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Thread: We got a few Oculus Rift Developers Kits

  1. #61
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    NYT: Tripping Down a Virtual Reality Rabbit Hole

    This is going to sound like the tech-nerd version of one of those first-person People magazine essays about surviving adversity: You don’t appreciate how much you need to see your hands until you can’t.

    Your hands – they’re always there. Even in the most immersive of media experiences — an IMAX movie or the hypnotic reverie of a darkened opera house — your sense of where your hands are is an ever-present comfort. Because you can see your hands, you can reach for the popcorn without knocking it over. Because your eyes aren’t locked on the screen, you can check your phone to make sure your babysitter hasn’t texted with an emergency.
    But then you don virtual reality goggles, and your hands disappear. So does the rest of the world around you. You are bereft, and it is very, very unsettling.
    This sounds obvious: The whole point of virtual reality is to create a fantasy divorced from the physical world. You’re escaping the dreary mortal coil for a completely simulated experience: There you are, climbing the side of a mountain, exploring a faraway museum, flying through space or getting in bed with someone way out of your league.
    But in many ways, the simulation is too immersive. After spending a few weeks with two of the most powerful V.R. devices now on the market, the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. I suspect that V.R. will be used by the masses one day, but not anytime soon. I’m not sure we’re ready to fit virtual reality into our lives, no matter how excited Silicon Valley is about it.

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    Getting completely submerged in a simulation is good for things like games, but for most media total immersion feels like a strangely old-fashioned experience. Because it leaves your body helplessly stuck in the physical world while your mind wanders, V.R. doesn’t fit with the way most people work at a computer, watch TV or encounter many other digital experiences.
    Virtual reality is the opposite of a smartphone, a device that offers you quick hits of the digital world as you go about in the real world. Instead, V.R. is at this point an experience best left for the privacy of one’s cave — a lonely, sometimes antisocial affair that does not allow for multitasking, for distraction or for the modern world’s easy interplay of the real and the digital.
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    “I’m a real proponent of being careful how we use it, because immersion is not free,” said Jeremy Bailenson, the director of Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, a research center for virtual reality experiences. “Immersion comes at a cost. It takes you out of your environment, it’s perceptually taxing at times, and it’s not something that we can use the way we use other media, for hours and hours and hours a day.”
    Part of the problem is that the technology still isn’t good enough. People at Oculus, the V.R. start-up that Facebook purchased for $2 billion in 2014, compare their Rift headset to the Apple II personal computer — one of the earliest incarnations of a device that would change the world. Eventually.
    The Apple II went on sale in 1977, but a couple of decades would pass before personal computers became ubiquitous. The earliest PCs were also very expensive (the Apple II sold for what would be about $5,000 today) and V.R. is no different. The Rift sells for $599, and the Vive goes for $799; both require a powerful desktop computer that will set you back at least $1,000.
    Credit Stuart Goldenberg Both companies are working to solve some of the issues I had with V.R.
    A representative for Oculus told me that one of its goals was to add more parts of your body to the simulation, so that you don’t feel as if your mind and your limbs are in two different worlds. Later this year, Oculus will release a pair of touch-sensitive controllers. When you carry these into a virtual world, as I did during a recent demo at Facebook’s headquarters, you can see a representation of your hands in virtual space, and the controllers let you manipulate digital objects in a way that feels remarkably real.
    In Oculus’s demo room, I threw three-point shots in basketball, repeatedly punched a guy (and took some punches) in an unruly hockey game and passed some digital toys back and forth with an Oculus employee who was also wearing a headset.
    Compared with the lonelier, hands-free version of Oculus now shipping, the hands-on demo offered less of a split between what my body was doing in the real world and what my eyes were seeing in the virtual one.

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    HTC’s Vive is ahead of Oculus on this score. It comes with hand-sensing controllers that allow for digital manipulation, and its headset has a handy camera that provides an in-goggles map of the room around you, letting you find your chair and your keyboard without having to fumble clumsily for them.
    But even as the technology improves, V.R. is still something you have to get used to. It’s unusual, in these days of multitasking, to plunge yourself completely into a media experience. You might want to tweet and snap while you watch a presidential debate or the N.B.A. finals. And you’re probably multitasking even when you’re watching something longer and more serious, like a movie.
    But V.R. doesn’t allow you to easily direct your gaze toward anything beyond the media at hand. Once you’re in it, you’re in it; even handling a snack can be challenging. In a paradoxical way, the intensity of V.R. tends to limit its integration into your daily life.
    “In general we never put somebody in a helmet for more than about 20 minutes, and we give them frequent breaks,” said Mr. Bailenson, of Stanford. “Being perceptually disconnected from the world for much longer may not be something a lot of people want to do.”
    V.R. also brings with it the uneasy worry that you may look like a fool when you use it. That brings me to the eggplant in the room — pornography. Like most new entertainment technologies, V.R. has been talked up as being an excellent tool for consuming adult content, but at the risk of T.M.I, I have to say I was terrified of going anywhere near such experiences.
    “I don’t care who you are, there’s a fantastic chance you know the paralyzing fear that shoots up your spine when you’re watching a smidgen of erotica and you think you hear the door open, a creak from the stairway or even a random footstep,” wrote Mike Wehner, an editor at the tech-culture site Daily Dot who took the V.R. porn plunge. “That feeling is amplified to an insane degree when you can’t actually see or hear what is happening around you, and it’s not an experience that is conducive to self pleasure.”

