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Thread: Hustler Casino Live - cheating by Robbi Jade Lew against Garrett Adelstein?

  1. #41
    Bronze Daniel72's Avatar
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    And Running it twice "cheating" for a 50 50 flip?
    Winner of the $555 freeroll

  2. #42
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    I admit garetts explanation makes some sense to me about someone who has been brought in to cheat and is too stupid to actually understand how to do it. But is there really any evidence outside of this hand? I haven;t reviewed her play in other hands and don;t have the time. But Garett makes it sound like outside of this hand she plays fine, and well find that hard to believe.

    I will say what is damning is her offering to give the money back. She is either cheating or there is really some horrible pressure on her and an innocent person has been screwed out of money. Either way is pretty terrible.

    I'm still on the side that she wasn;t cheating though. Feel pretty horrible for her if that is the case

  3. #43
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Looked her up and the interesting thing is she comes across as very knowledgeable smart girl.

    Make your own judgements from this video

  4. #44
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Here is the guy who apparently taught her and her coach.

    He has been silent since the incident.

  5. #45

  6. #46
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    I saw this tweet by robbi and if she’s telling the truth then this is a shit looking for HCL and especially Nick and Ryan. Essentially backrooming/backhallwaying her is shady as fuck. I don’t think she was cheating. Having watched enough of Adelstein play he’s been randomly monkeytilting and bluffing and getting nailed for it right and left by some of the others the fact he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar with Robbi is what’s got him pissed off.

    That being said there was some random rumor that she was in cohoots with RIP the dude in the cowboy hat but not sure how or if that’s even possible. People trying to turn this into Postle 2.0 are grasping at straws.

  7. #47
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    People are underestimating how easily women are intimidated and try to avoid conflict.

    Garrett is a big guy that likes taking pictures with his shirt off.

    Most men would have told him to F off.

    Wise men would have suggested they settle the dispute after the producers reviewed the film/security.

    This is far more egregious than what got Armenian Mike thrown off LATB.

  8. #48
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turdzilla View Post
    People are underestimating how easily women are intimidated and try to avoid conflict.

    Garrett is a big guy that likes taking pictures with his shirt off.

    Most men would have told him to F off.

    Wise men would have suggested they settle the dispute after the producers reviewed the film/security.

    This is far more egregious than what got Armenian Mike thrown off LATB.
    The other thing to remember is that also Garrett is good friends with producers of show. He can get you banned from the game very easily. To be honest there is a pretty big conflict of interest and there is good reason why Garrett is one of the only pros who is regularly there.

  9. #49
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    Ivey will not be back.

    It will be interesting to see if the woke feminist that does the podcast with Nick suggests that G be banned and women boycott the show until done.

  10. #50
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Have to be dumb as shit to be cheating here, would be the worst imaginable spot.

    She seems like a moron but tough to think her theoretical partner would pull the trigger on this hand.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  11. #51
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  12. #52
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Anyone who’s ever watched Celebrity Poker Showdown from back in the day has seen plays like this. She seems to be some rich, spacey chick whose lip injections blocked the oxygen going to her brain for that hand. I get how Garrett reacted in the moment. I also get how RIP acted in the moment. How can you continue a game where the big time crusher just got a 135K refund? What are the whales supposed to think about that?

    It would of been fascinating to see if RIPs outburst didn’t happen and Garrett sat with that money how the game would have proceeded. This chick has changed her story so many times but so did Amanda Knox. It doesn’t really mean anything. The whole thought process around the fact she most likely didn’t cheat is somewhat centered around her being unaware of basic poker concepts.

    I will say that if someone who was involved in the manufacture or creation of the software HLC utilizes and has the ability to get the hole card information all of a sudden wanted to pull this type of thing, then Robbi would be the archetype they would use to get into the highest stakes game tout de suite. I did see the video of her appearing to vibrate during the tank before calling off. Last night I thought 0% chance…today I’m still close to 0, but feel there is the smallest of chances.

    There is also some conflicting information about her situation. Reports she is married to some big shot lawyer and then Berkey says on his podcast she’s dating RIP (Jacob). Which both could be correct (divorce/open marriage etc). But she seems pretty well off to me returning 135K because “She doesn’t like drama”. Really bizarre stuff.

    She is also really leaning in to the woman card. Which definitely played a role in the dynamic of her returning her money to Garrett, but that’s it. She really has communicated very poorly. Maybe she is just like that all the time.

