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Thread: GGPoker Is A Joke

  1. #1
    Cubic Zirconia
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    GGPoker Is A Joke

    I have played on a couple of occasions on GGPoker and find it astonishing that the internet is not filled with people telling their horrific tales of being scammed and how that site is rigged and/or their money has been stolen. For me, I would make both claims that their site is rigged and not random and they did steal from me again.

    I made a deposit on April 9 and played the following games:

    $832.19 Initial Balance

    - 265.71 - Rush and Cash

    - 27.50 - All in or Fold

    - 9.80 - .10/.25 Holdem

    - 84.80 - Blackjack

    + 35.50 - AinorF

    $479.78 Total yet I have $0.00 in my cashier. I contacted support about this and asked them if they stole it or they didn't give me all the HH because I had just got brutally raped and they destroyed the evidence.

    The response I received from their support is disgusting:

    Thanks for your mail.

    Please be advised that the data in Pokercraft does not show the actual win/loss amount.

    Deductions like Rake, Jackpot Fee, and Insurance fee are not included to the Pokercraft data.

    PokerCraft's purpose is not to provide a bankroll management service, but to help players to analyze their pure gameplay and share hands on social media.

    If you would like a more accurate representation of your win/loss, we suggest that you download your hand histories and upload them into a poker tracking software tool

    If there's anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know.

    Kind regards,
    GGPoker Support

    What I did was download my HH and uploaded them into Pokertracker and I got the same results. I'm still missing $479.78. I can't believe that these peopel can be so rude and tell me that they aren't a bankroll management service. What a joke.

    I am not surpised from the site that bans people for game selecting and doesn't pay bad beat jackpots and steals the funds. How is the WSOP associated with these criminals? Daniel should be ashamed of himself and because he wanted to marry someone half his age, now the poker world has to pay for it.

  2. #2
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear you had this experience. I will say that it's unlikely GGPoker would attempt to risk their reputation to steal less than $500, but it is indeed possible that some glitch resulted in missing money, and they are arrogantly refusing to acknowledge it.

    I would suggest that you e-mail them and ask for a complete accounting of how much you won/lost at each table you played. Then you can compare it to what you see in Poker Tracker, and find out where the discrepancy is.

    I have seen over the years where someone stands up from an online table, and it doesn't credit back their balance to their account properly. This might have been what happened to you.

    If they refuse to send you this accounting, please post back here and let me know. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Cubic Zirconia
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    When I started the session I had exactly $832.19 in my account. The results here I'm not 100% I understand what it's saying.

    Name:  Capture.PNG
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    I don't know why PT4 makes the rake and BBJ so complicated and doesn't just simplify it and filter how much I paid in rake/BBJ. I know rake attributed is the amount of rake that was taken out of pots that I won. I am not sure what rake contributed means. I think rake taken is the total amount of rake taken from all the players at the table and not just what I paid. I'm assuming the same is with BBJ Taken. I know in the PT4 forums someone had created a customer filter that had BBJ attributed but I can't use that because I'm using the trial version of PT4 and you can't import a custom statistic in the trial version. Even if I look at this, I still have no idea where the money went. $306.01 is the amount I lost from gameplay and I don't know if that includes the rake or not. I would assume that it does but not sure and am waiting for PT4 support to respond to my ticket I created asking about this. With a balance of $832.19 and subtract $306.01 gives me a total of $526.18. I also played blackjack at the end of my session and I cashed in my rakeback which was $40 and I lost a total of $84.00. So if I take $526.18 and subtract the 44 gives me $482.18 accounted for.

    I've received 2 responses back from GG and they both were basically the same email. It just said that pokercraft doesn't include rake, bbj, or insurance. I never ever take insurance so the rake and BBJ are in the HH that I downloaded and can see in PT4 but still doesn't explain where the $428.18 went. Let's say that I got the stats wrong in PT4 and the rake and bbj taken is what I paid. Then that would still leave $241.25 that I would be missing.

    Am I not reading the rake filters correctly in PT4?

    This is not the first time I have had money disappear from my GGPoker account and I blame myself for this. I played in a tournament series they had back in September of last year and made it to the final day of the tournament that they cancelled because it had a huge overlay. They said they had server problems but let's be real, it was because of the massive overlay. What they did was credit my account $329 and I am not sure how they calculated how much each player would get but that's what they credited me. I was extremely suspicious of them at this point because I kept getting the feeling that money was being taken from my account. I would wrote down my balance when I logged out and when I logged in and watched it like a hawk. They credited my account in the morning (can't remember the exact day) and then I logged out at 1pm and then logged back in at 5pm and when I logged back in my account was missing $360 exactly. Nobody had access to my computer but me, and the only explanation is that GG took back the credit and hoped I wouldn't notice. I had a large balance so I'm guessing they didn't think I would have noticed. When I sent them an email asking where the money went, they just gave me a statement with my balance history but obviously the $360 that disappeared wasn't anywhere on that statement. I know exactly how much they took and it isn't a coincedence that it happened the same day that they credited my account from the tournament they cancelled. I can't say I'm surprised by this and it's my fault for depositing money on there.

