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Thread: McDonald's is opening a new chain called CosMc's. Here are the locations and menu.

  1. #1
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Thumbs up McDonald's is opening a new chain called CosMc's. Here are the locations and menu.

  2. #2
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Reminds me of coming to america eddie murphy working at mcdowels

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Looks like something you'd see on The Jetsons.


  4. #4
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Apparently this is based upon a character from their ads in 1986-1992 called CosMc. I don't remember this character, but it's some kind of alien.

    I can't imagine many people remember this forgettable character. I watched a lot of TV then, and I don't remember it at all.

    They should just bite the bullet and bring back Mac Tonight, racist overtones and all.

      OK2: Praise allah this McDonalds commericial is in 8k 60fps

  5. #5
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    I haven't had a big mac in decades, they where rolling out the new one so I said why not. It was almost good and above average would buy it again. 28 degrees and ice rain in the ny my window was frozen I had heat on full blast took like 10 minutes for it to roll down.

  6. #6
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    McDonald's sucks. I don't eat there. Won't eat there.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  7. #7
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Apparently this is based upon a character from their ads in 1986-1992 called CosMc.
    The fact that McDonalds became a success at all prolly had a lot to do with the Chicago Mad Men who brought you the Marlboro Man, Charlie Tuna, Tony the Tiger and Ronald McDonald.

    The Chicago agencies told mom “you deserve a break today” and all that.

    Early fast food leadership, Ronald McDonald and the Marlboro Man are yesterday. There are infinite choices that defy 60’s advertising jingles.

    RIP McDonalds.

  8. #8
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    I don’t think McDonalds will do tomatoes on the side, sorry.

  9. #9
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    McDonald's: Because sometimes, Wendy's isn't worth the extra ten minutes driving.

    I think Wendy's is always worth the extra ten minutes, but my fiancee occasionally overrules me. She also likes that you can ask for a, "Quarter Pounder with cheese, plain," and they know exactly what you want. From Wendy's, she likes the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, but for some reason, order-takers will occasionally take, 'Plain,' to mean with no bacon; they'll always ask, but that anyone would take it that way astonishes me. They'll occasionally (correctly) point out, "That's just a cheeseburger."

    Evidently, judging from the confirmation screen, McDonald's has a point-of-sale button that just says, 'Plain,' meaning, no veg, no condiments. I would think anyone would take, 'Plain,' to mean that.

    Of course, I hate ketchup...McDonald's, in my limited experience, is more likely to forget NOT to put ketchup on something than Wendy's is.

    The only time an order-taker has ever been truly snarky is at Wendy's:

    MISSION: I'll have a #1, Dave's Double, no ketchup, no mayo, no mustard, medium, Dr. Pepper to drink, please.

    WENDY'S: It doesn't come with mustard in the first place.

    MISSION: Cool, that's at least one condiment that I know it won't have on it.

    ADDED: CosMc's sounds interesting; I always wondered how a fast food place that can't serve any of its own items (coffee/milkshake machines at McDonald's always seem to be 'broken') would go.
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

  10. #10
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Here's something to think about.
    Quote from Reddit
    "I was wrong. I've joined the McDonald's Boycott.
    So, the other night, I took a deep dive wondering who actually owns McDonalds. I didn't want to participate in the boycott because I was considering the Bahraini owners of the franchise.

    However, I wanted to know who actually owns McDonalds. It's a little complicated but following the trail, ultimately, with over 40k stores worldwide, the profits go to Blackrock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, and others who have trillions of dollars and openly express their support for Israel.

    I thought that a McDonald's franchise would be basically 'local' but.... que sera sera ....

    I'm now doing my best to my shopping with as many locally-made products as available."

  11. #11
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orko View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Here's something to think about.
    Quote from Reddit
    "I was wrong. I've joined the McDonald's Boycott.
    So, the other night, I took a deep dive wondering who actually owns McDonalds. I didn't want to participate in the boycott because I was considering the Bahraini owners of the franchise.

    However, I wanted to know who actually owns McDonalds. It's a little complicated but following the trail, ultimately, with over 40k stores worldwide, the profits go to Blackrock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, and others who have trillions of dollars and openly express their support for Israel.

    I thought that a McDonald's franchise would be basically 'local' but.... que sera sera ....

    I'm now doing my best to my shopping with as many locally-made products as available."

    Oh someone from Reddit said Blackrock, Vanguard, JPMorgan own McDonalds so it must be true.

    Sounds like one of these fools who reads who the shares are registered with and takes that to mean ownership not understanding how custody banks work.

      sonatine: UH OHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  12. #12
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Most McDonald's these days are franchised units, owned by penny-pinching individuals. That's part of the reason why they can often suck and be very stingy with things like napkins, ketchup, etc.

