I burned through like $3K last night on online shit. Bet $3K overall and left with $38 in account. LOL, destroyed.

I am looking for something with a longer fuse, and back when I was right out of college I day traded stocks as a hobby, but we are going back to late 90s / 2000s.

I never did make any money, but I knew several that did especially those that believed in Amazon and Priceline. (For the record they lost it all in oil/gas wells in 2007)

I am not looking to day trade too much, maybe $25K at the max at a time.

Has anyone had any success lately day trading stocks and are you using a program? I am looking for 10% return each month, with a stop gap of the same in reverse. I al also looking for stock tips over $10 a share. No penny stocks.