  4. #4
    Cubic Zirconia
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    I've tried to update this earlier but the website wouldn't allow me to for some reason.

    GGpoker sent me a response and the money is still missing and they have responded to me 3 times about this and have said nothing each time. It's a complete waste of dealing with these criminals. I don't understand how GG can be associated with WSOP. WSOP I always considered it to be like the NBA or NFL but for poker. That is no longer how I see things if they are associated with these criminals. I also don't understand how everyone can't see how rigged their site is. The math never adds up on that rigged site full of super users. I just ran a couple of filters to analyze my play and its amazing how people think that the site is random and not rigged. I see zero evidence of that. I'm currently losing money with AA and KK and have lost to underpair flopping a set 5 out of 7 times. That's not mathematically possible. I was friends with Jason Koon and feel like contacting him about this. He was always a good guy when I hung out with him. I don't know him well at all and haven't seen him in about 10 years so I feel a little silly bringing this up to him. I just don't understand what it would take for someone to take one of these claims about the legitmacy of a poker site seriously. I feel like a battered women who has an abusive husband who beats her every night and when she tells people they dismiss her.

    I have had horrendous experiences with WSOP, ACR, Ignition, and GG. I haven't played on Pokerstars or Party Poker because of where I live but I'm sure the experience would be very similar. I seriously don't understand how ACR and Ignition are even given credit as a poker site because the last thing those two are is a place for someone to play poker. It's a place to get cheated and funds stolen and the games are all rigged. I've seen the craziest shit on ACR but Ignition is a close second. Players will fold the second nuts to a small bet and then when the board runs out you see that they would have lost. When I see things like that as often as I see them on Ignition, it's not by accident and it's not because of poor play because the cash games are impossible. They are literally impossible to show a profit in them. Same goes for their rigged blackjack. I've dealt blackjack for 5 years and know the game well and I know the odds. With blackjack its really easy to know whether it is rigged or not because all the cards are dealt face up and so all you have to do is play a little bit and then figure it out. I've figured out that Ignition Blackjack is as rigged as it gets. I went to their support and they said the RNG for poker is the same as it is for blackjack. I know when I play blackjack, every time I increase my bet, I lose. I don't see how they would be able to rig it like that for blackjack but for poker it wouldn't be rigged. As many times as I have shoved and ran into the nuts or AA is too many to consider it an coincedence. These sites are as rigged as it gets. Everything is upside down online. AA have no value because everyone who was three betting you then all of a sudden flats you and then flops a set everytime and you lose. If you are ahead then they just fold. I some players can see the cards ahead of time and the hands always feel staged. I don't feel anything is real on online. What you think should be a good card is never a good card and what you think are bad cards are probably still bad cards. I don't see anyway to win online and just see rigged sites that super use, rig the rng, and steal from us.

    I have tried to warn others 4 or 5 times and each time there is a consistent pattern. I have 2 posts on 2+2. Once regarding ACR and once about GG. Each time after I posted on 2+2, the next time I logged into my facebook, it said I was deceased. You can't tell me that is a coincedence when it happens twice like that and they both were the only times that I ever had that message when I logged into facebook. I realize now they were just trying to scare me but the first time it happened it really messed with me because I thought how could facebook be in on it and if facebook is associated with them then this was bigger than I thought. It worked on me the first time and I quickly recanted my ACR post but when it happened the 2nd time with GG, I just figured they were trying to scare me and I didn't let it stop me and I haven't died yet. An interesting side note that I don't know if it is complete coincedence but when I posted on 2+2 what I discovered on ACR, I found somethings that I feel were Joey Ingram being paid off on that site. He was the only player in my database who had a postitive winrate and when I looked through his hands, he ran extremely well and sometimes, the player screen name was exactly what the player had in their hand. The one that comes to mind was "canbeatfivehigh" and he shoved Joey all in on the turn holding 4s-6s with a flush draw and I think Joey had two pair. This was also done on New Years at around midnight so maybe they thought this would be when traffic would be the slowest. I wanted to give Joey a chance to explain himself so I went to my facebook and found his page and sent him a message. I saw he had Landon Tice on his channel and I know Landon Tice has some affiliation with ACR so I didn't understand that. While I was sending Joey a message asking him why he would do this, the thought of maybe he is in on it came to mind and that's when I went to my HH and looked at his hands that he played and that's what I found. I then accused Joey of being paid off by them and the whole bot thing and interview with Phil was just a way to make it look like ACR was doing something about it and was trying to make it more safe. I've listened to that interview 4 or 5 times and you sure could make the argument that the interview was a commercial. I remember Joey saying, "Nobody has ever said that anyone had an issue with cashing out" and "where else are people going to play?" "Who offers the tournaments that you guys do?" and I could go on but you get the idea. Then I told Joey off and he responded the next day by denying it and just told me to stay off of ACR. I asked if he could give me some peace of mind and if he knew what had happened to my fb account. He never responded after that and that was the last day that Joey did any kind of content. I don't know if I had anything to do with it and I kinda doubt it but the timing of it is hard to dismiss. I'm sure there are a lot of other reasons and I don't want to throw Joey under the bus but I do believe that they were paying him because I know I've never had anyone shove me all in with a strong hand on that site and then had their screen name be the same as their cards. I know that site has super users and can set up and change their cards in even after they are dealt. ACR also hacked my phone, computer, and took over one of my emails and I never got it back. They were listening to my phone calls and were able to disconnect the calls as well. When I would play on there a couple of times trying to get more evidence so that I could expose them, I would have a player join my table and it always had a threat in the screen name. One was "beekilled" and the other one was "whoshotyou". After they hacked my computer, I noticed that the screen name "hack1nsh#t" was often at my table.

