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Thread: 2.5 years later, I am back to attempt amends and to pay down debts.

  1. #121
    Bronze pikachar's Avatar
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    Funny, he owes me $6.5k. Never got an email. So Todd is that in the $12.2k total?

      simpdog: welcome.back
      4Dragons: whauussssuuuup!
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      IamGreek: I miss LLPR

  2. #122
    PFA Radio Host Drexel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikachar View Post
    Funny, he owes me $6.5k. Never got an email. So Todd is that in the $12.2k total?

    Hey buddy. Long time know see. Hope you're well.

    No that amount wasn't included in that figure and obviously it should since he scammed you out of $6500 in an attempt to (sorry lol) purchase VPR, even though he didn't have the authority or right to even sell it!

    Shoot me a text. My number is still the same


  3. #123
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    I thought it was known that $3k was stolen from pika and was included in the 12k. How did he get you for another $3.5k?

  4. #124
    Bronze pikachar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewfather View Post
    I thought it was known that $3k was stolen from pika and was included in the 12k. How did he get you for another $3.5k?
    6k for vpr.
    500 for the bap.

    He never cut the deal for the 3k with me.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikachar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by lewfather View Post
    I thought it was known that $3k was stolen from pika and was included in the 12k. How did he get you for another $3.5k?
    6k for vpr.
    500 for the bap.

    He never cut the deal for the 3k with me.
    How much did you think VPR was worth at the time? What percentage of the site was "sold" to you?
    Last edited by lewfather; 04-15-2015 at 05:02 AM.

  6. #126
    Cubic Zirconia
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    It's been a really long time but I knew none of this would ever go away. Let me start by saying I can't believe a word that Johnny says ever. He had a similar arrangement with Tim and made one payment and never sent another one. So please nobody hold your breathe for this money. Johnny has only proven that he is a disappointment and a very good liar. JaSep stated that he expects to make 32k for the year. Knock 20% off the top for Uncle Sam and he's left with almost 26k for the year. For him to pay $400 a month will equate to almost 20% of his income and it's never going to happen. As many times as JaSep tries to apologize I get even more angry for what he took from me and my friends. As many of you know I've been around poker for over 16 years but never was apart of a radio show before and it gave me pure joy. From the relationship I built with Brandon and a lot of the others in the community I truly looked forward to every show we did. But that's all gone and it's the reason why I haven't looked at a forum in over two years. I was approached by Pika to do radio with those guys, and I was truly grateful for the offer, but it just wasn't the same and still feel like JaSep took a piece of my life away I will never get back.

    Sorry for the rambling but just thinking about this POS gets my blood boiling. Everyone involved in the marathon show did a great thing for very worthwhile charity. JoeU is one of my closest friends in the world, he and his family are my family. So anyone that thinks 22q isn't deserving of any of the money that actually comes in missed the total point of why we did the 60 straight hours of radio in the first place. We have all been wronged and I can't put a number on what he stole from me, my wife, my mother and two of my sisters who all donated to the charity show. I don't want any of the money and I can speak for my family and say they don't either. But getting to my point from earlier that no one should hold their breath on receiving money anyways. What my suggestion would be is that he has to write a check every week for the next ten years for $1, $5, $25 I don't care what the value is, to either Druff, someone else in the community or a charity so he can never forget what a scumbag he is and what he did to everyone in this community. And on the memo section it should say something like bc I stole this money or I'm sure someone can come up with something more clever. Anyway my point behind something like this is so he can never, ever forget what he did.

    I hope all of you are well and hope to talk with as many of you as possible in the future.

      lewfather: I completely disagree with everything you just said

  7. #127
    Cubic Zirconia
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    I have to clarify something bc Lew seems to think I'm trying to let JaSep off the hook or that I am friends with him. I am not friends with this scumbag, not now, not ever again. My suggestion of the payment method wasnt to extend his time to pay off but imo the best way to get anything paid. He made a similar arrangement with Tim to pay off a large debt with him and sent one $500 check and never another dime. I'm just warning everyone not to hold their breath bc I think everyone is just going to be let down again. I hope he sends $400+ a month I just don't believe it will ever happen.

      vegas1369: I agree with everything you said here, except that he would pay over a long period if time. He wont pay at all.

