
Jared Monroe was one of the originals on Steven Crowder's show "Louder With Crowder". Jared was Crowder's mild-mannered sidekick, and was an important behind-the-scenes guy. He wrote for the show, took part in skits, controlled the tech operations, and would interject remarks in between Crowder's rants. He and Crowder had great on-screen chemistry, and his calm personality was the perfect complement to Crowder's zaniness. In some ways I liken him to SrslySirius' role with Doug Polk (and Jared even looks somewhat like SrslySirius!)

For awhile, I had incorrectly assumed that the two had become very close friends outside the show.

But not only wasn't that true, it was the opposite. Jared found himself becoming increasingly disenchanted with Crowder's bizarre off-screen behavior and abuse of employees. In August 2018, it was announced that Jared was leaving the show because he "had a baby coming". They did a farewell show with some tributes to Jared, everyone acted friendly, and they swore Jared would come back around every so often to hang with them.

It never happened. Not only was Jared never seen on the show again, Crowder wouldn't mention his name again. Even in the days and weeks following this "friendly" departure, they treated him like he never existed, and all scenes with him were scrubbed from all of the show's openings and promotions.

Even more mysterious, there were two other mysterious departures in August 2018 -- Jared's brother, Aaron, and a German guy who went by "Sven Computer", who was fired on-air for holding up a sign with an acronym which Crowder took as a bash.

Crowder would never address any of these disappearances, aside from the supposed claim that Jared left amicably with a baby coming.

The following year, it came out that Jared was forced to sign both an NDA and a non-compete when he left the show, and couldn't "work in media" for quite some time.

This didn't make sense for several reasons. Jared was a sidekick, and not likely to steal Crowder's audience if he were to start his own show. Furthermore, a broad ban regarding "working in media" made no sense. Why couldn't he work in media? It would be more understandable if they had him agree not to host a conservative talk show for 2 years, but no jobs in media at all? Additionally, Jared did not have any ownership in Louder With Crowder, so why would have he agreed to such a thing? Couldn't he just quit the show and be free to do what he wanted? Apparently the NDA/non-compete was signed when he announced he was leaving, not at the time he was first employed!

While the above were just "rumors", Jared never dispelled any of them, and he sometimes "liked" posts on Twitter when people would make reference to these situations.

When Crowder had his huge controversy regarding his divorce and verbal abuse of his wife Hilary, Jared offered his public support -- basically an FU to Steven.

Of course, Steven Crowder has had a whole mess of issues lately. In addition to the divorce and video of him yelling at his pregnant wife, he also took a Twitter beatdown year in a public battle with Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire over failed contract negotiations with them.

Mediaite released a bombshell article last summer, with former employees alleging a highly toxic environment, and very questionable behavior by Crowder which would suggest he's a closeted gay.

Dave Landau, a more recent co-host on Crowder's show, also alleged last year that Crowder was abusive and crazy behind the scenes, and seemed paranoid that Dave was funnier than he was.

Anyway, Jared decided to finally speak out today. The main reason is because Jared is being assaulted by lawsuits by Crowder, and is out of money, so he's begging for the public's help. He's basically confirming what many people, including me, suspected all along:

In addition, Crowder's ex-wife, currently in her own nasty legal and custody battle with Steven, joined Twitter last month. She expressed her support for Jared, as he had for her last year:

"1/4 Black Garrett", Jared's replacement for awhile, also disappeared from the show eventually. His departure was less contentious, and apparently he did not sign any NDA. He is clearly in Jared's corner, as welll:

I wonder if Garrett was smart enough to see what happened to Jared and others, and parted with Crowder pretending that he was cool with everything, thus avoiding any kind of contentious anger and/or legal threats.

The only "original" Crowder sidekick, Gerald Morgan Jr, seems to be a close friend of Crowder's, and a big time loyalist. Last year, he was promoted to CEO. Morgan promised a rebuttal tomorrow at 10am ET. I can pretty much guarantee that this is going to be a fail and backfire spectacularly:

Morgan also made the following statement to Mediaite today:

We will not be intimidated by media smear tactics. Mr. Monroe entered into an agreement with Louder with Crowder that he knowingly violated. After discovering repeated violations, Louder with Crowder was forced to take legal action. The trial court has denied Mr. Monroe’s effort to avoid the legal proceedings which are moving forward pursuant to the courts order.

People on Twitter are overhwelmingly on Jared's side, and are getting tired of his shenanigans.

Candace Owens, who seems to hate Crowder and was part of the group heavily criticizing him early last year, also threw her support out for Jared:

Will be interesting to see how this develops, and if Daily Wire decides to jump in and take their shots. This could be the death blow for Crowder's show.