    I've never posted this publicly before but feel like this is the last hope for me in ever having any faith restored in the poker community. When I have posted my experience and supplied the HH, I got criticized and made fun of. I thought they were just fake accounts owned by the site because they were so predictable in their responses and how quickly they would respond how many of them would respond and how they always had the same opinion and always backed each other up and regardless of what time of day I would post, they would respond in droves almost immediately after. I don't think a regular people would be that predictable and wouldn't be that organized. What I find is definately an effort made by influence public opinion by creating fake accounts. I know Twitter had a bunch of these accounts as well that were Russian troll farms and I think the same thing happenson 2+2 and reddit. There are some people that just go along with it but I don't understand their logic behind defending a site that is cheating people. I don't see how that benefits them to think that way and it just creates an unsafe environment for them to play poker in. A lot of them don't play poker and just hump their solvers when I look through their old posts. You said in your reply druff that GG wouldn't risk their reputation over a couple hundred bucks. That is a reasonable thing to believe but these sites aren't risking anything by doing what they are doing. I mean GG banned someone for game selecting, that's insane. There is constant complaints about players having money missing, not being able to withdraw funds, and they still operate and all claims get dismissed. Ultimatebet and Full Tilt are the only two that have been exposed "officially". UB would never had happened if someone hadn't sent out the HH with the IP addresses on it. I think that must have been a disgruntled worker or something because that whole thing never made sense to me. If the DOJ didn't step in and shut down Full Tilt then the same arguments that are said today would still be said in Full Tilt's defense. I don't think these sites are risking anything because they are doing it now and are still in business. I can see why they rig it because if people still play on a rigged site then why operate a safe one and make less money. Sorry for rambling too much and for not putting this in a better more organized and official manner. I know how its gone in the past and I'm starting a new job on Monday and don't have time to put everything together like I would like to because I won't have time but I still wanted to mention it so that if someone does believe me then maybe someone won't make a deposit on the site and lose their money.

      FRANKRIZZO: many words rep
    Last edited by Poker888; 04-12-2022 at 11:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I want to help you here, but first I would like to tell you something.

    Nobody understands distrust of online poker more than me. I had money straight-up stolen from me by cheaters on Absolute Poker and UB in the 2000s. I was the very first to call it out, and most people thought I was crazy. It turned out indeed that was happening, and ownership of both sites were looking at people's hole cards and crushing them in both cash games and tournaments.

    I also stated repeatedly that online poker needed to be licensed and regulated. I was told not to worry, and that Full Tilt and Pokerstars were two big, trustworthy companies which could easily self-regulate. We all saw what happened to Full Tilt, and we learned they stole all our money in 2011.

    However, guess what both scandals had in common? They involved big money. There's always risk/reward when it comes to cheating customers. The reward is the ill-gotten funds. The risk is that they will be found out, and their site's reputation will be forever ruined.

    A big, successful operation like GGPoker is highly unlikely to intentionally steal money from low stakes players. Even if they had the desire to do so, it simply wouldn't be worth it from a risk/reward standpoint. They'd go after the bigger players, especially the non-famous ones who would have less of a voice if screwed.

    Furthermore, you're bringing forth a lot of conspiracy theories involving hacked Facebook accounts, people secretly being on their payroll, etc, which don't have any real evidence to back them up. I can understand how these can all "connect" in your mind when you think you're really being screwed (the missing money), but it is not likely any of these theories are true.

    With that said, I do think there's a possibility that money is missing here. I also believe that support has done a poor job explaining things, and just keeps firing off copypasta nonsense without really making an effort to investigate your situation. That's what we need to focus on here. It is possible that some error in the site caused some of your money to vanish, and if so, it needs to be recovered. And if they don't agree, you deserve a true and detailed accounting of where it all went.

    I'll post some suggestions in the next message.

  6. #6
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Here is my advice:

    You need to make it clear that you do understand that Pokertracker and other pieces of analysis software aren't 100% perfect, but that it still seems clear to you that money is missing.

    Tell them that, for your own piece of mind, you will need a report of all table-sit/table-leave balances, so you can make sure it all adds up.

    Here's a sample letter you can write to them. Feel free to use it if you want.

    Dear GGPoker,

    I understand what you are telling me, and I am not claiming that PokerTracker and similar tools are perfect.

