Yeah my auto top up was not working so sent email informing them of this, told me they checked my account and all was good. Checked in 2 plus 2 internet room thread and saw others had the same problem as I did.

I swear, every time they do a service update shit is worse functioning the it was pre service. I liked to hover over peoples screen names would tell me which country the players were from they did away with that feature can no longer tell.

People complaining that got rid of 10 and 25 dollar blitz poker forcing peops that enjoyed those stakes to 50 dollar blitz. Omaha ruined hold em poker for me. It was scary when they had problems few days ago my account showed a zero balance luckily the fixed the error. Top up semes to be working.They fixed problem of no balance within less then24 hours I was defo holding my breath

Sorry I double posted by accident if druff culd delete the extra copy would appreciate it