    For instance she is still saying she had a read on Garrett or whatever. She would be well served to say I won because I suck. But then I guess that bruises her ego and makes “Jaka Coaching” look bad. But JFC, it would of diffused a lot of this to just say “I got nervous, my brain short circuited, my game needs work, I realize I cant call with this hand even if I suspect bluffing etc”. She needs to really communicate better if she’s innocent and much much much better if she’s guilty.

    I want to know more about her financial situation. Rich people can steal, but if she really is financially secure it would also go a long way to diffusing this.

    The other two possibilities other than being signaled are marked cards (Stu Ungar glasses) or being able to see Garrett’s cards b/c the dealer is pitching them too high or Garret wasn’t protecting his hand. These seem less likely but not out of the realm of possibility. Video should clear the pitch/hole carding possibility up rather quickly. Would of been nice for them to have checked her sunglasses/deck last night, but it’s too late for that now.

      Sanlmar: Experienced pro’s reasoned take
      PositiveVariance: Great post
    Last edited by JeffDime; 09-30-2022 at 01:31 PM.

  13. #53
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffDime View Post
    Anyone who’s ever watched Celebrity Poker Showdown from back in the day has seen plays like this. She seems to be some rich, spacey chick whose lip injections blocked the oxygen going to her brain for that hand. I get how Garrett reacted in the moment. I also get how RIP acted in the moment. How can you continue a game where the big time crusher just got a 135K refund? What are the whales supposed to think about that?

    It would of been fascinating to see if RIPs outburst didn’t happen and Garrett sat with that money how the game would have proceeded. This chick has changed her story so many times but so did Amanda Knox. It doesn’t really mean anything. The whole thought process around the fact she most likely didn’t cheat is somewhat centered around her being unaware of basic poker concepts.

    I will say that if someone who was involved in the manufacture or creation of the software HLC utilizes and has the ability to get the hole card information all of a sudden wanted to pull this type of thing, then Robbi would be the archetype they would use to get into the highest stakes game tout de suite. I did see the video of her appearing to vibrate during the tank before calling off. Last night I thought 0% chance…today I’m still close to 0, but feel there is the smallest of chances.

    There is also some conflicting information about her situation. Reports she is married to some big shot lawyer and then Berkey says on his podcast she’s dating RIP (Jacob). Which both could be correct (divorce/open marriage etc). But she seems pretty well off to me returning 135K because “She doesn’t like drama”. Really bizarre stuff.

    She is also really leaning in to the woman card. Which definitely played a role in the dynamic of her returning her money to Garrett, but that’s it. She really has communicated very poorly. Maybe she is just like that all the time.

    For instance she is still saying she had a read on Garrett or whatever. She would be well served to say I won because I suck. But then I guess that bruises her ego and makes “Jaka Coaching” look bad. But JFC, it would of diffused a lot of this to just say “I got nervous, my brain short circuited, my game needs work, I realize I cant call with this hand even if I suspect bluffing etc”. She needs to really communicate better if she’s innocent and much much much better if she’s guilty.

    I want to know more about her financial situation. Rich people can steal, but if she really is financially secure it would also go a long way to diffusing this.

    The other two possibilities other than being signaled is marked cards or being able to see Garrett’s cards b/c the dealer is pitching them or Garret was protecting his hand. These seem less likely but not out of the realm of possibility.
    Finally a post that satisfies my curiosity.

    She’s fairly well off. She isn’t a subsistence gambler like Postle to use a shopworn example. Perhaps she was archetype until the lack of motivation to cheat. She gave the damn money to Garrett - who is more similar to Postle of the two players involved. Garrett kept the money cause that is exactly what Postle would do too - amuses me.

    She is tough to look at and read with all the work done to her. She’s obviously more the modern day shallow attention seeker than the stealth poker cheat.

    If Garrett is tight with the HLC outfit you’d think fanning the cheating claim would be the last thing he’d want to do unless he’s not that sophisticated. He’s likely not that bright and HCL is squirming. I don’t understand anything Garrett has done from showdown on.

    Garrett fucked himself and is doubling down.

    Wrestling had their bad guys and Garrett better warm up to being public enemy number one on that show

    We move on.

      JeffDime: I think Garrett basically broke down. Total shell shock. Became a different person.
    Last edited by Sanlmar; 09-30-2022 at 01:43 PM.

  14. #54
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    Garrett is obviously a closeted homosexual but there is nothing wrong with that

  15. #55
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    It is funny that people question a gambler's motivation.