    However, after looking at everything, including rake paid, I still cannot figure out where $326 of my money has gone. For my own piece of mind, I would like to request the following reports from you.

    Between April 9 at 12:01am GMT and April 11 at 12:01am GMT, I would like:

    - How much I sat down for at each poker table (please list each table separately)
    - How much money I had when I stood up from each poker table (please list each table separately)
    - My total blackjack win/loss during this period

    I will then check these against my own hand histories, and let you know regarding any discrepancies.


    Good luck.

    If they send you a crap response from this letter, or if they refuse to provide it, let me know.

  7. #7
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I want to help you here, but first I would like to tell you something.

    Nobody understands distrust of online poker more than me. I had money straight-up stolen from me by cheaters on Absolute Poker and UB in the 2000s. I was the very first to call it out, and most people thought I was crazy. It turned out indeed that was happening, and ownership of both sites were looking at people's hole cards and crushing them in both cash games and tournaments.

    I also stated repeatedly that online poker needed to be licensed and regulated. I was told not to worry, and that Full Tilt and Pokerstars were two big, trustworthy companies which could easily self-regulate. We all saw what happened to Full Tilt, and we learned they stole all our money in 2011.

    However, guess what both scandals had in common? They involved big money. There's always risk/reward when it comes to cheating customers. The reward is the ill-gotten funds. The risk is that they will be found out, and their site's reputation will be forever ruined.

    A big, successful operation like GGPoker is highly unlikely to intentionally steal money from low stakes players. Even if they had the desire to do so, it simply wouldn't be worth it from a risk/reward standpoint. They'd go after the bigger players, especially the non-famous ones who would have less of a voice if screwed.

    Furthermore, you're bringing forth a lot of conspiracy theories involving hacked Facebook accounts, people secretly being on their payroll, etc, which don't have any real evidence to back them up. I can understand how these can all "connect" in your mind when you think you're really being screwed (the missing money), but it is not likely any of these theories are true.

    With that said, I do think there's a possibility that money is missing here. I also believe that support has done a poor job explaining things, and just keeps firing off copypasta nonsense without really making an effort to investigate your situation. That's what we need to focus on here. It is possible that some error in the site caused some of your money to vanish, and if so, it needs to be recovered. And if they don't agree, you deserve a true and detailed accounting of where it all went.

    I'll post some suggestions in the next message.
    I want to be clear as I must not have been in my previous reply. I do not think any of the things I talked about connect or have anything to do with the missing money. I was just ranting about online poker in general and wanted to post what had happened to me. I understand if you don't believe me but it isn't a crazy conspiracy theory when it happened to me. If I supply the HH of the hand I was talking about would you take it seriously and believe me then? I have to find it as I have it in the cloud or on a different computer. I do have it and can find it. I just don't want to spend hours looking for it and then have you dismiss it. If you will take it seriously then I will find it and post it.

    As far as the part about Facebook, you can choose not to believe but it absolutely happened. I have no way to prove that though. I will say with all honesty that it happened twice and both times happened the same day that I posted on 2+2 about being cheated or money stolen. You'll never convince me that it is coincedence since it has never happened any other time. If you think that it is actually a coincedence then you would have to crazy. I understand if you don't believe me but it happened. I can't help it if it sounds believable or not because that isn't my goal. My goal is to be honest and say what happened to me. That's all I can do. If people believe it or not I don't care and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm not trying to come up with a believable story. I'm just saying what happened.

    Another detail that I will add is that I have previous experience with GGPoker and it involved a lot of money. I had the following hand on GG back in September:
    Poker Hand #RC533106861: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2021/09/26 13:22:09
    Table 'RushAndCash713458' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: 8ed62965 ($193 in chips)
    Seat 2: 14b54568 ($243.72 in chips)
    Seat 3: 411a3bfa ($213.6 in chips)
    Seat 4: 93240853 ($247.68 in chips)
    Seat 5: 89f9b1ea ($257.88 in chips)
    Seat 6: Hero ($226.8 in chips)
    14b54568: posts small blind $1
    411a3bfa: posts big blind $2
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to 8ed62965
    Dealt to 14b54568
    Dealt to 411a3bfa
    Dealt to 93240853
    Dealt to 89f9b1ea
    Dealt to Hero [2h 2d]
    93240853: raises $2 to $4
    89f9b1ea: calls $4
    Hero: calls $4
    8ed62965: folds
    14b54568: folds
    411a3bfa: folds
    *** FLOP *** [2s 5h 2c]
    93240853: checks
    89f9b1ea: bets $7.5
    Hero: calls $7.5
    93240853: calls $7.5
    *** TURN *** [2s 5h 2c] [5d]
    93240853: checks
    89f9b1ea: checks
    Hero: bets $25
    93240853: raises $25 to $50
    89f9b1ea: calls $50
    Hero: raises $165.3 to $215.3 and is all-in
    93240853: raises $20.88 to $236.18 and is all-in
    89f9b1ea: folds
    Uncalled bet ($20.88) returned to 93240853
    93240853: shows [5c 5s] (Four Fives)
    Hero: shows [2h 2d] (Four Twos)
    *** RIVER *** [2s 5h 2c 5d] [Ah]
    89f9b1ea: shows [As Ac] (Aces Full over Fives)
    *** SHOWDOWN ***
    93240853 collected $509.1 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot $518.1 | Rake $6 | Jackpot $3 | Bingo $0
    Board [2s 5h 2c 5d Ah]
    Seat 1: 8ed62965 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) with Pair of Fives and Pair of Twos
    Seat 2: 14b54568 (small blind) folded before Flop with Pair of Fives and Pair of Twos
    Seat 3: 411a3bfa (big blind) folded before Flop with Pair of Fives and Pair of Twos
    Seat 4: 93240853 showed [5c 5s] and won ($509.1) with Four Fives
    Seat 5: 89f9b1ea folded on the Turn
    Seat 6: Hero showed [2h 2d] and lost with Four Twos