  13. #13
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    In 1993, I was in grad school, but a friend of mine who was 2 years younger was still in undergrad and in the dorms. I came over to visit him, and while we were strolling through the hallway, I saw a bunch of people on the floor in one room, making prank phone calls.

    We walked in there, I told everyone to move over and give me a shot, and I made various calls fucking around with local businesses.

    I actually did a good job with the calls and everyone thought it was hilarious. It was almost all dudes in there, but there was one hot Asian girl there who was very impressed by my calls, and apparently was also really into tall white guys. So when I stood up, she started heavily flirting with me, which was awkward because I found out a short time after that my friend had a thing for her. But that's another story for another time.

    Anyway, one of the calls was to McDonald's. The theme of that call was that I had been hoarding ketchup packets from the location, and purposely asking for more ketchup than I needed during each order, so I could do so. I "confessed" that it had turned into an obsession, and that I now had an entire bathtub full of McDonald's ketchup packets, all from that location. I claimed to be afraid of going to prison for this. I asked the woman on the phone if there was some sort of "ketchup amnesty program" where I could return the packets without getting into trouble.

    The woman I was speaking to, who turned out to be the store manager, was very professional about it, even as I made the phone call progressively more ridiculous. When she told me I could just keep the ketchup packets and not worry about it, I told her that I feared I now had the compulsion to do it again, and asked how if she would be as understanding if I did this all over again.

    Finally I did the big reveal that this was all a prank, and that a ton of people were in the background listening to the call. She was a very good sport about it, and in fact invited me to call back in the late hours when they typically aren't busy.

    I was especially surprised by the offer to call back, as clearly she must have taken a liking to me enough to want me to call again and talk to her. However, I was only 21 at the time, and knew that she had to be older than me if she was the manager. Her voice sounded fairly young, though.

    The dudes in the dorm were all telling me things like, "Dude, she wants you" and "You gotta go down there and fuck her", after we hung up. I wasn't ready to believe that stuff, but I was intrigued enough to call back.

    Well, I did call when I was back alone at my apartment. She and I talked a long time. She was 27, white, and had moved from Anchorage a few years prior. She had a very nice personality, a good sense of humor, seemed intelligent, and was very easygoing. The problem? She was married.

    I felt weird about the whole thing. I liked talking to her, but I wasn't looking to be a homewrecker. Still, I called her there a few times a week, and we would talk for awhile. I could tell she was enjoying the calls and was always excited to hear from me. In those days you couldn't get a picture sent to you without mailing one, but her description sounded attractive. I had to resist going down there to meet her in person, even though she invited me several times and even offered me a free burger if I did so (lol).

    During one of the calls, she told me why she had left Alaska. Apparently she was previously married to a different guy, and everything was going well until the dude asked if she'd do a threesome with him. He didn't have any specific woman in mind for the threesome, but just wanted her to agree to do it so he could look for someone. She told him that she had no interest in this, and refused. Strange as it sounds, this destroyed the marriage. She said he became "obsessed" with convincing her to agree to the threesome, and started saying nasty and abusive things about her because she would not relent and agree to it. This led to a divorce, and she left Alaska to start fresh. She quickly met a new guy in California, fell for him, and got remarried.

    This story made me feel especially guilty for talking to her so much and starting to develop interest. It would be one thing if she were in a shit marriage anyway, but she described her current husband as "really nice" and "the opposite of the first one".

    For this reason, I tapered off the phone calls, until they stopped completely. One day months later, curiosity got the better of me, so I went through the drive thru and asked if she was working. She was, came over to the window, and I introduced myself. She acted happy to see me, and told me to pull around and come in and say hi. I dd that, she gave me the long-promised free meal (I didn't ask for it, she offered), and we sat and talked for maybe 20 minutes, and then I left and that was that. She was pretty and part of me wanted to start calling her again, but I decided it was best to stay away from the whole thing.

    The end.

      FRANKRIZZO: love druffs romantic stories
      Mission146: Wild story!
      tyde: def did not read…insta scroll

  14. #14
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    Druff sounds like you were really quite the ladies man, seducing broads left and right

    That’s why you refuse to “tie the knot?” Can’t limit your options?

  15. #15
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post
    Druff sounds like you were really quite the ladies man, seducing broads left and right

    That’s why you refuse to “tie the knot?” Can’t limit your options?
    Brother I would advise showing some respect here and am disappointed in your 'jokes'.