    I’ll take Mr. Wehner’s word for it.
    But if V.R. isn’t useful for movies and TV shows, and if it’s kind of dodgy for porn, what good is it today? There are some great games on these systems, and there are sure to be many more during the next couple of years. There are also several useful experiences, like designing your Ikea kitchen in V.R.
    But if you’re not a gamer and you’re not looking for a new kitchen, V.R. is, at this point, just too immersive for most media. A few minutes after donning my goggles, I came to regard my virtual surroundings as a kind of prison. Yes, V.R. is a prison of fantastical sights and sounds and one that is at moments irresistibly exciting, but it’s a prison nevertheless. And before long, it will leave you yearning for escape.

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    Strong Demand And Limited Supply Make PS VR Sell Out Faster Than Any Other Hardware Ever At GameStop

    GameStop has been bullish about PlayStation VR’s potential in the past, but now it’s got some statistics to back that up.
    The company announced that pre-orders for Sony’s upcoming VR headset sold out faster than any other piece of hardware in its long history. That was revealed during GameStop’s second quarter financial call, and reported on Twitter by industry analyst and enthusiast,
    While initial demand for PlayStation VR is undoubtedly strong, this doesn’t necessarily indicate that the device is pulling in record numbers; stock is said to be limited meaning there wouldn’t have been a wealth of units to pre-order in the first place. In fact, Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida previously revealed that PlayStation VR was delayed from its original H1 2016 window back into the second half of the year as the company had underestimated demand for the device.
    It’s clear PlayStation VR doesn’t have comparable stock to something like a console launch, though hopefully demand won’t outstrip supply for long. GameStop expects units to be limited throughout the fall but we’re still crossing our fingers that Sony avoids another Oculus Rift-like launch situation.
    GameStop also anticipates the upgraded PlayStation 4 console, codenamed PlayStation Neo will be revealed at Sony’s upcoming event on September 7th. The device, which was confirmed by Sony itself back in June, is expected to offer 4K resolution for media and possibly even improved performance for PS VR titles. Listings also revealed this week suggest that a new DualShock 4 and PlayStation Move controllers could also be revealed alongside the heavily-leaked slim version of the original PS4. It’s a good thing Sony isn’t a ship.
    PlayStation VR is launching on October 13th for $399. If you haven’t already secured yourself a unit then it’s looking like you might about out of luck for some time now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cmoney View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Belly Buster View Post
    The public awareness of this doesn't seem like it is mainstream just yet.

    Is there any chance to get in the ground floor (ok maybe the 5th floor) with some investment. Do they have the patents to this technology? Will there be a big player (Microsoft/Sony) that can get this stuff to work with a bit of backward engineering?

    Computer games are ripe for the next paradigm - maybe this is it.

    The best bet is to make some kind on indie game that take advantage of the Oculus hardware. I have pretty much played every demo they have for it and this is what I found.

    1. IT would be RIDICULOUSLY sick if Grand Theft 5 Auto worked with the Oculus Rift.

    It does, i've tried it. I use my cardboard rig to play Fallout 4, too much lag to play something like Battlefield or competition game, for my now outdated system, or just too outdated for VR anyway, lol.

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  5. #65
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    a little PS VR taste..

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    Basically no phones are Daydream ready yet, but the next wave will need a proximity sensor, full hd display, 4gb of ram, accelerometer, gyroscope and low latency processing. The good part of it is that with a small controller, you can do big boy style VR with a $1 Google Cardboard headset.

  8. #68
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    Thinking of getting this or vive. Seems like with limited space occulus is the way to go. Plus occulus is half the price. My computer should be able to run either.

    Any suggestions?

  9. #69
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    its rough because vive if the superior product but oculus has dropped their prices, smartly.

    but id suggest you consider holding off until the next gen vive hardware drops. the truth is, the reason why the vr market is so stagnant is because the hardware is trash. the resolution on the headsets is just soooo so so shitty. its a cute novelty right now, nothing more. once the next generation headsets land, things might get wild fast. but for now, get ready for the amazing world of shitty minecraft graphics and 1990's era flash games.

    caveat: vr porn is actually incredible.

      BetCheckBet: sounds fair
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  10. #70
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    Decided to finally order this today, just couldn't wait any longer...

  11. #71
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    honestly i would have waited until the next generation of gear comes to market but at that price, who can blame you
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

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  12. #72
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    Got it set up experience so far...