    I had contacted you Druff about this before but you never responded back to me. It's no big deal as it wasn't your responsibility and I'm not mad about it at all. This hand "won" me the bad beat jackpot and I had "$48,000" credited to my account. I use the amount in quotes because it isn't real money. They didn't let me cash out and and then closed my account and made up a story about me self excluding which was in no way true. I played with the money and built it up at first and then had a downswing and had $27,000 in there when they closed it. When I posted this on 2+2 some cheater had some stats from a data mining site that had my results and showed me losing the amount that I won in the BBJ. That was not a coincedence and I have no doubt that the site somehow manipulated the information to make my story less credible. The cheater who posted it created a new account on 2+2 the same day he posted that which is super shady and then 2+2 closed the thread and nothing happened. I don't expect ever to get that money as it is long gone and I don't even like to talk about it but just wanted to explain that I have more shady dealings with GG and it involved big money. So it is pretty dumb of me to play on GG again but I got bored and wanted to give it another try and like I said I really only have myself to blame. The site is a complete scam and if the money isn't real then the whole thing is fake. If players aren't allowed to cash out then their site is a scam. I am playing on a friend's account to answer how am I playing now. I made a deposit with Coinpayments and used Bitcoin. I only played the one session and will never play there again.

    I disagree with you when it comes to big money because there is plenty of incentive for these sites to steal from lower stakes people as well. Not to mention that with the use of bots, it costs them nothing. I'm guessing they have friends or family create accounts and then they give those bots the ability to see everyone's hole cards and they run like god. I know bluffing online is impossible and when I look at my HH on Ignition, it couldn't be more obvious that there are super users there and that they can see what cards are coming.

    I disagree with you about it being legal and regulated. I think that might help with funds being withdrawn and deposited but the current regulation that is in place is a complete joke. WSOP is a horseshit and the worst run company I have ever dealt with. I have contacted the NGC and filed complaints and talking to these people it is absolutely incredible that they have jobs that regulate anything. One lady said to me "so the deck has aces and kings?" Then let's take a look at the current that is licensed and regulated. When you download their installer and run it through an antivirus program it comes back positive for a trojan. That is ridiculous and why on earth would they need to do that? Maybe super use people? I know I played against two players who I know could see my cards. It's hard to notice at first but after you see it then you can't unsee it. I first noticed it on ACR and when I discovered this, I posted on 2+2 and that's when I logged into facebook and it said I was dead. I then recanted and had a change of heart out of fear but I know for a fact that there are super users on ACR and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I'm curious how you discovered it Druff when it happened to you on UB or Absolute. I was surprised to hear you talk about playing on Ignition because I don't see how you wouldn't be able to see it there. Maybe they are smart enough not to super use you because you have a show and a voice that people listen to. I don't play limit and I think that's what you play so I don't know what the difference is and if it would be easier or harder to detect someone seeing your hole cards. From what I understand the only reason that it got exposed was because of the email that was sent out with the hands turned over and the IP addresses on them. I know that I have tried to expose what I found but nobody takes it seriously. Regardless of how many HH I show or no matter how much evidence you show someone, if they don't want to believe it they won't. They will just ignore what you present to them and say that you suck and continue to play and lose and then convince themselves that they are a winning good poker player. That's what I find funny about poker players and gamblers. I have never met anyone who loses money gambling or playing poker. Everyone says how they win and crush and you never hear the truth. I have no issue admitting that I am not a winning player over the last year and a half. I don't believe that there is a human on this planet that has put more time or effort into improving at poker than I have. I am a lunatic when it comes to some things. I don't ever do anything half assed and when I do something, I do it 100% and I committed myself to becoming a winning player on ACR when I first started. I did the same with golf, I became obsessed and I lived in the north where it snowed and I still became a scratch golfer in 6 summers. I did it be practicing more, playing more, and was obsessed. Poker has taken over my life and I put that same determination and work ethic into trying to improve at poker. I was obsessed about the game. I am either studying it, playing it, watching it, thinking about it, or studying hand histories. Then once I figured out that these players on ACR could see my cards, it became obvious. It's like that video where you are supposed to count how many times the kids in white throw the ball to each other. Then at the end of the video they ask if you noticed the dancing monkey. The first time I never saw the monkey but it's impossible not to notice it after that. I feel the same way with poker and players that can see your cards. I know not everyone can see your cards but it is pretty clear when you are playing in a legitmate game and when you are being super used. It doesn't matter what strategy I implemented or what I learned on most sites. When you make a hand they fold and when you bluff they call. It's pretty hard to beat the current environment of high rake, more skilled players than ever before, solvers, and bots that can see your cards and super use. was the site that had the least amount but I played against two that I'd better everything I have that they could see my cards.

