Yes, he was the one previously accused of cheating.

There was never any concrete evidence presented, besides his strong win rate and his association with Ryan Feldman.

As I have mentioned before, in 2022 a player unknown to me approached me during a break at a WSOP event. He asked, "Are you Todd Witteles?", and I said yes. He then went on to tell me that his friend listened to my radio show, but he didn't. However, he said he was aware of who I was. He said his friend recommended finding me and telling me about Ludacris cheating on Live at the Bike via Ryan Feldman.

He told me an elaborate story involving Ludacris being a cheater and suddenly changing his formerly nitty playstyle to being wild, despite the limits being higher than he ever played before, and crushing the Live at the Bike games. He claimed Ryan was let go from Live at the Bike because of being caught facilitating cheating in the game, but that Live at the Bike kept it quiet for their own reputation's sake.

I asked him if he had any proof of this, and he told me to "ask around" and this would be verified by a lot of people.

Well, since he had no proof, I wasn't about to make this public and put out such allegations against Ryan, just on the say-so of some stranger at the WSOP. So I didn't tell anyone about this.

A little more than a year later (I think during the Robbi Jade Lew controversy), the story was then brought out on Reddit, and then Ryan addressed it all on Twitter. At that point, I felt comfortable putting out the story above.

In my opinion, until we see proof or an unattainable winrate (like what MoneyTaker69 recently had on GG), we can't say if there is/was cheating on HCL.