    Set up very easy, a little annoying setting up the two sensors, you can buy a third for an extra 60 bucks which apparently reduces blindspots when you are turned around 360 degrees.

    Headset overall not too heavy, the cord is a little short and could be longer. Vision quality is great except for somewhat tunnel vision.

    The Oculus demo (first contact) is great. Steam demo uses the portal theme and done well too.

    Motion sickness not much of an issue (I suffer from it) only really experienced when I was playing a game where you are floating in space.

    Lots of free games can be downloaded which is awesome. Rebo recall is by far the best that I've seen so far. Basically a free AAA title. I own Subnautica for steam and excited to see how it works in VR (basically an improved minecraft underwater).

    Overall really impressed. But its clear that the overall feeling is kinda like when the Wii first came out (kinda gimmicky) The Pixar Coco VR experience was like going through a ride at universal studios.

    If you have the money to spend and a computer that can run it its worth it. You'll have no problems finding people dying to come over to try it. So must buy if you host often.

    My computer is good but not amazing (just enough to run this) and have yet to notice any problems (again though very limited play).

    I have yet to experience VR porn....

    Windows 10 64
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    Last edited by BetCheckBet; 12-02-2017 at 08:36 AM.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    its rough because vive if the superior product but oculus has dropped their prices, smartly.

    but id suggest you consider holding off until the next gen vive hardware drops. the truth is, the reason why the vr market is so stagnant is because the hardware is trash. the resolution on the headsets is just soooo so so shitty. its a cute novelty right now, nothing more. once the next generation headsets land, things might get wild fast. but for now, get ready for the amazing world of shitty minecraft graphics and 1990's era flash games.

    caveat: vr porn is actually incredible.
    At home sick today. Decided to see what the fuss was about and looked up VR on pornhub. Holy shit the pov vids are about as close as you can imagine to getting a dance in the champagne room. Its really hard to explain unless you try it. Scary how good it is... Can only imagine 10 years from now when no one decides to have a relationship because of it...

    Vids are pretty limited on porn hub and not worth watching u less you have VR headset. For those of you who do kagney karter from Boris days has a great dick in popcorn VR pov...

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    its rough because vive if the superior product but oculus has dropped their prices, smartly.

    but id suggest you consider holding off until the next gen vive hardware drops. the truth is, the reason why the vr market is so stagnant is because the hardware is trash. the resolution on the headsets is just soooo so so shitty. its a cute novelty right now, nothing more. once the next generation headsets land, things might get wild fast. but for now, get ready for the amazing world of shitty minecraft graphics and 1990's era flash games.

    caveat: vr porn is actually incredible.
    At home sick today. Decided to see what the fuss was about and looked up VR on pornhub. Holy shit the pov vids are about as close as you can imagine to getting a dance in the champagne room. Its really hard to explain unless you try it. Scary how good it is... Can only imagine 10 years from now when no one decides to have a relationship because of it...

    Vids are pretty limited on porn hub and not worth watching u less you have VR headset. For those of you who do kagney karter from Boris days has a great dick in popcorn VR pov...

    every so often i consider trying to explain to someone how transcendent vr pov porn is and i realize that i literally dont have the vocabulary to do it justice.

      BetCheckBet: So true. It's funny how I have to bite my tongue and not tell everybody in person.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    its rough because vive if the superior product but oculus has dropped their prices, smartly.

    but id suggest you consider holding off until the next gen vive hardware drops. the truth is, the reason why the vr market is so stagnant is because the hardware is trash. the resolution on the headsets is just soooo so so shitty. its a cute novelty right now, nothing more. once the next generation headsets land, things might get wild fast. but for now, get ready for the amazing world of shitty minecraft graphics and 1990's era flash games.

    caveat: vr porn is actually incredible.
    At home sick today. Decided to see what the fuss was about and looked up VR on pornhub. Holy shit the pov vids are about as close as you can imagine to getting a dance in the champagne room. Its really hard to explain unless you try it. Scary how good it is... Can only imagine 10 years from now when no one decides to have a relationship because of it...

    Vids are pretty limited on porn hub and not worth watching u less you have VR headset. For those of you who do kagney karter from Boris days has a great dick in popcorn VR pov...

    That category will soon work with interactive toys

    So you have VR headset on and then the machine is stroking you off based on what is happening on screen. it is crazy real and every nerd will have the setup.

      hongkonger: Allow me to give you your 1000th rep
      simpdog: Poor strippers will be done

  16. #76
    Nova Scotia's #1 Party Rocker!!!!11 DJ_Chaps's Avatar
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    so some fellow pervert on reddit said that a simple cheap headset you slide ur phone into improves self pleasuring 10 fold(prolly 100 fold for you guys with the top set ups, but enough JO talk). grabbed the cheapest i could find. grabbed a vr player from google play store. next?
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