    Here's what I am talking about with the installer. I reported this to the NGC and I can see that they really care since nothing has been done.

    This is the website:

    Name:  Capture.PNG
Views: 983
Size:  40.1 KB

    I just want to make it clear that I am not in anyway trying to be a jerk and have no ill feelings towards you Druff at all. I just disagree is all and I think you are probably a good guy trying to do what is right and I really respect what you have done for people in the game. I think its great and I enjoy your show. Just didn't want you to think that I'm trying to troll or start a flame war. I just disagree with your opinion is all and hope that two people can have a reasonable discussion. I am open to changing my mind but I need evidence and the only evidence I have been given is "it's not rigged" "there aren't super users" "the sites have too much too risk". Those things sound good but people kill people all the time and they risk their freedom so I don't buy that argument. Plus these sites all learned from UB and are careful not to make the same mistakes. That's why so many sites don't give the HH and why Ignition has anon tables so that the accounts that they control and use to cheat people don't get a lot of attention like potripper did.

  8. #8
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Here is my advice:

    You need to make it clear that you do understand that Pokertracker and other pieces of analysis software aren't 100% perfect, but that it still seems clear to you that money is missing.

    Tell them that, for your own piece of mind, you will need a report of all table-sit/table-leave balances, so you can make sure it all adds up.

    Here's a sample letter you can write to them. Feel free to use it if you want.

    Dear GGPoker,

    I understand what you are telling me, and I am not claiming that PokerTracker and similar tools are perfect.

    However, after looking at everything, including rake paid, I still cannot figure out where $326 of my money has gone. For my own piece of mind, I would like to request the following reports from you.

    Between April 9 at 12:01am GMT and April 11 at 12:01am GMT, I would like:

    - How much I sat down for at each poker table (please list each table separately)
    - How much money I had when I stood up from each poker table (please list each table separately)
    - My total blackjack win/loss during this period

    I will then check these against my own hand histories, and let you know regarding any discrepancies.


    Good luck.

    If they send you a crap response from this letter, or if they refuse to provide it, let me know.

    Thanks for taking the time to write this out it is very nice of you. I have already done this and they sent me something with my balance history. I have to go through it and try and figure out what happened or what it shows but its a long document and I was just going by Pokertracker4 and what the results said there. It's not the easiest most user friendly sheet to go through and calculate the balance and I'll go through it tomorrow and see if I can find anything. The last time this happened, I went through my transactions and couldn't find it but also couldn't find the missing $390 they stole. I know that they stole it because I wrote down my balance when I would log out and when I would log in because I was supicous of them. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out. I appreciate it. I am going to send them the email with exactly what you wrote though as well. It can't do any harm to ask them and I never had them give the amounts when I left the tables. I'll let you know if they respond. Thanks again.
    Last edited by Poker888; 04-14-2022 at 01:46 AM.

  9. #9
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    I just wanted to give an update as I think I found the money. The HH doesn't have the jackpot fee that is taken out for every hand. Looking at the statement they sent me, it has $1.50 taken out of every hand. Even the ones where I fold and Pokertracker doesn't have record of that because it isn't in the HH. So if you take that minus the 344 hands I played that would explain the what is missing. That's $516 in a jackpot fee which is outrageous. I can't believe that. I wish I had noticed it while playing because I would have quit right away. The rake and fees on GG are so high I don't see how anyone can beat them. I'm not great at figuring stuff like this out but if I had to win $516 just to break even, that seems like too much to ask. Especially in that format as it is not uncommon for there to be 3 players who go all in and the percentages go down a lot when you add another player.

    If I put AA and give the player 25% of hands, the AA are 86.21.
    If I put AA and another player then the win percentage goes down to 72.

    Then if you take an unpaired hand like AK you get 65% vs 1 and 44% vs 2 players.

    Those are obviously monster hands but AK is only going to win more than half the time against one player. Then when you factor in hands like KQ or KJ it seems like it would be very hard to beat those games. I haven't studied this too much as I don't plan on playing on there anymore but it just seems like too high of a hill to climb.

    Thanks for the help Druff and sorry for the false alarm. I was just overly suspicous after my previous experience and let that cloud my judgement here. I really appreciate your help though. I appreciate it.

  10. #10
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    this guy says he made complaints elsewhere and his posts were deleted. This is a recurring theme across the internet . he also mentions in here how it costs nothing to load up the site with bots, which so many people complain of.

