Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
I'm perfectly willing to admit that BTC may be around for a while and it may very well go up in value from here (but not in a straight line). That said if you just so happen to have 500-1000 BTC from back in the day still kicking around then you are a helmet wearing drooling retard for not selling 90% of your stash this very second.

500 BTC would have cost you between $1,500 and $3,000 near the start. Today they are worth $625,000. Three grand gets you a house in the greater Boston Area or a house on the water in South Florida with some cash left over for a BMW.

I dont know Micon from a hole in the wall, but if he really has as many coins as some speculate and doesn't have somewhere around $1M in USD in the bank (or some number at least equal to what his current worth is in BTC) then God help him. You dont blow chances like this.
Get you a 2 bedroom single level ranch in Weston.