This thread is to be used solely for users to ask Druff's permission in advance to change their own signatures. The rules are as follows:
1. You must politely ask Druff if it is ok to change your signature at this time
2. Along with the request you must provide a verbatim wording of what you intend the signature to read
3. You must note if the signature you are choosing is related to any particular user
3a. If so, you must note whether you plan to cite your source or leave the post as anonymous.
4. You must wait for a response from Druff directly before changing your signature
5. If Druff approves your signature but later is harrassed via PM, Druff reserves the express right to edit or remove your signature without your permission of forewarning

Please do not troll this thread. Trolling could be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including fucking with your accout (as deemed necessary but Todd of course).
