First of all I am not entirely sure if this guy even plays poker but I know that many who do play poker also play on daily fantasy sports sites so I wanted to to warn you of the following two people: Gabriel Logounov (glogounov) and Steven Schweitzer (SJS1890). I had initially talked to Gabriel on the in-game chat and then exchanged emails regarding strategy in fantasy golf leagues on the DraftStreet site. After about a month or so on the site and many saying Gabriel was a respected reg in the forum a wager was discussed between myself and Steven Schweitzer, or SJS1890 on the Draftstreet site, regarding whose golf team would score more points in a given week. Gabriel "moderated" the bet and myself and Steven agreed to each send Gabriel $100 escrow on Paypal. Roughly 15 minutes after we had agreed on the parameters of the bet and the escrow being held by Gabriel Steven notified me that he had sent to Gabriel on Paypal and Gabriel confirmed to me that he had in fact received Steven's escrow. I then gifted my escrow to Gabriel. Three days later I had won this sidebet and contacted Gabriel via email to which he did not respond within roughly 24 hours. I then signed on to Draftstreet to see that he was in the chat as well as active in drafting teams that day but would not respond to my inquiries about when he would be sending my winnings to me. Steven, SJS1890, informed me via Draftstreet chat that they had set me up the entire time and that Gabriel had lost my $100 and never intended to send it back to me in the event I won anyway. I then filed a dispute with Paypal and within around 20 minutes of doing so Gabriel finally emailed me asking why I had done so and that he was away and was going to send right then and also confirmed that he had lost the $100 I had sent him saying:

" I can pay you back your 100 but thats about it. I am emailing off my phone as you mite be able to guess from the grammar and such but i did loose the 100 u sent me. That dose not meen i dont have a just as valuable 100 dollars in the bank which i can send you.if i so desire."

The point of this whole thing is not the money at all because it is such a small sum. It is the fact the since then I have been taunted and ridiculed for trusting this guy to hold my escrow by both Gabriel and Steven. They find this all funny. Gabriel is a degenerate and it would not surprise me at all if he found his way into this community and tried to continue running his scams. Thanks for checking out this thread and any help you may possibly give me.