    There are self-proclaimed professional roulette and baccarat players.


    Ask Garrett why he shoved $100,000+ with a crappy hand hoping to get a fold.

    Her cosmetic procedures - lips, nose, teeth, cheeks, breasts, heavy makeup, vaginal rejuvenation, butt implants, and rib removal may have clouded her judgment.

  16. #56
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    The Twitter mob turning on Garrett was not surprising but pretty fascinating to see. “You either die the hero, or live long enough to become the villain”. I think it’s always been human nature, but we just see the enjoyment in tearing people down much easier in the age of social media.

    Garrett totally lost it. He felt robbed and he saw the chance to get his money back and took it. His mind was in no shape to realize that it would likely be impossible to sit in that game after getting the 135K back. We will never know what would of happened if RIP didn’t lose his shit, but my guess is Garrett sticks around an orbit & says he needs to get out of there.

    At this point it seems he has that money. Which we know gives him all the leverage here. Right or wrong he is holding all the cards at this point. Whatever the investigation concludes, it will probably be impossible to totally exonerate Robbi. You probably can get closer to prove absolute guilt, than you can total innocence. So there always can be the smallest seed of doubt.

    It will be pretty interesting to see the butterfly effect last night has on the poker world, Hustler Casino Live, streaming, Garrett, etc. This is not the poker story of the week. This will stick around for a while.

    If I put myself in her place and I’m accused of cheating & know I’m innocent, I am yelling it until the cows come home. I’m emptying my pockets. If I have glasses on I am going to give them to production & the other players to inspect. I would defend myself for the duration of that stream until I am blue in the face. Frisk me all you want boys!

    But again, the whole defense conjured up for Robbi is she just doesn’t get it. She doesn’t understand the gravity of that accusation. Her brain is fucking alien to us. She just doesn’t fucking get it. So the fact she didn’t defend herself like i think most of us would have, just makes the whole thing even more confounding.
    Last edited by JeffDime; 09-30-2022 at 02:52 PM.

  17. #57
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Nick Vertucci kept saying repeatedly that something will come out tomorrow which will get people talking.

    I have to imagine this is something which will make Robbi look suspicious.

    I doubt Hustler Casino Live had anything to do with this. However, card marking or something else like that is a possibility.
    Nothing but crickets from Vertucci so far. Empty promises all around. Robbi promised more info on getting hallwayed also to deal with Gman apparently by Ryan or Nick and nothing. This is turning into a steaming pile of crap. And also lets be realistic she ran it twice that kinda eliminates any chance she was being shady.. Nobody who thinks they have an advantage in the hand wants twice unless theyre hoping to split the pot at best. She lucksacked end of story it was a donkey play but then again Garrett having watched a ton of HCL last few weeks has been shown to be full of shit on a regular basis and being a bully with his stack. She likely did as Ive done at the tables sometimes and just took a stand to put up or shut up with Garrett trying to keep him honest. Sometimes a player just pisses you off and you have to make them prove they actually have it even if its -EV to show you can and will call down with a marginal bluff catcher. (which Im not even sure thats what she had would qualify as). He forgets this shit is taped and even on delay people can go back and watch his play and actions at the table its like game film on a sports figure. Having tape on somebody is priceless at times and theres plenty on him in existence, he needs to remember that.

  18. #58
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turdzilla View Post
    People are underestimating how easily women are intimidated and try to avoid conflict.

    Garrett is a big guy that likes taking pictures with his shirt off.

    Most men would have told him to F off.

    Wise men would have suggested they settle the dispute after the producers reviewed the film/security.

    This is far more egregious than what got Armenian Mike thrown off LATB.
    Hell tell him to fuck off. Eric Persson wouldve go into the hallway and beat his ass down likely. roflmao.. I like Persson he doesnt take shit from nobody and yeah the looks on his face when he gets smashed are priceless.. Hes good for poker. He was just laughing his ass off at Garrett last night and enjoying every minute of it. Persson is like a cross between Mike Dentale and that annoying turd kassouf because hes got speech play down to a level beyond Kassouf and hes got that look of dont fuck with me or ill remove your head from your shoulders type even though the guy is close to 50 (hes like a few months younger then me I believe and looks a shit ton more bad ass then his old Linked In photos from a few yrs ago).

  19. #59
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffDime View Post
    The Twitter mob turning on Garrett was not surprising but pretty fascinating to see. “You either die the hero, or live long enough to become the villain”. I think it’s always been human nature, but we just see the enjoyment in tearing people down much easier in the age of social media.

