DAY 1:

I've decided to quit masturbation once and for all. No, I haven't found god or become a born-again evangelical, but I have instead decided to finally take control of my life. Jerking off is a horrible habit that I want to cut out of my life. I've done it on a daily basis since puberty and this point its simply a trivial matter. As of late, I have tried and subsequently failed to quit masturbating. But, the couple of days where I withstood the urges have inspired me to end this self-destructive addiction. Those few days of nofap represented what life could be without the malaise that is internet porn. I'm more energetic, sharp, and motivated to accomplish greater feats than I normally would be when jerking off.

Anyways, I created this thread with the intent of updating it once a day and tracking my progress. They say that it takes 21 days to break a habit so that is the initial goal. Whenever I feel the urge, I'll update this thread and hope that it remedies the situation. Moreover, I have many hobbies and interests to go along with a rather busy school schedule. Thus, I trust that I will succeed in this endeavor. I've never been a chronic masturbator, usually I would jerk off once a night to help me sleep, but even that will have to end as of today.