*** NOTE ***

This is the 2015 thread!

If you are playing in 2016, go here: http://pokerfraudalert.com/forum/sho...Trading-Thread

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The Albertsons Monopoly game is back, but don't expect to win very much. The odds are already extremely long just for the small prizes, and the big prizes are to the point where your chance of winning is on par with hitting the powerball.

There are just three $1,000,000 prize pieces (107A), and that's out of 480 million game pieces! And if you get it, you have to come up with the "semi-rare" piece (105A) which is 1-in-5000! Of course, you can probably buy the semi-rare piece online fairly cheap, as there will be 96,000 of them!

Even the worst non-instant prize ($5 Grocery Gift Card) is 4802:1 odds against! However, it's actually 1200:1, as you get 4 game pieces in each package.

Here are the prizes and odds: https://www.playmonopoly.us/view/rul...stomer/lang/en

It is not worth your time to collect any pieces not listed below, as they can be obtained or bought (cheaply) very easily if you are lucky enough to get the rare ones! If you do get the rare or semi-rare piece, don't ever trade it for common pieces, as those are near worthless. There are always suckers who buy the common pieces on eBay, thinking they are "close" to the prizes!

Also, DO NOT POST REQUESTS FOR RARE OR SEMI-RARE PIECES IN THIS THREAD, UNLESS YOU ALREADY HOLD THE OTHER RARE/SEMI-RARE PIECE FOR THE PRIZE. So, for example, don't post, "I need just 105A and 107A for the $1,000,000, please e-mail me!" Everyone needs those two. I will delete junk posts like that.

If you have the semi-rare piece, keep in mind that it's probably worthless unless you are lucky enough to find the person with the rare piece. For example, there will be 95,997 worthless semi-rare $1,000,000 pieces (105A), and just three that can be redeemed for the prize along with 107A. Don't ever buy a semi-rare piece from someone unless you already have the rare one! There will be 96,000 semi-rare pieces of each type printed, and yet they will only be paired with 3-36 rare game pieces, with the rest being worthless.

Finally, keep in mind that this list is not guaranteed accurate, so follow this advice at your own risk. I think it's very close to accurate, though, and possibly 100% accurate.

Anyway, here is my preliminary list of RARE and SEMI-RARE game pieces for this game:

$1,000,000 Cash
Rare: 107A
Semi-rare: 105A

$500,000 Cash or Home
Rare: 113B
Semi-rare: 110B

$100,000 Cash or 2015 Tesla
Rare: 117C
Semi-rare: 122C

$50,000 Home Makeover
Rare: 125D
Semi-rare: 126D

$35,000 "Vehicle of Your Choice"
Rare: 134E
Semi-rare: 131E

$20,000 College Tuition
Rare: 138F
Semi-rare: 137F

$10,000 Jet Ski
Rare: 142G
Semi-rare: 145G

$10,000 Family Vacation
Rare: 146H
Semi-rare: 147H

$5,000 Cash
Rare: 153J

$2,500 BigJoe & Groceries
Rare: 158K

$1,000 Cash
Rare: 160L

$1,000 Romantic Weekend Getaway
Rare: 165M

$550 Redbox Movies for a Year
Rare: 167N

$500 Apple iPad Air
Rare: 174O

$200 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 177P

$200 Cash
Rare: 179Q

$100 Cash
Rare: 184R

$100 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 188S

$50 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 191U

$25 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 197V

$25 cash
Rare: 202W

$15 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 204X

$10 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 207Y

$5 Grocery Gift Card
Rare: 213Z

If you have any corrections to the above, please post them here.

Do not troll in this thread. I will remove all such posts.