    A woman seduced by prank calls and ketchup packets is a rare breed and there may be lingering sentiments that aren't to be trifled with.

  16. #16
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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  17. #17
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    I miss the good times when Mumbles was the most despised contributor on this site

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyPipes View Post
    Druff sounds like you were really quite the ladies man, seducing broads left and right

    That’s why you refuse to “tie the knot?” Can’t limit your options?
    this subject matter is off limits

    but hey man its perfectly normal to have a child with a ‘girlfriend’ and spawn a bastard son

    that said I do think this is a perfectly reasonable question to ask why Todd hasn’t married the mother of his child over a decade later

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    Nicky Pipes cuts to the chase

  20. #20
    Platinum nunbeater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    In 1993, I was in grad school, but a friend of mine who was 2 years younger was still in undergrad and in the dorms. I came over to visit him, and while we were strolling through the hallway, I saw a bunch of people on the floor in one room, making prank phone calls.

    We walked in there, I told everyone to move over and give me a shot, and I made various calls fucking around with local businesses.

    I actually did a good job with the calls and everyone thought it was hilarious. It was almost all dudes in there, but there was one hot Asian girl there who was very impressed by my calls, and apparently was also really into tall white guys. So when I stood up, she started heavily flirting with me, which was awkward because I found out a short time after that my friend had a thing for her. But that's another story for another time.

    Anyway, one of the calls was to McDonald's. The theme of that call was that I had been hoarding ketchup packets from the location, and purposely asking for more ketchup than I needed during each order, so I could do so. I "confessed" that it had turned into an obsession, and that I now had an entire bathtub full of McDonald's ketchup packets, all from that location. I claimed to be afraid of going to prison for this. I asked the woman on the phone if there was some sort of "ketchup amnesty program" where I could return the packets without getting into trouble.

    The woman I was speaking to, who turned out to be the store manager, was very professional about it, even as I made the phone call progressively more ridiculous. When she told me I could just keep the ketchup packets and not worry about it, I told her that I feared I now had the compulsion to do it again, and asked how if she would be as understanding if I did this all over again.

    Finally I did the big reveal that this was all a prank, and that a ton of people were in the background listening to the call. She was a very good sport about it, and in fact invited me to call back in the late hours when they typically aren't busy.

    I was especially surprised by the offer to call back, as clearly she must have taken a liking to me enough to want me to call again and talk to her. However, I was only 21 at the time, and knew that she had to be older than me if she was the manager. Her voice sounded fairly young, though.

    The dudes in the dorm were all telling me things like, "Dude, she wants you" and "You gotta go down there and fuck her", after we hung up. I wasn't ready to believe that stuff, but I was intrigued enough to call back.

    Well, I did call when I was back alone at my apartment. She and I talked a long time. She was 27, white, and had moved from Anchorage a few years prior. She had a very nice personality, a good sense of humor, seemed intelligent, and was very easygoing. The problem? She was married.

    I felt weird about the whole thing. I liked talking to her, but I wasn't looking to be a homewrecker. Still, I called her there a few times a week, and we would talk for awhile. I could tell she was enjoying the calls and was always excited to hear from me. In those days you couldn't get a picture sent to you without mailing one, but her description sounded attractive. I had to resist going down there to meet her in person, even though she invited me several times and even offered me a free burger if I did so (lol).

    During one of the calls, she told me why she had left Alaska. Apparently she was previously married to a different guy, and everything was going well until the dude asked if she'd do a threesome with him. He didn't have any specific woman in mind for the threesome, but just wanted her to agree to do it so he could look for someone. She told him that she had no interest in this, and refused. Strange as it sounds, this destroyed the marriage. She said he became "obsessed" with convincing her to agree to the threesome, and started saying nasty and abusive things about her because she would not relent and agree to it. This led to a divorce, and she left Alaska to start fresh. She quickly met a new guy in California, fell for him, and got remarried.

    This story made me feel especially guilty for talking to her so much and starting to develop interest. It would be one thing if she were in a shit marriage anyway, but she described her current husband as "really nice" and "the opposite of the first one".

    For this reason, I tapered off the phone calls, until they stopped completely. One day months later, curiosity got the better of me, so I went through the drive thru and asked if she was working. She was, came over to the window, and I introduced myself. She acted happy to see me, and told me to pull around and come in and say hi. I dd that, she gave me the long-promised free meal (I didn't ask for it, she offered), and we sat and talked for maybe 20 minutes, and then I left and that was that. She was pretty and part of me wanted to start calling her again, but I decided it was best to stay away from the whole thing.

    The end.
    wait what about the hot asian chick? thats what the fuck I wanna hear about

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