    Does Druff play on ACR? Druff said your money was fine but he wont play there.

  11. #11
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poker888 View Post
    I just wanted to give an update as I think I found the money. The HH doesn't have the jackpot fee that is taken out for every hand. Looking at the statement they sent me, it has $1.50 taken out of every hand. Even the ones where I fold and Pokertracker doesn't have record of that because it isn't in the HH. So if you take that minus the 344 hands I played that would explain the what is missing. That's $516 in a jackpot fee which is outrageous. I can't believe that. I wish I had noticed it while playing because I would have quit right away. The rake and fees on GG are so high I don't see how anyone can beat them. I'm not great at figuring stuff like this out but if I had to win $516 just to break even, that seems like too much to ask. Especially in that format as it is not uncommon for there to be 3 players who go all in and the percentages go down a lot when you add another player.

    If I put AA and give the player 25% of hands, the AA are 86.21.
    If I put AA and another player then the win percentage goes down to 72.

    Then if you take an unpaired hand like AK you get 65% vs 1 and 44% vs 2 players.

    Those are obviously monster hands but AK is only going to win more than half the time against one player. Then when you factor in hands like KQ or KJ it seems like it would be very hard to beat those games. I haven't studied this too much as I don't plan on playing on there anymore but it just seems like too high of a hill to climb.

    Thanks for the help Druff and sorry for the false alarm. I was just overly suspicous after my previous experience and let that cloud my judgement here. I really appreciate your help though. I appreciate it.
    Gee a site with screw job rake and fees with KidPoker as it’s face. shocker. NOT

      sah_24: its good for you lols

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    GGPoker operates in an extremely shady manner.

    My story....
    I was introduced to a "US Agent" for GG Poker - which translates to "Member of the Poker community willing to do shady banking for them.
    This person created a GG account for me and instructed me to connect using VPN - and that the account would be noted in GG security to not be flagged for VPN use.

    I then transferred this person money and my GG account was funded. Transfers were made via PayPal, Apple Pay, and BTC.
    I had success in some MTTs and had many transfers in an out of the account without a problem for months.

    Then the price of crypto took a plunge (summer of 2021) and all of a sudden he was unable to process my cashout requests in a timely manner because "the crypro prices were down and the poker community was suffering"

    I knew that this was a possibility going in - I am very familiar with the poker community and these types of arrangements.
    I waited it out and was eventually paid my balance (roughly 25k) in several installments after about 3 weeks of hounding him.
    During the 3 weeks I was waiting for payment, crypto rose 15-20%, which was very frustrating to watch although I may not have gotten paid until that price was hit anyway.

    This player clearly had an affiliation with GG. My account was restricted from deposit and cash out but he was able to do it for me without ever accessing my account directly (unless GG deleted the audit records of his logins).

    GG Poker also supports the "Club GG" poker app - which is a pokerbros/pokerrrr2 application that allows players to operate under the club model; which is basically what the 'agent' was doing for me.
    The support RampagePoker's club - which is a large network of players who play on a club in the app and use venmo/paypal/crypto as their banking.
    This is certainly a disaster waiting to happen - the people involved in managing the money are questionable at best. RampagePoker is very new to the poker world and is taking the Michael Mizrachi approach of supporting any product that writes him a check in order to support his degenerate gambling (he's horrible at poker).

    My prediction is that if GG is let into the US market Rampage will be one of the faces of the site along with DNegs.

    They are basically building Full Tilt 2.0 - full of shady characters who are used to operating in shady ways outside of regulation. They will continue to operate this way behind the scenes, no matter what regulation is put in place.

    I'm not saying that it should be avoided at all costs - but be aware of what you are getting into.

    Wouldn't be surprised if they bring in Dan Fleyshman to help them out - he seems like the type of "business mind" that would fit right in.

  13. #13
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    I'm bumping this thread with 3 tweets - one about stars and 2 about ACR-

    In one ACR tweet, he has graphs of bot play and a huge thread under the tweet.

    the stars tweet details a glitch where the software froze on the guy in an all in hand where he had KK- video with no sound but several responses under in support of tweet

    the 3rd tweet is a joke a guy made about an ACR update and the thread under it is full of people with stories and support-

    these are all people that have never heard of this site , and have no clue where to go talk about it except twitter

    2p2 deletes, reddit deletes

    if you twitter search ACR Bot / bots u get back a wall of the same tweets about a bycyle that make it hard to search for these terms and see all the results quickly . I believe this is intentional as it is the same tweet , 50 times a day , same tweet. the only english in the tweet is ACR - there is a ton of shadiness going on.

    there is a pandemic all right and it's a pandemic of cheating

    and before you say , " there are just a few, nothing to see here, just a noob"

    consider all the rec players that dont tweet. we are supposed to be numbers guys here right?

    what does the math say?

    i didnt even search the term party poker bot - between the 3 tweets here and 4 tweets from another post thats 7 diff people complaining across 2 weeks- and these are serious players complaining- dude has a graph
    Last edited by circuitp; 04-14-2022 at 03:32 PM.

