Eric Holder, one of the worst Attorneys General we've ever seen, is resigning. He will wait until a successor is found, and will step down at that time.

Holder is notable to poker players for two reasons.

First, he was at the helm of the DOJ when Black Friday occurred on April 15, 2011.

Second, and much lesser known, Holder decided NOT to investigate Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid when it appeared he might have taken a $1 million bribe from Full Tilt. This would have been one of the biggest scandals in modern politics had Holder investigated the matter and found something, but his partisan loyalty led to him looking the other way. The state of Utah, which attempted to investigate this but had a hard time without federal cooperation, complained that Holder's office was dodging them and being intentionally uncooperative.

Unrelated to poker, Holder also made various other gaffes, including shipping 2000 guns into Mexico to supposedly track them back to drug cartels, and then losing them. Later, two of those guns were used to murder a Border Patrol agent.

Holder also chose not to investigate obvious criminal activity within the VA system, where waiting lists to see doctors were falsified, and many veterans died while waiting for medical care. Despite this being pretty much a slam-dunk case against both high-ranking and low-ranking VA staff, Holder's office refused to investigate, primarily because the head of the VA, Eric Shinseki, was a fellow Obama appointee.

Bottom line is that Holder was both incompetent and ridiculously partisan, to the point where his office intentionally avoided investigations of any high ranking Democrats, no matter how serious the crimes.

To be fair, the Attorney General's office has become a partisan mess over the past several years, and I don't see it improving until there is outrage over this. It should be an elected office unrelated to political parties, thus removing partisan politics from corrupting it.

Anyway, good riddance. It's hard to believe his replacement could be much worse.