Things are not going well for Dan Todd Druff.

The community is furious, in uproar, and demanding action.

Where has Druff been? Hiding again? Had messages in my inbox complaining Druff is active on Twitter while ignoring his website.

The feedback is unanimous: 100% Negative

Not looking good for the future of PFA Poker Forum.

Everyone hates everyone. Druff's decisions are ridiculed and mocked.

Dan Druff has one option:

Dan Todd Druff must make Tyde a PFA Moderator

Does Dan Druff have the humility to make his biggest enemy a moderator?

Is Druff humble to enough to realize he does not have what it takes to take PFA from 8th Tier Poker Forum to #1 on the market?

Tyde is the man for the job, he needs to be made moderate IMMEDIATELY.

Otherwise, the people will continue to revolt