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    I think I found the cheaters- please see this post

    detailed, undeniable

  16. #16
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    this guy says he made complaints elsewhere and his posts were deleted. This is a recurring theme across the internet . he also mentions in here how it costs nothing to load up the site with bots, which so many people complain of.

    Does Druff play on ACR? Druff said your money was fine but he wont play there.
    Im pretty sure Druff doesn't play ACR is because there are no limit 30/60 and above that run there

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANKRIZZO View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by circuitp View Post
    this guy says he made complaints elsewhere and his posts were deleted. This is a recurring theme across the internet . he also mentions in here how it costs nothing to load up the site with bots, which so many people complain of.

    Does Druff play on ACR? Druff said your money was fine but he wont play there.
    Im pretty sure Druff doesn't play ACR is because there are no limit 30/60 and above that run there
    ya, but someone repping a fraud alert site should never tell anyone its cool to play on a site they have no skin in the game on.
    especially all the suspicious happenings and this was before I even started posting.

    the way you absolutely destroy fraud is by starving it.

    I think there is way too much content out there on youtube and twitter detailing this issue WITHOUT ANY of my info detailing the global fraud which by chance caused this fraud here

    Joey was very loud and effective

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I want to help you here, but first I would like to tell you something.

    Nobody understands distrust of online poker more than me. I had money straight-up stolen from me by cheaters on Absolute Poker and UB in the 2000s. I was the very first to call it out, and most people thought I was crazy. It turned out indeed that was happening, and ownership of both sites were looking at people's hole cards and crushing them in both cash games and tournaments.

    I also stated repeatedly that online poker needed to be licensed and regulated. I was told not to worry, and that Full Tilt and Pokerstars were two big, trustworthy companies which could easily self-regulate. We all saw what happened to Full Tilt, and we learned they stole all our money in 2011.

    However, guess what both scandals had in common? They involved big money. There's always risk/reward when it comes to cheating customers. The reward is the ill-gotten funds. The risk is that they will be found out, and their site's reputation will be forever ruined.

    A big, successful operation like GGPoker is highly unlikely to intentionally steal money from low stakes players. Even if they had the desire to do so, it simply wouldn't be worth it from a risk/reward standpoint. They'd go after the bigger players, especially the non-famous ones who would have less of a voice if screwed.

    Furthermore, you're bringing forth a lot of conspiracy theories involving hacked Facebook accounts, people secretly being on their payroll, etc, which don't have any real evidence to back them up. I can understand how these can all "connect" in your mind when you think you're really being screwed (the missing money), but it is not likely any of these theories are true.

    With that said, I do think there's a possibility that money is missing here. I also believe that support has done a poor job explaining things, and just keeps firing off copypasta nonsense without really making an effort to investigate your situation. That's what we need to focus on here. It is possible that some error in the site caused some of your money to vanish, and if so, it needs to be recovered. And if they don't agree, you deserve a true and detailed accounting of where it all went.

    I'll post some suggestions in the next message.
    In your opinion was Mark Seif cheating on AB?

  19. #19
    Gold sah_24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I want to help you here, but first I would like to tell you something.

    Nobody understands distrust of online poker more than me. I had money straight-up stolen from me by cheaters on Absolute Poker and UB in the 2000s. I was the very first to call it out, and most people thought I was crazy. It turned out indeed that was happening, and ownership of both sites were looking at people's hole cards and crushing them in both cash games and tournaments.

    I also stated repeatedly that online poker needed to be licensed and regulated. I was told not to worry, and that Full Tilt and Pokerstars were two big, trustworthy companies which could easily self-regulate. We all saw what happened to Full Tilt, and we learned they stole all our money in 2011.

    However, guess what both scandals had in common? They involved big money. There's always risk/reward when it comes to cheating customers. The reward is the ill-gotten funds. The risk is that they will be found out, and their site's reputation will be forever ruined.

    A big, successful operation like GGPoker is highly unlikely to intentionally steal money from low stakes players. Even if they had the desire to do so, it simply wouldn't be worth it from a risk/reward standpoint. They'd go after the bigger players, especially the non-famous ones who would have less of a voice if screwed.

    Furthermore, you're bringing forth a lot of conspiracy theories involving hacked Facebook accounts, people secretly being on their payroll, etc, which don't have any real evidence to back them up. I can understand how these can all "connect" in your mind when you think you're really being screwed (the missing money), but it is not likely any of these theories are true.

    With that said, I do think there's a possibility that money is missing here. I also believe that support has done a poor job explaining things, and just keeps firing off copypasta nonsense without really making an effort to investigate your situation. That's what we need to focus on here. It is possible that some error in the site caused some of your money to vanish, and if so, it needs to be recovered. And if they don't agree, you deserve a true and detailed accounting of where it all went.

    I'll post some suggestions in the next message.
    Just like that licensed and regulated casino in California that let Postle blatantly steal for years on end and the regulating body punished no one ? Ya that regulation is so damn important lols
    Last edited by sah_24; 04-25-2022 at 12:12 AM.

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