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Thread: Commerce Casino adds a last minute flight to their tournament so they can make their 150k guarantee.

  1. #1
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    Commerce Casino adds a last minute flight to their tournament so they can make their 150k guarantee.

    Todd you gonna call this place out? 3 of my friends told me about it so many are pissed as hell at this DJ clown.

  2. #2
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReformDorm View Post

    Todd you gonna call this place out? 3 of my friends told me about it so many are pissed as hell at this DJ clown.
    Nobody plays at Commerce anymore.

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Where did the tweet go?

    Nothing with Commerce surprises me nowadays.

    They got their lunch eaten right after the pandemic, and it looked like the place was finally drying up. They lost action to Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, and Hawaiian Gardens.

    Then somehow they righted the ship, despite doing literally nothing to make it happen. Bike beat themselves with a number of customer-hostile policies, Hustler started to fade back to where they were before, and Hollywood Park's new converts started to make their way back to Commerce.

    Now Commerce is thriving again, and they give very few shits about their customers.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Where did the tweet go?

    Nothing with Commerce surprises me nowadays.

    They got their lunch eaten right after the pandemic, and it looked like the place was finally drying up. They lost action to Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, and Hawaiian Gardens.

    Then somehow they righted the ship, despite doing literally nothing to make it happen. Bike beat themselves with a number of customer-hostile policies, Hustler started to fade back to where they were before, and Hollywood Park's new converts started to make their way back to Commerce.

    Now Commerce is thriving again, and they give very few shits about their customers.

    After this I and will tell all of my friends never to play tournaments at this place again. So the guy that runs them DJ Villegas deleted the tweet I linked because obv it made him and the card room look bad(people were commenting and calling him out). But he left 1 tweet up later on which basically stated Yes he is adding another flight, he doesn't want to lose guarantees.

    Is this clown for real? So he's pretty much implying that if he didn't add the extra flight there would have been an overlay and who knows if it would have been paid. And secondly he was implying that if the extra flight wasn't added last minute there would be no more guarantees.

    But honestly what they are now doing they will keep doing so it defeats the purpose of even having guarantees. Hey let's keep adding flights to make sure the guarantee is covered cause me and Commerce have no ethics. It's a joke. This cardroom is a joke and in my opinion anyone that continues to play tournaments there after this should seriously reconsider.

    What do you think Todd? I mean the fact that he deleted the tweet speaks volumes, and these guarantees now mean shit because he's obviously okay with added last minute flights as many as it takes to meet their guarantees. So pathetic.

  5. #5
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I have been one of the loudest people complaining about shady ways cardrooms have avoided paying guarantees. This is a problem all over, not just in southern California. Vegas is riddled with this shit, despite an otherwise strong gaming commission in Nevada.

    I agree that a guarantee is meaningless if the cardroom can just keep adding flights (or, alternately, putting players in for free or at a discount) in order to avoid the overlay.

    I have heard the other side's arguments. Basically they say that if they don't mitigate the possible damage from a massive overlay, the cardroom simply can't survive. My response is that you shouldn't hold guarantee tournaments if that's a concern. Guarantee tournaments are a risk -- a gamble, shall we say -- for the cardroom. If they want the benefit from a guarantee tournament, they have to take the risk. If they can't stomach the risk, don't hold such tournaments. It's the same logic the rest of us use when deciding to play stakes which might be too high for our bankroll or variance tolerance.

    Commerce in general doesn't give a shit about their players. They are too big and established, and they know people will keep coming back. This almost bit them in the ass in 2021, but the ineptitude of their competition allowed them to rebound.

    LA cardrooms are in general shitty places, with hostile management and angry, sore-loser customers. I find it stressful to play in LA, though I'm used to it and just tolerate it.

    I like Hustler the best, because it's always had the most laid back environment, and the management there has always been more player-friendly. However, they had their own guarantee scandal not too long ago, and the cash game action there is hit-and-miss.

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