicly came on like gangbusters itching to get at Owens on the issue. But they were secretly working behind the scenes to get a gag order on Owens. They were successful and that's why all the hype about the debate stopped.
    Can't get along with women, stealthily suppresses free speech while.purporting to be its biggest champion, deficient social skills, routinely self cucks to the point of parody.

    Shapiro is quite the archetype.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  19. #39
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    As a true conservative I support Shapiro’s right to express his neoconservative views

  20. #40
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    In before Druff capes more for the weird little jew, maybe we'll even get definitely not his dupe 'DrSayre' for some back and forth.
    Portland quality read right here.

    DrSayre has been around other forums (and Twitter) for years now. Would be a tremendous effort on my part to keep up this ruse just to agree with myself politically once every few years.

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