  8. #128
    Speedster Out of Clemson adamantium's Avatar
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    Lets talk about how much money was spendt on those 22q board trips to disneyland or where ever the fuck it was.
    And then lets talk about why 22q didnt want to press charges against juan
    Slava Ukraini!

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamantium View Post
    Lets talk about how much money was spendt on those 22q board trips to disneyland or where ever the fuck it was.
    And then lets talk about why 22q didnt want to press charges against juan
    For your second question, learn how to read. My explanation of what happened is in the post above.

    For your first question, my wife spent $6000 to work that conference. She was reimbursed nothing. None of the board members were reimbursed for the conference at all. Again, read my post above. Most people are volunteers. They were not reimbursed any money for the conference.


  10. #130
    Gold Charham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamantium View Post
    Lets talk about how much money was spendt on those 22q board trips to disneyland or where ever the fuck it was.
    And then lets talk about why 22q didnt want to press charges against juan
    I think you are out of line here as these are lazy questions; without any evidence or research and just end up disparaging and confusing. The guy involved with the charity just explained himself a few posts ago. I do not recall reading any evidence (only lazy speculation) ever in this long saga causing any real questions about the foundation. What is clear is that a scammer diverted money for them. thats it. So they get their online name mucked with lazy questions about trips to Disney now? Or why they didn't pursue the scammer further?

    Come on.

  11. #131
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Misgivings toward the 22Q foundation should be moved to a separate thread.

    Fat Juan paying his debts diligently should be the focus.

      simpdog: THIS
      SrslySirius: Agreed

  12. #132
    Speedster Out of Clemson adamantium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeU View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by adamantium View Post
    Lets talk about how much money was spendt on those 22q board trips to disneyland or where ever the fuck it was.
    And then lets talk about why 22q didnt want to press charges against juan
    For your second question, learn how to read. My explanation of what happened is in the post above.

    For your first question, my wife spent $6000 to work that conference. She was reimbursed nothing. None of the board members were reimbursed for the conference at all. Again, read my post above. Most people are volunteers. They were not reimbursed any money for the conference.

    Quote Originally Posted by abrown83 View Post
    Only a scamming life fuck up like Jasep would have picked a scammy not-for-profit.

    If we want to support the cause with the unknown paid donations to something of value why not the Dempster Foundation same cause but not a bunch of fuck ups that use the money for big time trips to exotic locations.

    Also I think bi-weekly payments on payday make so much more sense.
    Slava Ukraini!

  13. #133
    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewfather View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by pikachar View Post

    6k for vpr.
    500 for the bap.

    He never cut the deal for the 3k with me.
    How much did you think VPR was worth at the time? What percentage of the site was "sold" to you?
    These are two very legitimate questions here that I also am wondering about too.

  14. #134
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Juan has not returned to the thread in almost 2 days, which isn't a good sign. Surely he can't be so busy that he is unable to check in here after dropping such a bombshell on us.

    I am afraid that perhaps the thread isn't going as well as he hoped, and is now abandoning ship and eating the $250 he sent me. I hope I'm wrong.

    Regarding 22Q, I believe JoeU is a good guy, but the original foundation acted in a very shady manner.

    Without going into accusations regarding their conferences and trips -- things we can only speculate -- they were amazingly ungrateful when it came to assisting us with the Jasep situation. I don't care what legal advice they were given.

    The bottom line is that this community put on an unsolicited and highly generous fundraiser for them, they received several thousands of dollars as a result, and they wouldn't lift a finger to assist us with a criminal complaint against an individual who clearly stole some of the money. Their attitude seemed to be, "Well, we still got plenty of money, and even if some of the money you attempted to donate got stolen along the way, we don't feel like dealing with it. Thanks for the cash, now please leave us alone."

    Classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.

    I know that JoeU is NOT making the case that we should donate again to this particular foundation, but honestly this was a huge insult and slap in the face to our community, after all we did to raise money for them.

    What is my point?

    The focus here should be getting all of the donors repaid. The donors should NOT be pressured into donating to any particular charity. It should be up to the individual donor whether he wants to re-donate the money to another 22Q related foundation, donate to a different charity, or just keep the money that was returned to him. Any of these options are fine. This effort was to raise money for this particular 22Q foundation, and it turned out that the organizer from our community was a scammer, and the 22Q foundation itself was callous and ungrateful.

