It's been a really long time but I knew none of this would ever go away. Let me start by saying I can't believe a word that Johnny says ever. He had a similar arrangement with Tim and made one payment and never sent another one. So please nobody hold your breathe for this money. Johnny has only proven that he is a disappointment and a very good liar. JaSep stated that he expects to make 32k for the year. Knock 20% off the top for Uncle Sam and he's left with almost 26k for the year. For him to pay $400 a month will equate to almost 20% of his income and it's never going to happen. As many times as JaSep tries to apologize I get even more angry for what he took from me and my friends. As many of you know I've been around poker for over 16 years but never was apart of a radio show before and it gave me pure joy. From the relationship I built with Brandon and a lot of the others in the community I truly looked forward to every show we did. But that's all gone and it's the reason why I haven't looked at a forum in over two years. I was approached by Pika to do radio with those guys, and I was truly grateful for the offer, but it just wasn't the same and still feel like JaSep took a piece of my life away I will never get back.

Sorry for the rambling but just thinking about this POS gets my blood boiling. Everyone involved in the marathon show did a great thing for very worthwhile charity. JoeU is one of my closest friends in the world, he and his family are my family. So anyone that thinks 22q isn't deserving of any of the money that actually comes in missed the total point of why we did the 60 straight hours of radio in the first place. We have all been wronged and I can't put a number on what he stole from me, my wife, my mother and two of my sisters who all donated to the charity show. I don't want any of the money and I can speak for my family and say they don't either. But getting to my point from earlier that no one should hold their breath on receiving money anyways. What my suggestion would be is that he has to write a check every week for the next ten years for $1, $5, $25 I don't care what the value is, to either Druff, someone else in the community or a charity so he can never forget what a scumbag he is and what he did to everyone in this community. And on the memo section it should say something like bc I stole this money or I'm sure someone can come up with something more clever. Anyway my point behind something like this is so he can never, ever forget what he did.

I hope all of you are well and hope to talk with as many of you as possible in the future.