Most people on this forum are middle aged or old, so the vast majority of members here have a very realistic danger from COVID causing long-term harm.

99% of the deaths in the US have been to people 35+, even though people under 35 make up almost 50% of the population.

Long term effects like permanent lung damage are a realistic danger for people over 45, whereas they are very uncommon for people under 30, and super rare for those under 16.

This is the reason they didn't even bother to study the effects of the vaccine on kids yet. The danger to them is substantially LESS than both the flu and suicide. (Incidentally, suicides in kids have gone way up during the lockdown -- something being mostly ignored by the media.)

It should also be known that the vaccines are NOT well tested for safety, since they were rushed out. There is no way to fully test a vaccine for safety without observing its effects for years.

But I'm not here to debate all of that.

I'm asking that if we could change your age, what would be the first age where you'd say NO to the vaccine? (If you wouldn't take the vaccine anyway at your present age, obviously this doesn't apply to you, but state that anyway.)

I'm going to make this a poll.

The point for me would be 29. If I were under 30, I wouldn't take the vaccine now. If I were 30, it would be close, but I'd lean slightly on the side of taking it.

At 49 (my present age), it's a no-brainer, even though I acknowledge the vaccine does carry a little bit of risk. There's also the fertility factor. That hasn't been studied yet, but at 49, that doesn't matter to me. That also might cause me to wait on the vaccine if I were 30 and didn't have kids, but I'm not sure.

But I'll go with 29.