Shaun Deeb posted this tweet yesterday, accusing the controversial Sean Perry of pulling some kind of crypto scam:

Note that Deeb posted the wrong link to Perry's Twitter. It's actually @seanperrywins with one "s" at the end, not two.

Anyway, today Deeb's profile is getting hammered by thousands of Twitter bots, all responding with Deeb's SSN and his wife Ashely's SSN.

Deeb is remaining defiant and claims he will not stop calling out Perry.

Here are the messages being posted over and over by the bots, including on Sean's message about the doxing. They're hitting all of his recent tweets with thousands of responses.

Most of the bots have Asian names and crypto themes to them.

The 9-digit numbers you see are Shaun and Ashley's SSNs. It is unclear what they mean regarding Ashley's "jury duty for the rest of the year".