    Simply put, if we had a "do over" on this -- if we could go back in time with the knowledge both that Juan would steal and that the 22Q foundation would be this ungrateful/uncooperative, we wouldn't have done any of this in the first place.

    So that's what we should strive to do -- basically erase everything that happened and make whole those who were victims of fraud. What the victims choose to do at that point should be entirely up to them.

    As I like to say on my weekly radio show (regarding money donated to our freerolls, and the freedom of the donors to specify terms of how it's used), "It's your money. I'm not going to tell you how you're supposed to spend it."

  15. #135
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Let me put it a different way, which is simple and really easy to digest.

    Say that Mike is flat broke and is about to be evicted from his apartment and have his car repossessed.

    Mike posts on a message board, "Well, this sucks. Unless I can come up with $3000 by tomorrow, I'm going to be on the streets AND have no car."

    Jimmy, who is financially stable, reads this, and feels bad for Mike. He makes an amazingly generous offer: "Mike, I am going to send the cash you need, free and clear. You don't have to pay me back. Good luck with turning your life around. I will send my good friend Bill over there, who will bring you the money."

    Indeed, Bill shows up the next day and brings Mike the $3,000 which came from Jimmy. Mike pays his rent and his car payment, and the crisis is averted.

    The next day, Jimmy makes a panicky call to Mike. "Hey Mike! Did you get $3,000 or $5,000? Because I sent Bill over with $5,000 for you, but I have a feeling he only gave you $3,000 of it, and made off with the rest!"

    Mike confirms that he only got $3,000, meaning that Bill stole $2,000 of it.

    Jimmy says, "Crap! Okay, I'm going to the police. I will need you to tell the police what happened when they call you, or otherwise this won't go anywhere. Can you do that?"

    Mike surprisingly says, "Sorry, bro. Can't do it. I don't want to get involved. Thanks for the money and don't ever call me again."

    So the 22Q Foundation was exactly Mike from this story, and that's pretty awful.

    I can forgive the community here if they just want their money back and want nothing to do with any further charities suggested by people on the forum.

  16. #136
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Saw 22q was a 501c3 which is usually filthy. Worst offense usually the salaries. They actually are one of the first clean looking 501c3's.

    Didn't go all forensic - just looked at salaries.

    Don't know what year this was but this link can be the start of some fishing if you like.

  17. #137
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    Looks as if Juan pulled a Peter Dc and fired out the 250 to get the feelers going. Juan is smaller piece of shit version of that judge who took money from prisons to send kids to jail for dumb shit.

    Whoever fucks with kids deserves to rot.

  18. #138
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    This is a poker/gambling community. The fact that there isn't a line set and wagers being made on how many months John Sepulveda pays back his scam money is troubling to me.

    Where would said line fall? Many think he won't pay again. Would you take wagers on over under .5 payments? 1.5 payments? Higher odds on 3.5 timely payments?

    I honestly feel like Sep will make an on time payment. I'd take over .5, not sure id take over 1.5; depends on the odds set
    It's hilarious that we as a society think everyone can be a dr, a lawyer, an engineer. Some people are just fucking stupid. Why can't we just accept that?

  19. #139
    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Juan has not returned to the thread in almost 2 days, which isn't a good sign. Surely he can't be so busy that he is unable to check in here after dropping such a bombshell on us.
    His original post set this up where he claims he won't be checking in regularly. If you have his info I'd contact him soon to advise him of the bi-monthly payback terms.

    Have you looked to see if he potentially is viewing this thread not logged in?

  20. #140
    Plutonium simpdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeerAndPoker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Juan has not returned to the thread in almost 2 days, which isn't a good sign. Surely he can't be so busy that he is unable to check in here after dropping such a bombshell on us.
    His original post set this up where he claims he won't be checking in regularly. If you have his info I'd contact him soon to advise him of the bi-monthly payback terms.

    Have you looked to see if he potentially is viewing this thread not logged in?
    I doubt he wants to be part of an ongoing debate on 22q or his name being run through mud.

    He has two things, really only #1 needs a response.

    1. Is he doing the notarized letter thing? If so he has a week to get it in.

    2. Payment #2. Currently would be $400 on May 13th (second Wednesday of the month).

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