    Garrett totally lost it. He felt robbed and he saw the chance to get his money back and took it. His mind was in no shape to realize that it would likely be impossible to sit in that game after getting the 135K back. We will never know what would of happened if RIP didn’t lose his shit, but my guess is Garrett sticks around an orbit & says he needs to get out of there.

    At this point it seems he has that money. Which we know gives him all the leverage here. Right or wrong he is holding all the cards at this point. Whatever the investigation concludes, it will probably be impossible to totally exonerate Robbi. You probably can get closer to prove absolute guilt, than you can total innocence. So there always can be the smallest seed of doubt.

    It will be pretty interesting to see the butterfly effect last night has on the poker world, Hustler Casino Live, streaming, Garrett, etc. This is not the poker story of the week. This will stick around for a while.

    If I put myself in her place and I’m accused of cheating & know I’m innocent, I am yelling it until the cows come home. I’m emptying my pockets. If I have glasses on I am going to give them to production & the other players to inspect. I would defend myself for the duration of that stream until I am blue in the face. Frisk me all you want boys!

    But again, the whole defense conjured up for Robbi is she just doesn’t get it. She doesn’t understand the gravity of that accusation. Her brain is fucking alien to us. She just doesn’t fucking get it. So the fact she didn’t defend herself like i think most of us would have, just makes the whole thing even more confounding.
    Few possibilities on Robbi's actions and defense

    1. Shes a chick and her bankroll is essentially F You money and as she said she doesnt care hence giving it back shes not worried about getting it back
    2. The likelyhood she was on some mind altering substance is pretty suspect here. I dont think she was drunk I think it was clearly something like Xanax or similar as she kinda talked circles on herself which as ChicagoJoey pointed out on his show last night reviewing things is very common in high stakes be it downers or even some folks popping Poker PEDs like Adderall and such to keep them mentally sharp.
    3. In addition I believe theres a lot of substance useage in poker to keep folks from having tells. Shit my one med Im on could be considered a PED as its a Beta Blocker akin to Propanolol which was and has been used for years as a downer for some folks related to anxiety/stage fright type issues but is more normally used for tachycardia such in my case as I have an errant pacer in my heart that occasionally decides ot try and hijack shit and make my heart race but the taking the long acting med once a day I have no issues (but damn if Im late shit starts up like clockwork). (in the case of Poker it would potentially keep down tells such as a pulsing neck vein if somebody had a pulse tell).
    4. Robbi was telling the truth that GMan has shown a propensity of being almost overly aggressive when hes bluffing and thats a pattern tell on his part havent seen a timing issue with him per se but would shock me if one were to go back sometimes he either bets faster or deliberately slower hollywooding when hes bluffing. If so hes going to have to go back to the drawing board on some of his play.

    In my own case I try to bet size evenly preflop to disguise my hand and occasionally will trap call to look weak but then again sometimes I am kinda just trying to see a bluff cheap. The key obviously is never show patterns in your betting unless its dead identical so nobody can pick up a bet sizing tell. I think Garretts just gotten either complacent some or people finally have enough film now to tell that something is off in his actions that gives away his weakness and bluffs.

      JeffDime: 100% all are plausible.

  20. #60
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Nick Vertucci kept saying repeatedly that something will come out tomorrow which will get people talking.

    I have to imagine this is something which will make Robbi look suspicious.

    I doubt Hustler Casino Live had anything to do with this. However, card marking or something else like that is a possibility.
    Nothing but crickets from Vertucci so far. Empty promises all around. Robbi promised more info on getting hallwayed also to deal with Gman apparently by Ryan or Nick and nothing. This is turning into a steaming pile of crap.
    I am almost certain that Nick was talking about the footage of her seemingly vibrating that Berkey showed earlier. Nick said it was going to come out, but not from him. So I think that’s it.

    The needle is slowly moving here that it is more possible this may have happened. No phones allowed after Postle. So the vibrating device theory makes sense. The communication also would be far simpler (Ahead or Behind) & also more likely for shit like this to happen. Her hand was always ahead of Garrett’s technically.

    The poor communication by her, the lack of a more stern response and the fact that Garrett has the money all really stir the pot here. The internet may have turned on Garrett because he got that 135K, but he may have the last laugh. This allows him the freedom to play offense without holding back, on the off chance he could still recover the money. He would have to tread much more lightly. Now he can just go guns blazing.

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